"I am Jehovah [Yahweh] your God...YOU MUST NOT HAVE ANY OTHER gODS AGAINST MY FACE...You must not make for yourself a carved image or form...YOU MUST NOT BOW DOWN TO THEM NOR BE INDUCED TO SERVE THEM, because I Jehovah [Yahweh] your God am A GOD EXACTING * EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION * ...You MUST NOT TAKE UP the NAME of Jehovah [Yahweh] your God IN A WORTHLESS WAY." (Exodus 20:2-5,7) See John 17:17 !!
[What came to my mind, observing this? This - (Revelation 13:14-18):
And now, the world has seen what BADNESS comes from such thinking. As predicted - as correctly PROPHESIED, in type, by God - in one major country, the DEMAND is being made, by both GODLESS AND [anti-whole-scriptural] FALSE religious persons, strongly influencing the government (see Revelation chapters 17 and 18) that those who ACTUALLY worship THIS GOD, Jehovah/Yahweh, on HIS OWN SCRIPTURAL TERMS, *BE BANNED, in that world-power country; and their spiritual Bible study-aid, etc. literature be [UNJUSTLY] declared as being "extremist" - for teaching and upholding scriptural TRUTH that is "bothersome" and "inconvenient" to those who want to trangress it, for their own [illicit] personal desires; to those who do not want the anti-scriptural teachings and practices of their FALSE religions being exposed; or to those who view the scriptural mandates of God Himself (and those that follow and teach them) as being "obstacle-like" to the formation of a godless and spiritually sold-out society that they [so wrongly] see as being the "only hope" for mankind and so-called "peace and security" [of the prophesied counterfeit, God-denying, evil-working, God-defiant kind]. MEANWHILE, globally, those righteous and true before Jehovah/ Yahweh continue to OBEY HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, and PREACH/TEACH it to others, just as Jehovah/Yahweh HIMSELF has instructed His TRUE worshipers - and TRUE followers of His Son, Jesus Christ- to DO. In these ways, we continue to GLORIFY and SANCTIFY Jehovah/Yahweh's MOST HOLY NAME, praising it through all this earth. SOON, it WILL BE, that "Everyone who calls upon the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] will get away safe" (Joel 2:32; also see Romans 10:13), meaning, through Jehovah's Armageddon Day. But, with all the Scriptures together, it is clear: That safety, by way of God's name, will apply to those who decided to LEARN the scriptural truth about the God behind this name - and what His scriptural will is - and chose to HONOR, respect, and OBEY the GOD BEHIND THIS NAME.
(And then there was this. Note - the user's name was "constructive criticism" - so I made a [probably expected] pun off their name):
Constructive criticism would be for those who worked these things and were party to them to hurry up, and "repent... and turn around" (see Acts 3:19); leave all anti-whole-scriptural FALSE religion behind (Revelation 18:4,5); learn the scriptural truth about Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son (John 17:3); obey Jehovah and His Son' (John 3:36); and worship Jehovah/Yahweh "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24), on God's own scriptural terms - FOR THE HOUR IS GETTING LATE.