Sunday, January 15, 2006

God's Name Should NOT be Sung While Promoting the United Nations!!!!!!!!!!!!!

During "Vertigo" shows, U2 made a place for scrolling down some of the beginning Articles of the Declaration of Human Rights. Seems all good - right? After all, a lot of the "Human Rights" shown were God-given freedoms that all people should have, without unjust oppression from others. In the show filmed for the Vertigo Tour DVD, as well as in at least one show I observed in person, U2 sang "Hallelujah" repeatedly during the scrolling of the UN's words.

"Hallelujah" means "Praise Jah/ Praise Jah, you people!"; "Jah" being a shortened form of Jehovah/ Yahweh.

God has his standards of human rights, and they are being violated, in many instances severely, everywhere on earth. No human institution has resolved these issues for everyone, everywhere; and neither is there true security of person for anyone in this world at this time.
So, while its nice to have certain stated righteous goals and standards to point to; people's God-given human rights are still being trampled on. Actual and consistent protection and upholding of them has NOT been accomplished by this or any other man-made ruling entity.

Like God's words teach, it is beyond human power to root out all of the forces of evil that lurk around and make bad trouble in this world. God's power and Rule are what is needed to get rid of what the underlying problems are - which are spiritual problems involving people's minds and hearts - their motivation for what they choose to do; and also the presence of wicked spirit beings in among mankind. Therefore, it is false for people to exalt a human institution as being that which can deliver only what the True God with his perfect righteousness, justice, love, wisdom, and power can.

The UN has not established lasting conditions of Human Rights for everyone, any much more than they have brought about changes in people's thinking to where they resolve to not go to war and fight each other anymore - even though Isaiah 2:4 has been chiseled in stone on a wall of their plaza. Clearly, the UN cannot effectively do God's job as global manager - but neither were they ever meant to.

Still, rather than looking to God rule and God's real heaven-based Kingdom being brought down to earth as the answer to mankind's multiple crtitical-level problems; many people would rather rest their hope in other people's "power" and ingenuity to make "everything" right. So, they continue to ignore God's instruction for their own good; and they keep misplacing their faith and efforts.

If U2 were to continue to scroll down towards the bottom of the Declaration of Human Rights, they would find something notably "darker" than the "Up, Up With People" beginning: Article 29, Section 3. That Section demands that the UN be held in highest authority - by all - over the affairs of men. In short, here it is demanding to be god to the world.

Now, whoever would want a global idol to be set up?

God Almighty's Adversary?

Of course.

He (Satan) would like people to give worship to
anything other than the Creator, on God's own terms.

As more credit to Jehovah/ Yahweh, the words of his Bible long ago predicted that humans would set up such an idol against him - and that they would be motivated to do so by the same wicked being that originally encouraged mankind to rule themselves rather than to obey God-rule. (Revelation 13:2, 12-15; Genesis 3:1-5; Revelation 12:9)
However, it is Yahweh/ Jehovah/ Jah that absolutely should be held in Highest Authority over the affairs of men. As the Universal Sovereign, he has delivered his own decrees and standards to the world of mankind - for our hope, benefit, and continued life. Most people ignore them, and choose to subscribe to inferior, man-made (self-made), and Satan-inspired codes for living instead. (That is why our world is nearly ruined again.) Nevertheless, Yahweh/ Jehovah's own rules regarding worship of him; and his global people's right to carry out worship of him according to his commandments and purposes are rightly beyond the jurisdiction of mere fellow human beings. It also remains that Yahweh/ Jehovah is the Judge of the Earth, and will soon hold every last person accountable for whether they chose to obey HIS rule and respect HIS Universal Sovereignty above all or not. (2 Thessalonians 1:8)

In case of conflict between any law of men and God's laws, TRUE Christians "obey God as ruler rather than men." (Acts 5:29) They give their allegiance and trust for the salvation of humankind and themselves only to the Maker, Jehovah/ Yahweh, and his Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is Jehovah/ Yahweh's appointed King of his heaven-based Kingdom, which soon will be extended by him to engulf the whole earth.

Not only will individual man-made kingdoms cease to exist (Daniel 2:44) , but any conglomerate of them set up to rival God over the rule of mankind will certainly cease to exist as well. (Revelation 16:13,14; 19:17-20) All (false) religious entities that indulge in popular spiritual adultery by giving support to a man-made rival to God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and the TRUE heaven-based Kingdom of God with its fully righteous rule will cease to exist even earlier - by sudden Divine intervention. The very ones they are spiritually adulterating themselves to politically are the ones who will destroy them - through the
man-made idol-rival to God and his true rule that they (along with Satan's spirit) all set up and praised together as one. (Revelation 13:4,-6, 8, 11-17; 17:12,13, 15-18)

So is it right to sing "Hallelujah" towards the UN? Is it God? Will Jehovah/ Yahweh/ Jah bring about his Kingdom of God on earth through it and human rulers rather than a heaven-based Kingdom of God headed by his Son? Will the UN be able to bring TRUE, lasting "peace and security" to everyone, everywhere on earth?

No, no, no, and no. (That's pretty musical, isn't it.)


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