Saturday, March 25, 2006

U2 Have NOT Taught People to Worship Yahweh/ Jehovah According to His Own Terms, but You Can Still Learn How (You Need To)

U2 have performed their song "Yahweh" to more than 3.5 million concert-goers. Furthermore, the audience via airwaves, internet, CD's, DVD's, etc. to this song is an untold vast number.

It is good that God's personal name is being made known throughout the earth. That would happen, though, with or without U2. It is true that in the past, even enemies of the Most High have ended up spreading his name and fame. However, the ones who have actually brought appropriate honor to his name have been his true, faithful servants: These properly represent the God behind the name for who he is. We teach others, world-over, as per God's biblically stated will, THE TRUTH about Jehovah/ Yahweh - what his purposes are, what his commands and principles are, and what he requires of human beings.

Good-hearted, sheep-like people come to listen to the "voices" of Jehovah/ Yahweh and his Son Jesus - God's own sayings through his unique Holy Scriptures; and they become willing to follow those "voices" rather than the voice of any other shepherd or "leader." (John 10:2-5,7-16,27,28)

Jesus said that no one comes to the Father except through him. (John 14:6) You - are you attracted by hopeful biblical paraphrases in what has been popular, upbeat music? Have you become intrigued and tingled by pondering that the Eternal Creator God has a personal name for you to use to call and sing to him by?


Listen to the voices of God and Christ through Jehovah/ Yahweh's words and spirit.

There are MANY PSEUDO-CHRISTIANS (including "pastors" and "theologians") and others with various forms of self-serving "spirituality" that have been strongly hailing U2 as their heroes, for "fulfilling" their inborn spiritual need by teaching and exemplifying a form of "worship" that suits their desires and wrongful self-pride: That people can basically do whatever they want to - indulge in immorality, drunkenness, spiritism-idolatry; disobey and disregard the stated laws and principles of God Almighty and Christ - and that their is no real accountability before God for doing so, so long as people attend to the materially poor of the earth in a material way and look to Jesus Christ to automatically forgive them for their sinning (through the faddish manmade concept of "grace"). WRONG.

That is NOT true, scriptural worship of Yahweh/ Jehovah whatsoever. That is Satan and sin-loving people's shallow, irresponsible, ingrateful, and wrongfully presumptuous scam-answer to what God teaches and what we owe him and Christ.

No, U2 have NOT been standing on their stage or giving interview answers explaining the Truth: That Jehovah/ Yahweh is the One and Only True God, the Universal Sovereign; and that his Son, Jesus Christ, is humankind's ONE AND ONLY God-designated Ransomer, Mediator between man and God, High-Priest, and Highest King of God's incoming global heaven-based Kingdom for the saving of this earth and all obedient people. They have not taken and held to a stand that Jesus Christ is the head of ONE TRUE, UNITED global congregation of loyal servants who are dedicated to Jehovah/Yahweh, to do his will - that there IS ONE FAITH, ONE HOPE, ONE BAPTISM, ONE SPIRIT, ONE BODY, and ONE GOD; and that those within this have the "love among [themselves]" that Jesus said would distinguish his true disciples. (Ephesians 4:4-6; John 13:35) U2 have not acknowledged that Jehovah/ Yahweh, who is "a God of order", has this one true earthwide religion with his personal name upon it and upon his true worshipers as his Witnesses/ scriptural messengers to fellow humans in this world. (1Corinthians 14:33; Isaiah 43:5-7,10)

Even though the Psalm 116 that Bono used to recite the beginning of (before "Streets" during the Elevation Tour) also says, "My vows I shall pay to Jehovah, Yes, in front of all his people" (verse18); so far, he has chosen to defy biblical teachings of Jehovah/ Yahweh, in front of his people and others; and has promoted other gods, false religions, and false religionists instead.

