Thursday, October 25, 2007

I'll Post this "Response" Here Until if and When it Shows Up on a Certain Other Site (It Probably Won't)

Yahweh has NON-NEGOTIABLE Standards for the Use of His Name; and U2-Fandom does NOT Make One Exempt from Them

The criticizer below has not offered one single piece of spiritual authority (Scriptures) for their brash and cutting accusations; but, as has been a glaring problem on other websites with FERVENT U2 IDOLATORS, this person too has chosen to level BASELESS LIES and SLANDER against someone actually PROVING what they are saying WITH SCRIPTURES instead.

This kind of HATE FOR GOD'S WORDS and SCRIPTURAL MESSENGERS of them - but love for teachers of things which would "tickle the ears" of those seeking to validate ungodly desires they wish to hang onto - was well prophesied by the God Jehovah-Yahweh. (John 15:18-20; 17:14-18; 2Timothy 4:3,4)

My nearly six years of experience of writing online about these sorts of issues; and receiving much of this same sort of hateful (and also lying and slanderous) feedback from FERVENT U2 IDOLATER-fans has demonstrated those prophesies from Jehovah-Yahweh to be SO VERY TRUE.

God prophesied quite a bit, also, about the kinds of wicked attitudes, unjust behaviors, deceptive tactics, mob actions, etc. that those making themselves enemies of Him would take up against those faithfully speaking His scriptural truth and warning messages to others during these last days too. I have observed fervent U2- idolater fans fulfilling MANY of these prophesies also. (Romans 1:18-32; 2Timothy 3:1-9,13; 2Peter 3:3-7;
the book of Jude; and the many Psalms and Proverbs referring to liars, "stupid ones", ridiculers, wicked ones and apostates in regards to deceptive speech, rehearsed lies, and plotting to do unjust harm to someone loyal to God with what is said.)

I saw all these scriptural descriptions and more come alive, for nearly six years, with fervent
U2 IDOLATERS (mostly of FALSE "Christianity", but also including a very predatorizing, fiercely-slandering, demonistic/ demonized witch-woman apostate and a demonistic/ demonized homosexual apostate [see Romans 1:18-32 and Jude 7,8,10,11 again.]) These people all had a fervent interest that the word of God NOT be made known to others - for its TRUE spiritual light would surely EXPOSE and CONDEMN what people were doing, saying and promoting as being as wicked and unrighteous as they truly were/ are.

I have been altogether mistreated with excuseless GROSS INJUSTICE (including gross violation of my human right of freedom of speech) by the wicked words and actions of such FERVENT U2 IDOLATERS/FANS; who, even though they were committing CONSCIENCE-LESS, relentless public slander against me and my religion (one even calling those of my religion "baby-rapers"), HAD ME BANNED from several sites now for daring to write scriptural TRUTH in relation to music and poetry, spirituality, the state of the world, and other important issues being otherwise freely discussed.

These same people, for their slander both of Yahweh-Jehovah God and his actual obedient scriptural servants-messengers-people; and for the hate for God's words but preference for the conflicting words of Bono they have shown; have made themselves ENEMIES of this God Yahweh-Jehovah.

Yet they STILL step in to try to OVERTAKE, STEAL, and OWN (for MISUSE AS THEY SEE FIT) the INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY of even THE PERSONAL HOLY NAME OF Yahweh (Jehovah) GOD THE CREATOR HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, they have done this FOR THE SERVICE AND ADORATION OF THEIR BONO gOD; and the casual, highly attractive, no-exclusive-devotion-to-Jehovah-Yahweh-or- scriptural-obedience-required-other-than-that -people-should-help-the-poor; easy-going (immorality, homosexuality, idolatry and blasphemy, etc. -"permitting") "true religion" (i.e., see NAACP Image-Award speech) that Bono has [VERY] mistakenly "preached" to the masses.

Fervent U2 idolaters HAVE BEEN UPSET by someone telling them and showing them from the Scriptures that they really CANNOT GET AWAY WITH CASUALLY PUTTING THEIR IDOLATRY and FALSE (anti-scriptural) RELIGIOUS LIES upon the God Yahweh-Jehovah's HOLY NAME. These persons have neither been respectful nor obedient to this God or his scriptural commands and principles.

In other words, such fervent FALSE religious U2 IDOLATER FANS are GROSSLY GUILTY OF TAKING THE NAME OF GOD "IN VAIN." (See the warning they are violating in Exodus 20:1-7 again. This same principle is repeated throughout the Bible.) The sanctification (making and keeping holy) of God's name is actually the MAIN RUNNING THEME of THE ENTIRE BIBLE, and THE MAIN REASON ARMAGEDDON WILL SOON BE HERE - TO CLEAR GOD'S HOLY NAME OF THE LIES AND BLASPHEMIES THAT HAVE BEEN PUT UPON IT by those disrespecting his name and righteous standards.

