Thursday, July 13, 2017

Just Sick: U2 Concerts as "Church", Where the (Bottom-Line) Creedo is to Reject Even Jehovah's Scriptural Truth, Which is Being Preached World-Wide, as NOT What One is "Looking For"

Re: Berlin - July 12, 2017 (as gleaned via video)

During the climax of "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", just before the sung CLAIM of "I believe in the Kingdom come"; Bono/ U2 have recently used that part of the song to refer to themselves and their audience as being a "church"; and he/they also use that space to name-drop various seeming/ inferred churches and/or false religious leaders of them - of various entities of "Babylon the Great."

That, in itself, as already explained - by reasoning on the Scriptures - is NOT good.

I wouldn't want to be a "traveling merchant" for "Babylon the Great" - Satan's global empire of all spiritism-teaching, injustice-practicing, spiritually adulterous to "the kings of the earth", and blood guilty ("for all who have been slaughtered upon the earth") FALSE religions, would you?? - 

"And a strong angel lifted up a stone like a great millstone and hurled it into the sea, saying: “Thus with a swift pitch will Babylon the great city be hurled down, and she will never be found again.  And the sound of singers who accompany themselves on the harp and of musicians and of flutists and of trumpeters will never be heard in you again, and no craftsman of any trade will ever be found in you again, and no sound of a millstone will ever be heard in you again,  and no light of a lamp will ever shine in you again, and no voice of a bridegroom and of a bride will ever be heard in you again; because your traveling merchants were the top-ranking men of the earth, for by your spiritistic practice all the nations were misled.  Yes, in her was found the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." (Revelation 18:21-24)

So boldly though, there is this now - Bono/ U2's recent mass-media-ed proclamations of them and their audience with them as BEING A CHURCH. This has been happening repeatedly, during this tour....

And then at the most recent show - July 12, 2017?

I saw what I saw (via video) and found it to be terrible:

Bono called out, "COME ON, CHURCH!!"

as an invocation, to the massive audience,

to sing back to him, en masse,

that they "still haven't found what [they're] looking for."

Bono and U2 are doing this even though these are the prophesied last days for this Satan-run world system; and Jehovah has been doing what He said He would - causing His faithful and true worshipers/ his messengers to deliver His life-helping and life-saving scriptural truth and warning messages to "all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3:17-21)

So, while Jehovah and Jesus Christ themselves (and angels) are working with loyal and true Christian Witnesses of Jehovah, to help them to urgently get the life-and-future-vital, scriptural messages and warnings from Jehovah/ Yahweh out, to all of their fellow human beings, everywhere on planet earth; 

Bono and U2 are telling the world TO PAY NO MIND -



I suppose that it IS effective though, to gain profit and fame - and to "HOOK" PEOPLE IN - FOR THE UNDERMINEMENT OF ANY HONEST-HEARTED SEARCHING FOR JEHOVAH'S TRUTH - to SPRINKLE SONGS and PERFORMANCES of them with references and allusions to Scripture BITS and pieces of them FROM Jehovah...

After the massive international audience (of the stadium Hitler built [though I've been there myself, for a U2 show {and side note: there was a terrible stampede danger there, releasing a bottle-necked mob of fans DOWN ONTO CONCRETE STEPS, towards the field!!}]) responded back to a charismatic leader of today with the taught words that he wanted to hear, affirming that, "[they] still haven't found what [they're] looking for" - despite the global, pre-Armageddon preaching work being carried on by Jehovah, Jesus, God's angels, and true Jehovah's Witnesses - the charismatic leader was all smiles.

So was Satan, so to say.

But not Jehovah, not Yahweh
Not anyone
Faithful and true
Misleading causes death
You should know that, you too. 

Oh - and members of the church of Bono/U2 are urged to sign up for the "One" campaign. 

The title of that mimics the Scriptures describing the unity of those that would be members of Jehovah's one true religion of Christians on earth, as found at Ephesians 4:2-6.

But, yet, the church of Bono/U2 is WITHOUT Jehovah, Jesus Christ, or God's holy spirit (His active force). It is without God's blessing. It does not worship Jehovah/Yahweh, on His own given and required scriptural terms for pure worship. It does not worship Jehovah"with spirit and truth." (John 4:24) 

In fact, worship of a FALSE god, Allah (who, despite ignorant trend propaganda of "falsely called knowledge", is absolutely NOT the same God as Jehovah) - and the other top sector of "Babylon the Great", Catholicism - are promoted, reinforced, and/or condoned every show, during the "Miss Sarejevo" song, in which Bono asks, "Is there a time to bow to Mecca, be a beauty queen before [g]od?" and "Is there a time for first communion?"

