Friday, September 28, 2007

And Your Quote Here is Worth WHAT.....

"It's a great and powerful idea. The idea that all men are created equal. That 'we are endowed by the CREATOR with CERTAIN UNALIENABLE RIGHTS; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.' These are great lyrics, Mr. Jefferson. Great opening riff. The Declaration of Independence has a great closing line too -
"WE MUTUALLY PLEDGE # TO EACH OTHER OUR LIVES # our fortunes, and ###### OUR SACRED HONOR .'###### Well, the men that made that, that signed that pledge, had a lot to lose by signing - like their lives. So what the about you and me? What are we ready to pledge? What are we ready to pledge ourselves to? Anything? Anything at all? What about this idea of liberty? Not liberty for its own sake, but




You SAY this - in the limelight of the nations.



JEHOVAH-YAHWEH GOD'S OWN WORDS and EXPRESSIONS OF TRUTH FROM THEM, in NEEDED, life-saving STRENGTH (neither watered-down nor aquiesced to "tickle the ears" [reinforce the ungodly desires] of the masses).

Bible-PROPHESIED HATERS OF GOD'S WORDS, even in little gangs and teams, were freely ALLOWED to carry on abusive, hounding attacks of slander and lies against both me and my religion. I was speaking badly needed (life-helping/saving, REAL hope-giving) TRUTH from God's own words AS THE *REAL* authority and REAL solutions to the topics of spirituality and world crises, etc. that were discussed there - even that which could be expressed, illustrated, and related by way of poetry and music.

But, being one speaking Jehovah-Yahweh's TRUTH; I was of THE MINORITY OPINION, wasn't I. So, I was of the LESS-PROFITABLE sector to cater to and please. So, as a corrupted power, (your own website) enacted injustice - including OPPRESSION and "extermination" of me - to PLEASE THE MASSES. (That was somewhat reminiscent of what happened to my - evidently NOT your - chosen exemplar of Jesus Christ, when the loudness of the CROWD shouting "We have no king but Caesar!" and "Impale him!" successfully pressured the political power-concerned one named Pilate to "silence" unwanted spiritual truth with warnings from Yahweh-Jehovah God himself through his Son.)

My posts (which, of minor sentimental concern included some poetry lost), WERE DELETED. I WAS BANNED BY zootopia@ - again, YOUR OWN fansite board (of which I did read you and your band were concerned with the goings-on of) .U2 DID, however, proceed to MARKET and BLASPHEME (to millions) a song with the holy NAME of MY (evidently NOT your) God on it - whose personal name and scriptural truth I had written about intensely (to a degree no one else had) on your site for nearly three years. As your album with the track called "Yahweh" came out, you BANNED me as a messenger of him on your website. Apparently, you, your band, and PR people/ marketers of yours - along with FALSE "Christian" and other SPIRITISTIC fans of yours - LIKED the use (and desecration) of the holy personal name of God; but certainly didn't want to be BOTHERED by the truth of him to go along WITH that name so as to bring it honor.

The posts of slandering persecutors - including demonistic/ demonized apostates who fought fiercely and deceptively against Jehovah/ Yahweh God and his spirit - WERE MAINTAINED, however. (I looked back and checked - and printed). One thread of posts saying that it was perhaps best for the progress of society that my religion had been recently BANNED in Moscow was kept up for an extended amount of time too, despite multiple requests/ scriptural warnings to your staff.

My religion, BTW, IS Jehovah's-Yahweh's ONLY TRUE ONE ON THIS EARTH. It IS the ONE that DOES meet his scriptural description - by OBEDIENCE and loyalty to God and his Son the Christ; unity and love (no divisions amongst a GLOBAL family of worshipers - spiritual brothers and sisters with REAL [not phoney outward-appearance], God-described love for one another ; and is THE ONLY religious organization that has had the lot of the Bible's prophesies for those who would be God's own people for the "time of the end"/ "last days" fulfilled upon it. The ONLY one. That also means that this religion alone is the ONLY one that "houses" the small remnant of Christ's brothers left on earth. And so, along with mistreating me, you also mistreated Yahweh/ Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Christ's brothers, heavenly Zion, and all of God's TRUE worshipers on earth.