Its all about choice, and quick-change where necessary to do what is right - towards one's very own Maker, above all. With knowledge comes responsibility. With God's willed preaching of his truth to the entire world nearing completion, people's excuse for not knowing what is right is disappearing. (Matthew 24:14) Everyone alive will be held accountable for the choices they make as to whether they rightfully obey God and truly serve him, or not. (2Thessalonians 1:8)

Even though U2 have been singing a song about "Yahweh" to the world, yet have denied/rebelled against his scriptural standards through the point of outright, large scale blasphemy (see other posts); true servants of Yahweh/ Jehovah/ Ieova are still successfully teaching his biblical truth "to the most distant part of the earth", making "disciples of people of all the nations", just like Yahweh/ Jehovah and Jesus Christ want urgently done in these critical last days of Satan's world system.(Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:19,20)

For more information, wherever you live, you can go here. (If you fill out the "Would You Welcome a Free In-Home Bible Study" e-form, someone will contact you in person):

Also, even though they are singing "Yahweh" to millions of people and also mention Jesus here and there, I have not noticed any admonition anywhere from any member of the U2 org imploring their throngs of "spiritually-minded" fans to be sure to attend this year's global Memorial of Christ's Death, the one yearly holy day that Yahweh/ Jehovah and Jesus Christ do command be kept by all true worshipers. This is to be done together WITH Jehovah/ Yahweh's own global congregation. Wherever you live, if you really ARE concerned about worshiping Jehovah/ Yahweh, on his own terms, "in spirit and truth", seek out Jehovah's Witnesses and ask them where, when and how you can join with them in observing this all-important evening.

This year, Nisan 14, the day Jesus offered up his perfect human life to buy back the opportunity for everlasting life for all obedient mankind falls on April 12, after sundown. This is in compliance with the ancient lunar calendar in effect at the time Jesus was on earth. A full/ near full moon will be visible too, if it is not cloudy, as a reminder of God's promise to David to bring a Divinely-run Kingdom of everlasting peace to this earth. That Kingdom will encompass the earth soon. The time to start thanking Jehovah/ Yahweh and Jesus for their provisions and obeying them as grateful citizens of their incoming peaceful New World paradise on earth is NOW.

Go beyond U2-ism, and leave all anti-scriptural teachings of any sort behind. Worship Jehovah/ Yahweh, and honor Jesus Christ "in spirit and truth." Gather with Jehovah/ Yahweh's spiritual global family to give thanks to him and Jesus Christ on Nisan 14, 2006 - April 12, 2006, after sundown.

Many people will choose to stay stuck in a purposely irresponsible denial-rut of claiming that they "still haven't found what they are looking for" - while exempting their consciences from natural guilt for doing whatever ungodly things they FEEL like - until the "great tribulation" begins, followed by Armageddon. Then, however, it will be too late to "wake up" and start living honestly and obediently to God. Don't let that be you. NOW is the time to learn what Jehovah/ Yahweh's scriptural will is, and to obey it.


DO IT: Go Nisan 14, 2006 - April 12, 2006 after sundown, for a great start. JUST DO IT.

Maybe someday soon, before its too late, U2 will "follow." If not, Jehovah/ Yahweh's New World is coming here soon anyway, with or without them - or whoever else. Do what God says you have to, to "be there." Help others to "get there" as well - it will be worth it.


Blogger est said...

hi! my name is Esther i live in belgium and i was raised in the truth but english is not my native language so forgive my lame english! I just wanted to congratulate you because everything you have put in your blog is scripturally and scrupulously correct! It's so rare! Your blog is really encouraging even for me ( ilike your lyrics very much!)and when I saw that more than a thousand people have already stepped by and had a look at your blog I've thought that even if nobody had seen you at that concert you reached your goal anyway because right now, you're are giving a witness to all sorts of people through the internet!
(Most people who pretend to be related to Jehovah's witnesses slander the name of Jehovah sometimes they don't even notice it)

1:02 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Thank you, Esther! :) I will think of a nice "Esther over in Belgium" April 12 at the Memorial too! As the earth turns and the sun sets, in time zone after time zone; people gathered for the Memorial will pray and sing thanks up to Jehovah and our Savior and King Jesus Christ. We will let them know that our hope and trust is in them. They never lie, and they are always there for us to turn to for consolation and strength to do what is right. It is so good to know that they will straighten up everything with love and justice.