The every-show performances of "EXIT", on the other hand, are like an evil bomb of propaganda, indiscriminately blasting shards at both FALSE "Christian"religions that practice "faith healing", ask for money via TV "evangelists", and are actually guilty of MUCH ongoing sexual child abuse; and SEEMING, NEGLIGENTLY-IRRESPONSIBLY INFER-ABLE MUSICAL MOCKERY, DISBARGEMENT, and SLANDER - especially given the current horrid and opportunistic [apostate] trend of such - at 8 million innocent and true worshipers of the only True God, over GROSSLY EXPLOITED or even falsely-charged/slandered, and EXCEEDINGLY FEW incidences and/or alleged incidences and/or fabricated-exploited incidences of sexual child abuse and then unjust and error-some incident mishandlement; all by, again, AN EXCEEDINGLY FEW number of persons CLAIMING to "be" Jehovah's Witnesses. (NO ONE acting as a sexual child abuser IS a Jehovah's Witness; but instead, they ARE a demonic/demonized servant of SATAN, VIOLATING Jehovah's LAWS and SPIRIT.) Besides the law of the land; ANY actual sexual child abuser WILL ANSWER to JEHOVAH, regarding their hideous and soul-destructive/ life-destructive CRIME. NOTICE that the TRUTH about this is THE OPPOSITE as that of the demonic Catholic Church - which demonically just proclaimed "FORGIVENESS" upon a priest in Oaxaca, who raped about a dozen 5 to 12-yr-old indigenous girls, and even knowing that he had AIDS. When the mother of one of the victims appealed to the Vatican, she received the shut-out response that "the matter is closed." (NO IT'S NOT: First, Jehovah will soon intervene, to destroy every entity of demonic FALSE religion [AS OPPOSED TO HIS OWN TRUE ONE - which will be left, globally, INTACT]; and THEN, HE will follow that with His Armageddon Day itself - in which HE will rid the earth of stubborn evildoers, no matter where they are found, or who or what they are CLAIMING to be. (Revelation Chapters 18 and 19)

FOR THE SEEMING HURTFUL, RECKLESS, and SLANDEROUS INSINUATIONS TOWARDS MILLIONS OF INNOCENT WORSHIPERS OF JEHOVAH - TO THE APPLAUSE and CHEERS of enemies-of-God, "LOOKING FOR" LIE-"EXCUSES", so as to NOT feel obligated  to LISTEN TO or OBEY God's KNOWN, scriptural standards (and so feel more "license" to mistreat or persecute innocent Jehovah's Witness messengers of God's [often hated] words); THIS PERFORMANCE, "EXIT", is EXCEEDINGLY HURTFUL, DISTURBING, and RECKLESSLY UNJUST - and promotes more HATE and INJUSTICE towards TRUE worshipers of Jehovah God.

Additionally, this false and sad new concert "church"picks and chooses, Scripture-bit references, as convenient - sometimes badly mal-applied, from being way out-of-context - and shows much disregard for the whole lot of the rest of Jehovah's own scriptural words. 

(TRUE worship services don't include POLITICS, either. GOD'S KINGDOM "IS NO PART OF THIS WORLD" and "DOES NOT ORIGINATE WITH THIS WORLD" - SO SAYS THE GOD-APPOINTED KING OF THE REAL "KINGDOM" that U2's song, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" alludes to. GOD'S KINGDOM is what TRUE worshipers of God SERVE, and PUT THEIR ALLEGIANCE, HOPE, and TRUST IN [for the saving and future of mankind, etc.]).

IT ALSO INCORPORATES, via the "faith-based" One Campaign, the band's website adjuncts and dominating contributors, and various spin-offs of fervent false religionist U2 "fans"(on the idolatrous side of being "fans"), VARIOUS GROUPS OF FALSE RELIGIOUS ENTITIES; FALSE RELIGIOUS LEADERS of Christendom (apostate "Christianity") as well as other sectors of Babylon the Great; atheism, and just plan straight-out idolatry of men.

By scriptural standards, is that an acceptable grouping of people, for the purpose of worship of God?