MANY have also loudly, hatefully, and brazenly, though baselessly DEFENDED STRAIGHT-OUT HIDEOUS ### BLASPHEMY OF HIS NAME ###, which has been carried out before millions of people, via the Spontaneous Company's video for U2's "Yahweh", which is all over youtube (and other sites), which contains 24 or so PAGAN, SPIRITISTIC, IDOL images (INCLUDING the WORSHIP OF THE CREATION idol images of "WORLD" and "COEXIST" [see Romans 1:25 and the surrounding verses] shown after ideas of "God" are blown-up/exploded in the sky); and also U2's tour lightshow for "Yahweh", MADE FROM spiritistic, blasphemous idol images from that same video source.

Again, U2 performed "Yahweh" in front of HUGE, lit-up idol images during many, if not indeed MOST of their tour performances of that song. (They did so at 10 or 11 out of 12 of the performances I observed firsthand [and have written about]. They did not even perform "Yahweh", however, for the last 11 shows, however; so maybe, at least, they "got" part of the message. Certainly, many of their fans have NOT though.) If I was part of U2, I would definitely feel a spiritual responsibility - towards Yahweh-Jehovah, and
to all those who had such a bad example set for them - TO SPEAK OUT that it was a grave mistake: I would use the media at my disposal to do so - for real love of God,for love of "neighbor"/ fan, and so as to avoid mass-bloodguilt, come Armageddon - no matter what the "cost" materially or career-wise.

In times past, purposely recorded Bible records show that the God Yahweh-Jehovah executed and brought death upon people holding "festivals to Jehovah [Yahweh]", including instrumental music and singing, around EVEN SINGLE golden calf images. (Exodus 32:1-8,18,19; Nehemiah 9:18; 1Kings 12:28-33. PLEASE READ THESE REFERENCES.)

But Jehovah-Yahweh DID NOT ACCEPT these "offerings" - HE HATED THEM -

"I have hated, I have rejected YOUR festivals, and I shall not enjoy the smell of YOUR solemn assemblies. But if YOU people offer up to me whole burnt offerings, even in YOUR gift offerings I shall find no pleasure, and on YOUR communion sacrifices of fatlings I shall not look. Remove from me the turmoil of your songs; and the melodious sound of your stringed instruments may I not hear. And let justice roll forth just like waters, and righteousness like a constantly flowing torrent." (Amos 5:21-24)

He had WARNED people NOT to ever dare BLASPHEME his name by mixing any kind of idolatry or spiritism in with "worship" of him. But these people did it anyway. They were following the corrupted urge-desire of the crowd, of the moment. Their drummed-up lust to do so was greater than their love or loyalty to Yahweh God Almighty. So, they pleased THEMSELVES, NOT God. The same happened at U2 concerts around the world in the years 2005-2006 A.D. All the clapping and cheering - for blasphemy of God. (Even as Bono chanted "Jesus, Jew, Muhummad, its true" also.) The crowds effected by these blasphemy examples were GREATER, altogether, than those in front of Sinai, or at the places of illegitimate sacrifices to Jehovah [Yahweh] around golden calf images at Bethel or Dan in Amos day (and before).

Fervent U2 IDOLATER fans could not bear to stand the truth, however, that the ones so many of them have idolized as their spiritual leaders (even to the point where many "U2 EUCHARIST SERVICES" have been held in their churches of Christendom) had done this level of wrong; that THEY HAD NO RIGHT, by Yahweh, TO VIOLATE HIS VERY NAME THIS WAY. IT WAS AN EXTREME VIOLATION OF HIS HOLY NAME, OF GOD'S COMMANDS AND WARNINGS THAT HIS NAME MUST NEVER BE BLASPHEMED - NEVER, EVER ASSOCIATED WITH ANYTHING OF SPIRITISM OR IDOLATRY. (EXODUS 20:1-7 and more.) IT IS TO BE "HALLOWED" and "SANCTIFIED" INSTEAD. (Review Christ's opening words of his model prayer at Matthew 6:9-13, aka, "The Lord's Prayer": "Our Father in the heavens; LET YOUR NAME BE ***SANCTIFIED***."