Again and again, poets and singers and songwriters express that they long for love, peace, justice, freedom, and happiness, etc. for themselves and for the family of man. Many others relate to their words and songs - so many people are yearning for these same real needs for a "real" life and a better world!

So much of what people want the most are things that God promises! If only they knew...Wait - we can tell them!!!

Tell everyone. :)

This is the kind of Father Jehovah is - what he wants to do for everyone in the New World here:

"You are opening your hand
And satisfying the desire of every living thing." (Psalm 145:16)

The beginning of that time is not far off. People who care need to "draw close to Jehovah" and stay close to him now.

It is like a very dear brother said again lately:

"We're going home."

Home to a world here like it was meant to be and life like we were designed for - without the trouble, pain, sorrow, or even death.

Everything's happening just like Jehovah and Jesus said it would in Daniel, Isaiah, Matthew, Revelation - all of it.

It won't be long now.

"Hope in Jehovah and keep his way, And he will exalt you to take possession of the earth. When the wicked ones are cut off, you will see [it]." (Psalm 37:34)

Of the future:
"And in that day one will certainly say:'Look! This is our God. We have hoped in him, and he will save us. This is Jehovah. We have hoped in him. Let us be joyful and rejoice in the salvation by him.'" (Isaiah 25:9)

Meet me in the new world system here. :)


12:30 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

verse 2, verse 3

12:50 AM  
Blogger Curious Servant said...

I like your passion. I am not certain I agree, but I appreciate how much effort you put into looking up scripture.

My hesitation is in the argument that U2 needs to preach in order to be followers of Him.

We all have different talents and all things work for good...

Just a 1 Corinthians 13 sort of thing.

Of course, I may be wrong about how I view this band. I just know how I interpret their music.

God bless.

8:03 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Anyone claiming to worship the True God and his Son Jesus Christ has a Divine obligation upon their head to preach Jehovah/ Yahweh's scriptural truth - without any spiritual falsehoods - to others in this time of the end. (Matthew 28:19,20)

"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3)

Everyone alive now is getting their chance to choose to learn and obey God's words or not. Jehovah/ Yahweh has given his faithful, obedient servants the commission and authority from heaven to preach and teach his scriptural messages to the world. (Isaiah 54:17; Revelation 22:17) This work is being carried out, globally, under the direction of God's spirit, his heavenly organization (heavenly Zion/ Jerusalem), Jesus Christ, his heavenly kingdom co-heirs (brothers); and also with the help of angels. This earthwide preaching about God's truth is in fulfillment of biblical prophecies that this would indeed occur in "the last days." (Isaiah 2:2-4; 60:1-3,22; Matthew 24:14)

Only those people who take in this knowledge and obey it will be permitted by God to live beyond the coming "great tribulation" with its culmination of Armageddon into God's peaceful new world system here. (2 Thessalonians 1:8)

People need to learn God's requirements for survival NOW.

To have lifesaving knowledge and not share it with those who need it is to incur bloodguilt. (Ezekiel 33:8,9; 1 Corinthians 9:16)

To disregard God's scriptural messages of truth and teach religious/spiritual lies in his name instead is also to incur bloodguilt.
Satan's global empire of all false religions - AKA, "Babylon the Great" has been doing that for a long time now. It is dripping with bloodguilt for such falsehood/spiritism.

People need to follow God's directions and "Get out" of all false religions NOW, so as to not "share in her sins" - and so punishments - that God will bring upon that conglomeration. He says, of "Babylon", that "her sins have massed clear up to heaven." Jehovah/ Yahweh himself has already judged the world empire of false religions as guilty for "the blood of prophets and of holy ones and of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." Soon, God will avenge the blood of all these who have died - he will rid the earth of all false religions and those who still spiritually support them, despite being fairly warned. (Revelation 17:5; 18:4,5,8,23,24)

Since it IS "the conclusion of this system of things"/ the last days of earth's Satan-run world system; it is of critically high urgency that people learn, obey, and then share in preaching the "good news" of God's purposes, plans, and requirements for all would-be citizens of his new world order - his incoming heaven-based kingdom for earth, with Jesus Christ as God's appointed, already-reigning King of it. (Daniel 2:44)

"You ought to be teachers in view of the time..." (Hebrews 5:12)

True Christian men, women, and even children take part in preaching Jehovah/ Yahweh and Jesus' Christ's scriptural blessing-and-warning messages to the world. It is a tremendous joy to find honest-hearted people who are truly seeking to know their Maker, and who would be willing to do his will - to obey his commands, principles, and spirit.