In no way. Jehovah - the Creator, Only True God, and Universal Sovereign's scriptural standards for His worshipers are not even addressed by this so-called "church." Instead, its a free-for-all of persons who practice scripturally-condemned sins; promotion and/or condonation of gross sin (such as homosexual sex/"marriage", participation in Satan's global war machinery); idolatry; apostasy; blasphemy; rebellion and even mockery against God; etc. 

The only standards that seem to "matter", in the "church" of Bono/U2 are paying homage to "Dr. King's dream" (which, in its main points, was similar to a number of Jehovah's already given scriptural purposes, including some of His own wordage - but no credit goes to God, the originator); mentions of helping refugees (which people should already be doing, by scriptural standards); mentions of not being racist or [out of one side of the mouth, anyway] nationalistic (already scriptural standards); and putting aside all spiritual differences, for this church - for the one purpose held above all else - EVEN ABOVE THE SCRIPTURAL COMMANDS, REQUIREMENTS, and STANDARDS OF GOD ALMIGHTY - participation in the "One" campaign.

Okay, as WORSHIP of Jehovah/ Yahweh, THE ONLY TRUE GOD?


Is this a "church", a grouping of "worshipers" OBEYING JESUS CHRIST - who told the world they should live by "every utterance coming forth from Jehovah's mouth" (Matthew 4:4); etc., etc., etc????!

NO. It is a "church" that is as apart from being obedient to God and His Son.

As such, it is NOT, in any way, a "church" or congregation that is teaching its members or others LIFE-VITAL and beneficial scriptural-spiritual truth (in whole); how to have a viable relationship with their Heavenly Father; how to become reconciled to Him; how to scripturally honor Jesus Christ;  how to receive necessary forgiveness for their sins; what God's known scriptural will is, for His worshipers to do; how to actually treat one's fellow human beings, vs. how NOT to; or how to put oneself in line for survival of God's soon-coming destruction of the world empire of all FALSE religions, followed by His ridding the earth of every last vestige of evil (as well as every stubbornly evil- though-warned, individual); etc.

The above "list" could be detailed, and could be extended into at least one over-sized book, as to reasons why the [concert] church of Bono/U2 fails to meet Jehovah's own scriptural requirements, as being an acceptable body of worshipers of Him - or form of worship of Him. The difference is as sharp as light vs. darkness, good vs. evil, etc.

MOREOVER, it is a "church" in opposition to the one true, scripturally-described global religion for this time of the end, with God's own holy name upon it, as prophesied.

This situation is highly reminiscent of how some spiritual hooligans diverted worshipers (and would-be worshipers) of Jehovah AWAY from going to God's temple in Jerusalem, as He had instructed - and bid them to hang out in the more convenient cities of Bethel and Dan instead, and "worship God" with golden calves there. 

As it was, that these arrangements were against Jehovah's own ones, for people to worship Him acceptably, things did NOT turn out well.

That story/ lesson - and others contrasting Jah's acceptability of pure worship (on His own scripturally-given terms) vs. His own rightful HATE and anger against different forms of "worship" that violate (and blaspheme) His own standards of worship - has been purposely preserved by God as a warning lesson for people of our day too.

Worship of the only True God is nothing anyone belongs making light of or treating disrespectfully. Worship of the only True God, Jehovah/ Yahweh does not consist of events where tickets are purchased through Live Nation, and where a band and others involved pull a personal profit off of the gathering/ assembly.

How much more ridiculous are things going to get; before Jehovah tells the four angels,  figuratively holding back the four winds of destruction - from coming upon the world of wicked mankind - to let them fly.

P.S. By clear spiritual principle, that it would be disloyal and disobedient to Jehovah, for me to participate in any form of false worship; I could not possibly attend one of these concert-"church"gatherings [though I have attended U2 concerts in the past]. That is true, even though, as already stated, there are other issues at large - with some content of these shows (and the still-ongoing problem of the "U2 Yahweh" blasphemy videos being left up and running) - that are also reasons why I would not attend now.) And I find it a loss - to not be able to hear some of the songs I really enjoy, LIVE.

P.S.S. Did you know that an Eye-of-Rah tee shirt would be offensive to Jehovah as "worship"-wear - or other wear - on anyone CLAIMING to support THE ONLY GOD THAT HAS ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE ACTUAL and TRUE, SCRIPTURAL, HEAVEN-BASED "KINGDOM COME" (coming to earth soon)??



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