Wednesday, March 22, 2006

MORE LARGE CAPITAL LETTERS (Now with Unjust Banning Exposed - 6/23/10)


Addendum - 6/23/2010 -

If you click the link above, you can see how a certain website CLAIMS that the video I once had there "violated" their "terms of use."

Below will be THAT SAME VIDEO. SEE FOR YOURSELF how FALSE it was for that website to deem this simple video I made to be "in violation" of their "policies."

The TRUTH is that my little video contained SCRIPTURAL WARNING messages that came up against very corrupt, mindless, and fervent IDOLATRY and other anti-scriptural FALSE religious beliefs (beloved spiritistic lies, etc.) and practices (blasphemy; viscious slander; unrighteous protest against freedom of speech to speak God's scriptural truth - unjust demands to censor, ban, delete, and silence it, etc.) so POPular with "the majority", the crowd involved. As a result, just as Jah and his Son prophesied, the information I shared was indeed shown the hate and hostile and unjust treatment predicted for such messages of truth to a largely ungodly, wicked world in these last of the pre-Armageddon days.

Nevertheless, here's that video, again, with the link that works!.......


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