U2 Have NOT Taught People to Worship Yahweh/ Jehovah According to His Own Terms, but You Can Still Learn How (You Need To)
It is good that God's personal name is being made known throughout the earth. That would happen, though, with or without U2. It is true that in the past, even enemies of the Most High have ended up spreading his name and fame. However, the ones who have actually brought appropriate honor to his name have been his true, faithful servants: These properly represent the God behind the name for who he is. We teach others, world-over, as per God's biblically stated will, THE TRUTH about Jehovah/ Yahweh - what his purposes are, what his commands and principles are, and what he requires of human beings.
Good-hearted, sheep-like people come to listen to the "voices" of Jehovah/ Yahweh and his Son Jesus - God's own sayings through his unique Holy Scriptures; and they become willing to follow those "voices" rather than the voice of any other shepherd or "leader." (John 10:2-5,7-16,27,28)
Jesus said that no one comes to the Father except through him. (John 14:6) You - are you attracted by hopeful biblical paraphrases in what has been popular, upbeat music? Have you become intrigued and tingled by pondering that the Eternal Creator God has a personal name for you to use to call and sing to him by?
Listen to the voices of God and Christ through Jehovah/ Yahweh's words and spirit.
There are MANY PSEUDO-CHRISTIANS (including "pastors" and "theologians") and others with various forms of self-serving "spirituality" that have been strongly hailing U2 as their heroes, for "fulfilling" their inborn spiritual need by teaching and exemplifying a form of "worship" that suits their desires and wrongful self-pride: That people can basically do whatever they want to - indulge in immorality, drunkenness, spiritism-idolatry; disobey and disregard the stated laws and principles of God Almighty and Christ - and that their is no real accountability before God for doing so, so long as people attend to the materially poor of the earth in a material way and look to Jesus Christ to automatically forgive them for their sinning (through the faddish manmade concept of "grace"). WRONG.
That is NOT true, scriptural worship of Yahweh/ Jehovah whatsoever. That is Satan and sin-loving people's shallow, irresponsible, ingrateful, and wrongfully presumptuous scam-answer to what God teaches and what we owe him and Christ.
No, U2 have NOT been standing on their stage or giving interview answers explaining the Truth: That Jehovah/ Yahweh is the One and Only True God, the Universal Sovereign; and that his Son, Jesus Christ, is humankind's ONE AND ONLY God-designated Ransomer, Mediator between man and God, High-Priest, and Highest King of God's incoming global heaven-based Kingdom for the saving of this earth and all obedient people. They have not taken and held to a stand that Jesus Christ is the head of ONE TRUE, UNITED global congregation of loyal servants who are dedicated to Jehovah/Yahweh, to do his will - that there IS ONE FAITH, ONE HOPE, ONE BAPTISM, ONE SPIRIT, ONE BODY, and ONE GOD; and that those within this have the "love among [themselves]" that Jesus said would distinguish his true disciples. (Ephesians 4:4-6; John 13:35) U2 have not acknowledged that Jehovah/ Yahweh, who is "a God of order", has this one true earthwide religion with his personal name upon it and upon his true worshipers as his Witnesses/ scriptural messengers to fellow humans in this world. (1Corinthians 14:33; Isaiah 43:5-7,10)
Even though the Psalm 116 that Bono used to recite the beginning of (before "Streets" during the Elevation Tour) also says, "My vows I shall pay to Jehovah, Yes, in front of all his people" (verse18); so far, he has chosen to defy biblical teachings of Jehovah/ Yahweh, in front of his people and others; and has promoted other gods, false religions, and false religionists instead.
Its all about choice, and quick-change where necessary to do what is right - towards one's very own Maker, above all. With knowledge comes responsibility. With God's willed preaching of his truth to the entire world nearing completion, people's excuse for not knowing what is right is disappearing. (Matthew 24:14) Everyone alive will be held accountable for the choices they make as to whether they rightfully obey God and truly serve him, or not. (2Thessalonians 1:8)
Even though U2 have been singing a song about "Yahweh" to the world, yet have denied/rebelled against his scriptural standards through the point of outright, large scale blasphemy (see other posts); true servants of Yahweh/ Jehovah/ Ieova are still successfully teaching his biblical truth "to the most distant part of the earth", making "disciples of people of all the nations", just like Yahweh/ Jehovah and Jesus Christ want urgently done in these critical last days of Satan's world system.(Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:19,20)
For more information, wherever you live, you can go here. (If you fill out the "Would You Welcome a Free In-Home Bible Study" e-form, someone will contact you in person):
Also, even though they are singing "Yahweh" to millions of people and also mention Jesus here and there, I have not noticed any admonition anywhere from any member of the U2 org imploring their throngs of "spiritually-minded" fans to be sure to attend this year's global Memorial of Christ's Death, the one yearly holy day that Yahweh/ Jehovah and Jesus Christ do command be kept by all true worshipers. This is to be done together WITH Jehovah/ Yahweh's own global congregation. Wherever you live, if you really ARE concerned about worshiping Jehovah/ Yahweh, on his own terms, "in spirit and truth", seek out Jehovah's Witnesses and ask them where, when and how you can join with them in observing this all-important evening.
This year, Nisan 14, the day Jesus offered up his perfect human life to buy back the opportunity for everlasting life for all obedient mankind falls on April 12, after sundown. This is in compliance with the ancient lunar calendar in effect at the time Jesus was on earth. A full/ near full moon will be visible too, if it is not cloudy, as a reminder of God's promise to David to bring a Divinely-run Kingdom of everlasting peace to this earth. That Kingdom will encompass the earth soon. The time to start thanking Jehovah/ Yahweh and Jesus for their provisions and obeying them as grateful citizens of their incoming peaceful New World paradise on earth is NOW.
Go beyond U2-ism, and leave all anti-scriptural teachings of any sort behind. Worship Jehovah/ Yahweh, and honor Jesus Christ "in spirit and truth." Gather with Jehovah/ Yahweh's spiritual global family to give thanks to him and Jesus Christ on Nisan 14, 2006 - April 12, 2006, after sundown.
Many people will choose to stay stuck in a purposely irresponsible denial-rut of claiming that they "still haven't found what they are looking for" - while exempting their consciences from natural guilt for doing whatever ungodly things they FEEL like - until the "great tribulation" begins, followed by Armageddon. Then, however, it will be too late to "wake up" and start living honestly and obediently to God. Don't let that be you. NOW is the time to learn what Jehovah/ Yahweh's scriptural will is, and to obey it.
DO IT: Go Nisan 14, 2006 - April 12, 2006 after sundown, for a great start. JUST DO IT.
Maybe someday soon, before its too late, U2 will "follow." If not, Jehovah/ Yahweh's New World is coming here soon anyway, with or without them - or whoever else. Do what God says you have to, to "be there." Help others to "get there" as well - it will be worth it.