True Christians will keep working to "search and rescue" such people right up 'til the "end."

People have different gifts, "talents", etc. they can use as they fulfill God's requirement to preach. Everyone needs to love Jehovah/ Yahweh with their whole heart, whole soul, and whole mind; to serve him with "a complete heart"; to do their best at doing his will. (Galatians 6:4,5; Matthew 22:37; 1Chronicles 28:9)

It remains, however, that preaching God's scriptural truth IS a requirement for ALL of his true worshipers - and that others need to hurry up, listen, and become his true worshipers too. The new world system is on its way.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Comments from an apostate-like source have been deleted.

"Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation in regard to himself alone, and not in comparison with the other person." (Galatians 6:4)

The warning work against God-and-Christ-offensive and deadly spiritual lies, mass-blasphemy being outstanding, WILL go on, everywhere.

And apparently, the need for warning against U2's blasphemy and false spiritual teaching IS VERY MUCH NEEDED; since some have evidently been led astray by it and/ or have become spiritually intoxicated by the music and sensual/"cool"-popular aspects of u2 to where they no longer even react with alarm, and are not appalled by outright blasphemy of the Most High himself - straight at his holy personal name, with idol images themselves, in gutteral violation of the first commandment (Exodus 20:1-7) and the issue of Universal Sovereignty itself.

Rather than "shrinking back" and giving in to complacency towards what is evil, yet made so attractive; those who become aware of such things



- as have such biblical characters of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah, the apostles (though not Judas - he was swayed by the Pharisees glam, power, and money) and of course, Jesus Christ and Yahweh/Jehovah himself - always.

It means people lives, before the Judge of God. People are required to live by HIS, not man's standards. Since the "hour of judgment" has arrived, since these are the last days, there has never been a more important time to urgently, boldly preach God's scriptural truth - including his warnings against unacceptable wickedness - to others, everywhere, every opportunity.

Of course, however, Satan and his forces (spirit and human) are also trying harder and more deviously than ever now to STOP, IMPEDE, or underhandedly discourage those who ARE faithfully giving out God's scriptural warnings-messages as needed. (Revelation 12:17)

Satan and his forces have only a SHORT time left though. (Revelation 12:12) This day is rushing on:

"This takes into account that it is righteous on God's part to repay tribulation to those who make tribulation for you, but, to you who suffer tribulation, relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance upon those who do not know God and THOSE WHO DO NOT OBEY the good news about our Lord Jesus." (2Thessalonians 1:6-8)

I WILL PROCEED with warning people everywhere, every chance I get, so long as there is a need. Rather than being lulled or talked into apathy, I will sound such warnings out even more - boldly, as needed; stronger in the conviction that it is the right thing to do.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

A previously mentioned (though not by name) person who had sent me a harrassing e-mail has sent me another now, THREATENING that if I did not "cease and desist" (defending my stance against persecuting comments made by at least one party with him that have plagued my blog recently - those posts have been erased), he would see to it that Blogger removes my blog - that he has successfully seen to this in the case of others; and that he could also [somehow] see to it that I be banned by my ISP server. I believe this is an attempt at a sort of "blackmail" on that person's part. In any case, it is extremely unjust and dishonorable behavior.

I have removed the previous post in which (after deleting ill-based, unwelcome comments) I refuted to others some of the caustic, falsehood-based remarks that this person and/or his crone(s) blotched my blog with. (I have saved the threatening and harrassing e-mails I received, however, in case there are any questions.)

Please uphold freedom of speech here. It is badly needed in this world. Thank You.

2:56 PM  

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