You have stood SILENTLY by - like those you spoke of, who WATCHED as Hitler had Jews loaded onto trains; and like a pope who kept his mouth shut as war was fueled - while YOUR FERVENT IDOLATROUS FANS KEPT PUBLICALLY BLASPHEMING YAHWEH and SLANDERING his scriptural messengers, including Christ's "brothers" (which, again, scripturally, are NOT "the poor" of the world in general - you were badly mistaken in your preaching of that to the masses). They were FOLLOWING YOUR EXAMPLE of casual blasphemy of Yahweh, your taught disregard for the bulk of God's commands and principles; and your anti-Yahweh/anti- Jehovah, antichrist teaching that there is MORE than one god, Savior, body of spiritual truth, and global congregation that is an acceptable means of worship to the One and Only TRUE God (DISTINCTLY NAMED, btw, Jehovah/ Yahweh, NOT "Allah", who is a completely DIFFERENT god). You also taught that ALTERNATIVES to worshiping Yahweh/Jehovah on HIS OWN GIVEN SCRIPTURAL TERMS are okay with God (namely, whatever floats your boat, so long as people participate in what YOU have deemed to be "true religion", which is social justice/ helping the poor in material ways). This went on at,, and (on the largest scale). IDOLATROUS FANS of yours, FAR more concerned with upholding Bono-ism/ U2-ism along with FALSE "Christianity", homosexuality (which you [deadly] WRONGLY taught masses that Christ was never judgmental against) , and even spiritism EXERCISED GROSS INJUSTICE (especially on that latter site) to have me BANNED from those sites (again, for speaking of Jehovah/ Yahweh's own scriptural truth, in needed strength).

Spiritual LIES and falsehood are discussed ever so freely on those sites though. False religious leaders, with their U2-Eucharist (!!!!!) Services and books, etc, PRAISING the great "spirituality" and spiritual leadership of Bono/ U2 are PRAISED though. And, of course, for the appeasing of Bono-coolness, BLASPHEMY of Yahweh/ Jehovah's sacred, holy, personal name and spirit and expressions of disdain, disregard, and apathy to the whole of God and Christ's words are carried on, even with demonized-seeming atrociousness on the latter site. (I was banned on account of fervant U2/ Bono idolaters on some other u2/ music-related message boards too.)

The "coexist" icon ideology idol and the "WORLD" ideology god have proven themselves to be POWERLESS gods for the "saving"of mankind and this planet - have they not - can you see that yet? The One TRUE, Living God was BLASPHEMED to millions FOR THE SAKE OF THESE FALSE gODS; as well as to uphold other forms of God-hated, anti-scriptural FALSE religions. There was a rendering of "sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created" (Romans 1:25). That happened by way of the U2-Yahweh videos as shown on youtube, the ones with the 24 or so spiritistic idol images in them, some of which were used as the backdrop for many if not MOST performances of the song "Yahweh" during the Vertigo tour. That also happened as the name Yahweh has been associated with other mass-media-delivered Bono, U2, and IDOLTROUS U2 FAN FALSE (anti-scriptural, antichrist) religious teachings.

Really, think about it: Blasphemy of God himself - by name; and HATE for the whole of his words and scriptural messengers of them has been carried on to the EXTREME by the Bono-U2 organization and Bono/U2 "disciples."

Yet now, Bono, you are asking people to "pray" for a crisis.

"PRAY" to who? In the same speech, you even praise Buddhist monks for their "gospel of peace." (Buddhist monks joined with other FALSE religionists to bloody the earth in WWII; and there must be those of trendy new-age [anything-but-the-truth] Buddhism fighting in Iraq today, don't you think? ) Pray to who? PRAY TO THOSE WHO MAKE THEIR PLEDGE TO EACH OTHER - as in your above quote? Again - for men to pledge like that to each other - RATHER THAN TO GOD, Jehovah-Yahweh himself - is a manifestation of IDOLATRY, of rendering "sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created." Is the "coexist" / "world" ideology idol god failing to answer prayers, to work a SURE way to resolve such crises? It certainly is. That's because its imaginary - not of reality, and a foolish, though prophesied sort of idolatry many would choose to put their trust in.

Since Yahweh/ Jehovah is so distinctly different from the false gods/ idolatries of the world; since HE DEMANDS "EXCLUSIVE DEVOTION"; and since he ONLY "hears" the prayers of those truly worshiping HIM and doing HIS will; as things are currently, I don't think it will do either you or any of your idolatrous, FALSE "Christian" and other persons exercising disdain for Jehovah-Yahweh's own words and messengers much good to "PRAY" for this "cause" either. (Maybe Satan can pull some strings for you again though - to make things LOOK like serving him and his anti-Jehovah/Yahweh and antichrist LIES are the way to go. With Armageddon on its way, the more fooled into idolatrous service of Satan as the one behind all idol gods/ everything idolized, the better though, to him - the more human ingratitude and disloyalty he can taunt Jehovah-Yahweh to his face with, and the more human suffering and eternal death at Armageddon will occur.)

Have a nice day.

P.S. To pledge one's self, life, and/ or "sacred honor" to anything or anyone but the person of the God Yahweh-Jehovah is to pledge to IDOLATRY - again, as in Romans 1:25.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

I got the speech quote from a transcription on one of the here- mentioned U2 fansites that had banned me from their message boards.

I don't think that most or even ANY of them responsible for banning me have ever meditated on God's words at Romans 1:18,32. Oh well, they chose to violate God and his messengers that way - its the popular choice of many of the world in general too. Armageddon is soon.

2:21 PM  

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