Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Like I Said. Satan's "Newest" Crop of Nazi-Type, Conscience-Defunct/ Conscienceless Tool-People

Inexcusably wrong - such CONSCIENCELESS, EVIL, UNJUST EXTREME human rights violations; and grotesquely UNJUST religious persecution against innocent Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia. What God-fighting cowards these mindless hench-men must be - SO EXTREME in their HATE FOR GOD; HATE FOR HIS SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS; and HATE for those loyal and true to Jehovah who peacefully practice, uphold, and PREACH/ TEACH those scriptural standards to mankind (as God and Jesus Christ have commanded and authorized true worshipers of Jehovah to do). And what spurred so much of this persecution on was SLANDER against Jehovah; and SLANDER against innocent - and scripturally loyal and true - Jehovah's Witnesses (all to the delight of the ROC, which does NOT want scriptural truth being preached in Russia [because that would all the further expose its doctrines and practices as being false, corrupt, and scripturally condemned]). 

The final fall of "Babylon the Great" - the world's FALSE religions, which fight against Jehovah, for fighting against His loyal and true people - will be brought about by Divine intervention, soon.  That will be followed by Armageddon itself, from Jehovah Himself - SOON. (Revelation, Chapters 17 - 19) "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)


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