Thursday, January 12, 2006

Who Put the Bono Under the Buddah?

I about bust. Let me explain...

Last October, I "slipped in under the wire" - I went and listened to Bono give a lecture at Penn State University, and then had dinner there. I wanted to hear one of these speeches first hand...I already knew, however, that what is going to save this world is far different than what most or maybe even all of the rest there were putting their hope in. I took notes...

Only one speaker in this secular setting made a "God" reference with snide inflection. I think the word was "dogma." Imagine a snide-slide of "dog-ma." He was speaking of how Bono presented the subject of "human rights" without "dog-ma." (Clue: For an ultimate example of man-made "dogma" , read Article 29, section 3.) That is also really, really ironic considering what came later...

The dinner and reception were in an archeological museum, with false god statues everywhere. (Not only did worship of some of these false gods involve their own sets of "dog-ma"; but some of these "gods" themselves LOOKED like dogs (or swine or cats, etc.)

I wandered off, and found a humble space of wall where the topic was "Yahweh." This is part of what the plaque had to say regarding worship of him - how it stood out as different:

"Ancient Near Eastern religions were polytheistic, recognizing and worshiping more than one diety. Biblical monotheism, the concept of a single god with a universal authority, STANDS OUT AS A UNIQUE DEVELOPMENT in ancient Israel."

Indeed - it is the same today. Those who insist on worshiping Yahweh/ Jehovah - as their single God, with universal authority - stand out as different.

The dinner was held in a round room, encircled by statues - old stone false god figures. "We ate the food, we drank the wine/ Everyone having a good time..." Except me, I wanted to talk about the end of the world. (Actually, I had a nice conversation with someone.)

After a lot of people had left, I went over to where Bono had been sitting. I couldn't believe my eyes. Unreal! These people actually had the man sit underneath a giant "Future buddah" statue! The buddah's hand was extended, so it would have been as if Bono was eating dinner beneath his palm, being "blessed" or something. (This is the same university that conferred an honorary Doctorate of Law degree on Bono. Now he's their undergraduate god?) I could have laid on my belly, pounded the floor and kicked my feet in laughter at how ridiculous this all was, but I kept decorum and left quietly. After all, tomorrow was another day.


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