Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Added On To: Come Together Right Now Over You (a Mere Human) - Or With Jehovah and His Son (or, Who is the True God of the Universe Anyways)?

Think about it.

If a charismatic rock star and band sang a [scriptural] faith denial/dismissing song to millions (or billions) of people, internationally, for 30 years; and then topped off a mass-performance of that song one night with "come together, right now, over ME" - instead of Jehovah, with His Son Jesus Christ, and by way of learning and practicing/obeying God's world-given scriptural truth - would that not seem pretty shady, idolatry-inciting, and even blasphemous? 

And "church of" WHO?????!!!!!!!! Church of some HUMAN??!! And, again, does your audience become a "church" of TRUE, ACCEPTABLE worship and religion - on God's own given, scriptural terms - because you call out something like, "take us to church" (as is usual now) during "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"? NO -it does NOT, does it. 

The only TRUE worshipers of Jehovah/Yahweh - the only TRUE Christians - meet, for the most part (for  formal worship) in Kingdom Halls of Jehovah's Witnesses, around the earth. 

Does that mean that everyone CLAIMING to be a scriptural Jehovah's Witness truly is one? No, it does not. Should anyone figure that Satan - during his last, angry "hours"  before Armageddon Day - would stop trying to slander God and those TRUE to Him; stop working to stumble, mislead, discourage, or make trouble for those actually TRUE to Jehovah/Yahweh and Jesus Christ; or stop trying to divert honest-hearted seekers of God away from Him and His scriptural truth, and the one TRUE global religion (with Jehovah's own name on it, as prophesied) that does indeed yield? Of course Satan and his demons - and their willing human hordes - have intensified their slander and trouble-making. These ARE the LAST of the pre-Armageddon Days. Satan wants everyone possible to either be diverted, misled, or discouraged away from Jehovah, His truth, and true worship - or, as an even greater slap in the face to God and Jesus Christ, for those who have been TRUE followers of Jehovah Himself to TURN AWAY from God, and become Satan's death-futured slaves, along with the rest of the stubbornly wicked ones of this world. 

Yet, TRUE worshipers of Jehovah/Yahweh, like our Lord Jesus Christ, DO NOT WORSHIP ANY MAN, or put ANY WORDS of ANY HUMAN above those of God Almighty. "We must worship God as ruler rather than men" (Acts 5:29) - any men. So therein are some of the greatest safeties. Satan and his hordes can LIE and work confusion, deception, slander, treachery, persecution, etc., all day and all night; but it will not ever be able to change the facts that pure worship of Jehovah (the Only True God); and "a great crowd, which no man is able to number", of people loyal and true to Jehovah exist - and will continue to do His will on this earth; including upholding and preaching His scriptural truth - and will continue (as a group, as "a people for God's name") to exist, straight on through Armageddon Day, and right in to God's own new world here, His TRUE, heaven-based Kingdom, come down to earth here. (Revelation 7:9,10,13-17) SOON.

Is Jehovah's TRUE, scriptural religion - Jesus' global congregation "without walls"? Of course it is. No earthly edifice can contain Jehovah/Yahweh. Yet, does Jehovah have his true worshipers utilize buildings on this planet? Yes - he did before, with the temple; and for a long time, he has, with His gathered (for "the time of the end") people usually meeting for (most) formal meetings for worship in Kingdom Halls around the world (which are called that, to differentiate them from the many "churches" of FALSE, anti-whole scriptural and God-disobedient and blaspheming religions [of "Babylon the Great"]). Does a true worshiper of Jehovah need to be inside a Kingdom Hall to have mental contact with the person of God in prayer; or to feed upon answers of His, in His Holy Scriptures; or to experience individual help, comfort, lead, or motivation by Jehovah's Holy spirit (His active force)? Of course not. But that there are Scriptural admonitions to meet together with other true worshipers cannot be denied- thus meeting places for worship. (Witnesses also use these as centers for organized preaching work - and their disaster relief work to.)

Oh, but hey - again, in fulfillment of prophesies of how some would treat the TRUE worshipers of God during these last days - Russia recently went "king of the north" mode, and STOLE the properties of Jehovah's people in Russia (their Kingdom Halls and branch office there). This is what happens when people listen to FALSE religious QUACKS and slanderers (of "Babylon the Great") - for example, the Russian Orthodox church - instead of studying in the Scriptures about what happened to the king Belshazzar and his henchmen (and magic-practicing priests) who stole and desecrated Jehovah's holy property in ancient times; or what happened to the wicked Pharaoh and those with him in Moses' time; Psalm 2; Revelation (notably 16-19 now - Revelation chapters 17 and 18 is in our faces); Ezekiel 38 and 39; Daniel chapter 11; Daniel 2:44; etc.

"Let it go" - God's own Bible message to mankind conclusion of "Revelation", with all of the life-saving direction and hope [and hope-assuring fulfillment of prophecy] that gives; such as for all people to leave all of the world's anti-Jehovah, anti-whole-scriptural, evil-teaching and practicing FALSE religions behind at once [Revelation 18:4,5]?? What a life and future-ruining mistake that would be. Whereas FALSE religionists, pagans, atheists, etc. - in all of their spiritual apathy, for NOT being in possession of and/or caring about scriptural truth anyway - might not have any "problem" with denial and dismissal of Divinely purposed and given, life-vital scriptural-spiritual truth; those who KNOW (or whose honest-hearted, built-in consciences would recognize Jehovah's own "voice" in His own words) are and would be opposed to any such suggestion.

Really, as seen in much of the (prophesied-in-type) spiritual corruption/ Satanic propaganda at large right now, that is a huge part of Satan and his horde's "game"/ plot: Try to destroy, [falsely] discredit, distract from, dissuade from - and  TRY TO "SILENCE" (even by extreme human rights violations, unjust persecution, gross injustices, etc.) - scriptural-spiritual truth, and true-to-Jehovah messengers of it.

Jehovah will cut these days of trouble short. His [scriptural] new world [not any counterfeit one] will be here soon.

In the meantime, as always, 

Dreamers need truth
Truth gives hope
By the promises
Jah Himself wrote


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