Tuesday, March 07, 2006

What's the Price?

Daniel and Nehemiah went to kings
But NOT with Baal priests in tow
Rightly requesting expected things
That God and people were owed.

But now, what price is being asked
When idols are in place
Nearly blocking the way to humbly help the poor
Unless 666 is on our face?

Said the Father of the Lie
It's cheap -
If you'll only do "an act"
I'll give you all these kingdom's glory
If to God you'll turn your back.

Thirty pieces of silver
Never got used to feed the poor
Instead they bought a burial field
And Judas' trade will be a shame forevermore.

Soon will come a time of global mayhem
Men will throw then worthless coins in streets
And the only thing of value that can save them
Will be one's unsold integrity.


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