Wednesday, August 17, 2005



"MOCK the Devil, and he will flee from you" - a reckless, spiritually harmful, twisted paraphrase of James 4:7; as found in a fictional book hailed by many "Christians", The Screwtape Letters, by C.S. Lewis.

An ACCURATE translation of James 4:7 is this: "OPPOSE the Devil, and he will flee from you." (NWT)

KJ, The Living Bible, TEV, NIV, RSV, Phillips Modern English, the Jerusalem Bible - and more - all likewise use the phrase "RESIST the Devil."

"Opposing" and "resisting" Satan are DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT from playing in spiritism to "mock the Devil", as the FICTION WRITER recommends. Since God's own words repeatedly and strongly condemn (under penalty of death) any form of spiritism - acting to invoke Satan or demons in order to "mock" them is against God's commands and principles. The results COULDN'T be good.

Bono has famously used this "mock the Devil" excuse for masquerading as "Satan" in past shows.

An internet article sampling of a number of so-called "Christian experts" reveals pathetic, scripturally unsupported and mal-supported babble, and stretched-for rationalization of how this can still be something admirable.


God's Scriptures proved to be true again. C.S. Lewis' careless rendition, in contrast, has proven to be tragically inferior (untrue): Following Lewis' "theory",

Satan's spirit DIDN'T "flee."

It really stinks.

A quick check of U2's major fan message boards definitely shows that Satan's spirit is THRIVING among many "U2 fans" today, with comments such as this: "F _ _ _ the Bible"; "I'm the bride of the Prince of Darkness"; and much more content displaying gross disrespect for God. At the same time, however, there has been evidence of prejudice against God's words of truth occurring on the part of many - including the "moderators" and/ or even the administrators of three of those websites. ("Satan" emoticons are a popular "giggle" on one of those boards, even though they insult and grieve God's spirit, and both he and Christ have a hatred for such choices showing favor for evil.)

In Dublin, after one of the "Vertigo" concerts, which I attended as an observer-protester, I witnessed a whole string of girls trapsing down the street wearing bright red Devil horns. I also noticed that they were very immodestly dressed. As a mother and veteran observer of teenagers, my sense is that things will not be going well for those girls. What a shame....


A biblical principle is that if someone does something WRONG that HARMS others, they should TRY to MAKE whatever AMENDS they reasonably can, by their conscience (for which they have to answer to God).

It seems to be an easy call, doesn't it? If a person is a global megastar- entertainment hero and they teach of something so spiritually hurtful-deathful; shouldn't they make a concerted effort to RETRACT and SERIOUSLY PUBLICALLY REPUDIATE such a bad example they themself set for masses of people - "put it to rest" - IF they CARE about God and their throngs of often blindly-following fans, whose spirituality and futures are at risk?! (Just about anything "Bono says" is nearly immediate widespread "news" - at least among so many fans - isn't it?)

The "horn" mentality and ungodliness demonstrated at the websites are just a couple of the effects of Satan's spirit that can be seen now, however....The concert blasphemy of Yahweh and Christ as well as the lessons in idolatry through that venue also need to stop. It is an emergency. Armageddon is coming - maybe even millions of "fans" will end up losing their lives then, if they follow the anti-scriptural and spiritually misleading teachings that have been promoted and re-fueled rather than rejected at these shows.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

Hi Jack,

I'm just using a plain black template from and choosing my own colors and font; then writing what I feel strongly about and posting...The last stuff you post turns out on top, you know, so arrange accordingly...That's about all I know - I'm still a computer beginner myself!

Maybe you've come across it already, but I found this site on that sickness -

Quite a sad world now, with people getting sick from all kinds of toxins/pollutants. Under God's coming heaven-based global Kingdom, the entire earth will be properly overseen, cleaned up, and renewed. The inhabitants will be healed too - physically and mentally. There will come to be no more pain, sickness, tears of sadness, or death. "Just a little while longer..." (Psalm 37:10,11; Revelation 21:3,4)

Have a Good Day,


10:24 AM  
Blogger Cyberpark said...

i don't know if a little more are aware of it, but a "Christian Democrat" (CD) put up a Satanic College in New York in the 70s. it is still alive, the founder looked pale (as if he just saw a ghost but after recovering from his shock) said in a low whisper when he was quizzed by a former student. then he shook his fingers to indicate talking about the school's a no-no in public. of course it is. has to be.

the said CD founder of the devil worship school also founded christian democracy in the philippines. imagine that! and he joined up with a west point graduate who was elected president. a seer once cornered me just to say west pointer in another realm could be seen carrying 4,000 devils on his body. a lady who travels to indonesia said, wrong, it is not 4 but 7 thousand! wow! can you dig that?

i had occasions of being near CD and satanic college founder and he always ran as far away from me, not wanting to be near me for any two seconds or specially more. that's the cause of our troubles in the philippines if you ever hear about us. an arch bishop who has a penchant for boys is appearing day in and day out over the media and slinging mud at the government. "her" compatriot another person of uncertain gender, is singing caustic exposes against the first couple. the son of another one also of uncertain gender, is the spokesman of the demonic tribe, is good looking and speaks like he has no emotion nor passion and degrades the institutions of the country at every turn. and so on and so forth. now they are even joining hands with the persons that kidnapped gracia burnham and are planning suicide bombings! whew! the devil never rests!!!

it's the black guards at work alright. i hope that the angels and Big Father will notice...

8:28 PM  

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