At Least U2 Didn't Use Pagan Symbols for "Yahweh" in the New DVD
Re: The new Vertigo DVD -
At least they did not show huge, lit-up spiritistic-pagan-idol symbols during "Yahweh" for this filming - like they did at many or most of the live Vertigo concerts.
(The DVD still highlights Bono's COEXIST headband, however - with its three pagan-spiritistic symbols: The cresent moon, the hexagram, and the cross. Bono is also pictured wearing it on the DVD's cover.)
More FYI:
God DOES NOT bless or protect troups today (as requested by Bono in the Vertigo DVD). He blesses the efforts of those people who OBEY HIM - who DO NOT TAKE UP THE SWORD, and who LEARN WAR NO MORE, etc. (Matthew 26:52; Revelation 13:10; Isaiah 2:4)
Bono, did you or did you not make quite a repeated, giant public issue about the war-mongering of religions??? This is an example of what is wrong, and you did it yourself! God ISN'T GOING TO BLESS OR PROTECT THE MILITARY TROUPS OF NATIONS ANYMORE - they are NOT doing his will. To infer that God would is just joining in with all of the other FALSE "Christian" and other FALSE religionists who promote and/ or condone fleshly war participation and spiritual support of it!!!! Again, what is the point of backing "Give Peace a Chance", walking around making the peace sign, singing "Love and peace", etc., but then praying before the masses - asking them to join in too - for God's protection of those in the military? How are you being DIFFERENT than those whom you are portraying as spiritually blinded??? And then you followed THIS by scrolling the Declaration of Human Rights - and then singing "Hallelujah"?????????????????????
Will this Bob Dylan song help at all?
(Notes: Strike out the word "hell"; and also know that it's Satan and men that have been making the wars and who keep making them - so don't blame God for not stopping any new ones. Also, there's really no question, and confusion is unnecessary - "Love your neighbor as yourself", "love your enemy", "you must not murder", and the above Scriptures about not taking up the sword and learning war all make it crystal clear: Participation in and/ or spiritual support of the wars of the nations today violate God and Christ's commands and principles and mar a person's relationship with the heavenly Father/ Giver of Life and his Son who gave his life so that men could LIVE.)
Can you SEE THE DIFFERENCE yet between the global conglomerate of all false religions (Satan's "Babylon the Great") - what they're about, what they've done, what they do, and where they're headed - and Jehovah/ Yahweh and Jesus Christ's one global, united, loyal, conscientious-objecting, Bible-OBEDIENT people who bear the name of Jehovah/ Yahweh upon them as his Witnesses, and who seek to have his name HONORED and his life-saving TRUTH made known throughout the earth??? There is a difference, is there not???
"At that time, those in fear of Jehovah [Yahweh] spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah [Yahweh] kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah [Yahweh] and for those thinking upon his name.
'And they will certainly become mine, Jehovah [Yahweh] of armies has said, 'at the day when I am producing a special property. And I will show compassion upon them, just as a man shows compassion upon his son who is serving him. And you people will again certainly see [the distinction] between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.'" (Malachi 3:16-18)
P.S. I'll answer what Bob Dylan in that song would not: The Scriptures show that Judas Iscariot did NOT have "God on his side." (John 17:12; Matthew 23:15) Please remember that.
At least they did not show huge, lit-up spiritistic-pagan-idol symbols during "Yahweh" for this filming - like they did at many or most of the live Vertigo concerts.
(The DVD still highlights Bono's COEXIST headband, however - with its three pagan-spiritistic symbols: The cresent moon, the hexagram, and the cross. Bono is also pictured wearing it on the DVD's cover.)
More FYI:
God DOES NOT bless or protect troups today (as requested by Bono in the Vertigo DVD). He blesses the efforts of those people who OBEY HIM - who DO NOT TAKE UP THE SWORD, and who LEARN WAR NO MORE, etc. (Matthew 26:52; Revelation 13:10; Isaiah 2:4)
Bono, did you or did you not make quite a repeated, giant public issue about the war-mongering of religions??? This is an example of what is wrong, and you did it yourself! God ISN'T GOING TO BLESS OR PROTECT THE MILITARY TROUPS OF NATIONS ANYMORE - they are NOT doing his will. To infer that God would is just joining in with all of the other FALSE "Christian" and other FALSE religionists who promote and/ or condone fleshly war participation and spiritual support of it!!!! Again, what is the point of backing "Give Peace a Chance", walking around making the peace sign, singing "Love and peace", etc., but then praying before the masses - asking them to join in too - for God's protection of those in the military? How are you being DIFFERENT than those whom you are portraying as spiritually blinded??? And then you followed THIS by scrolling the Declaration of Human Rights - and then singing "Hallelujah"?????????????????????
Will this Bob Dylan song help at all?
(Notes: Strike out the word "hell"; and also know that it's Satan and men that have been making the wars and who keep making them - so don't blame God for not stopping any new ones. Also, there's really no question, and confusion is unnecessary - "Love your neighbor as yourself", "love your enemy", "you must not murder", and the above Scriptures about not taking up the sword and learning war all make it crystal clear: Participation in and/ or spiritual support of the wars of the nations today violate God and Christ's commands and principles and mar a person's relationship with the heavenly Father/ Giver of Life and his Son who gave his life so that men could LIVE.)
Can you SEE THE DIFFERENCE yet between the global conglomerate of all false religions (Satan's "Babylon the Great") - what they're about, what they've done, what they do, and where they're headed - and Jehovah/ Yahweh and Jesus Christ's one global, united, loyal, conscientious-objecting, Bible-OBEDIENT people who bear the name of Jehovah/ Yahweh upon them as his Witnesses, and who seek to have his name HONORED and his life-saving TRUTH made known throughout the earth??? There is a difference, is there not???
"At that time, those in fear of Jehovah [Yahweh] spoke with one another, each one with his companion, and Jehovah [Yahweh] kept paying attention and listening. And a book of remembrance began to be written up before him for those in fear of Jehovah [Yahweh] and for those thinking upon his name.
'And they will certainly become mine, Jehovah [Yahweh] of armies has said, 'at the day when I am producing a special property. And I will show compassion upon them, just as a man shows compassion upon his son who is serving him. And you people will again certainly see [the distinction] between a righteous one and a wicked one, between one serving God and one who has not served him.'" (Malachi 3:16-18)
P.S. I'll answer what Bob Dylan in that song would not: The Scriptures show that Judas Iscariot did NOT have "God on his side." (John 17:12; Matthew 23:15) Please remember that.