Yahweh-Jehovah's name IS TO BE SANCTIFIED by THE SCRIPTURAL TRUTH ABOUT THIS GOD, HIS NAME, HIS PURPOSES, and HIS STANDARDS BEING MADE KNOWN and exemplified ***ALONG WITH HIS NAME*** throughout this earth (his TRUE worshipers DO this, as prophesied).
As Jesus so emphatically stated, God's word IS truth: "Sanctify them by means of the truth. Your word is truth." (John 17:17) This way, when people call "upon the name of Jehovah [Yahweh]", knowing him and his truth - and OBEYING HIM - it will mean something both to them AND TO GOD. It is in this way that "Everyone calling upon the name of Jehovah [Yahweh] will get away safe" through Armageddon. (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13)

However, again, while many FERVENT U2 IDOLATERS have enjoyed tossing around and name-dropping the holy name of God like the latest-trend celebrity interest or
personal "listening" device/ accessory; THEY HAVE SHOWN MARKED DISREGARD AND DISDAIN for the scriptural truth, standards, AND SPIRITUAL RESPONSIBILITIES meant to go ALONG WITH the proclamation of the holy name of God. So, again, many FERVENT U2 IDOLATERS HAVE THUS ### PROFANED ### the holy name of God Almighty the Creator and Universal Sovereign himself - all for the love of non-obligatory, spiritual falsehoods and IDOLATRY of Bono and U2.

Yahweh-Jehovah predicted that BLASPHEMY of his name, hate for his words, hate for his scriptural messengers, and injustices from FALSE religionists
would be serious problems in this last part of the last days - and they are. (John 15:18-20; 17:14-18; Revelation 13:5,6; 2Timothy 3:1,2)

There has been a marked, growing and SERIOUS PROBLEM with FERVENT U2 IDOLATRY (exalting anti-scriptural, social-justice, etc., philosophies of Bono ABOVE the word of God as a fan creedo-"religion", especially by FALSE "Christians" (those who speak of "the Bible" as if they "know" and follow it; but who, in actually, prove that they really know or UNDERSTAND VERY LITTLE at all about its contents;and whose chosen religious affiliations flagrate to the world that they certainly disregard and DISOBEY the words of God and Christ that they CLAIM are their guides and validation of their forms and institutions of "worship.") U2 even has priests, pastors, reverends - religious "leaders" - exuding the praises of the exemplary "spirituality"of U2. (Some of them have sold books and even sermons based on, NOT Yahweh-God's and Jesus Christ's own lifesaving words, but THE "SPIRITUALITY OF U2", etc. - with the author adding-in, and amplifying-extorting "popular", "socially progressive" FALSE religious
teachings of their own, in diametric opposition to the word of God,also.)

It has been nice that these false religionists now have a sexy band of fine musicians and singers to provide a highly moving/ motivating (heart and mind manipulating)
soundtrack to add to their crowd-brainwashing arsenal; to hipply 'legitimize"-popularize their laissez-faire churches and super-convenient man (and demon)-made
philosophies with music from a group whose lead singer (for the most part) has also promoted laissez-faire "worship" - so long as people "help" the poor.
(Being as it is that many of these same institutions also [anti-scripturally, though in fulfillment of prophecy] defend homosexuality within their ranks; I have not been able to quit wondering: For how much some of them flatter and patronize Bono in their writings, do some of these priests and pastors want to "date" Bono?)

Point blank: Many people will soon be dead forever, killed by Jehovah-Yahweh and his Son Jesus Christ's heavenly army of spirit beings;
with no hope of ever existing, in any form, ever again, soon, come Yahweh-Jehovah's Great Armageddon Day, his Just Day of Vengeance for all of the blasphemy and dishonor idolaters have put upon his holy name; for all of the bloodguilt and suffering they have wrought on this earth by way of their spiritism and the injustices it produces; for their disobedience to Jehovah-Yahweh's scriptural requirements in general for human beings, and for all of the trouble such ones have made for Jehovah-Yahweh's actual scripturally true, loyal, and obedient servants who have borne Witness to BOTH HIS NAME AND TRUTH throughout this earth. [Jehovah's TRUE worshipers have defended (and will continue to defend) God's holy name against the predicted onslaught of blasphemy, lies, and defamation that it has indeed received from  idolaters and other fighters against God in these last days of Satan's world system.] (2Thessalonians 1:6-8)

Whereas Jesus Christ, someone TRULY loyal to Jehovah-Yahweh God TURNED DOWN Satan's LIE OFFER
of (this is Matthew 4:8,9 - paraphased into the bridge of U2's "Vertigo" lyrics):

"All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ All of this, all of this can be yours/ Just give me what I want, and no one gets hurt";

NOT everyone has chosen to FOLLOW Christ's example (even though many of the CLAIM to be "Christians"). Instead, they have gone for that offer, hook, line, and sinker; doing acts of worship to Satan by both publically blaspheming God's holy name; and by voicing public DISBARGEMENT
for Yahweh-Jehovah and Jesus Christ's own words, standards, and scriptural messengers of them.

In great contrast to U2 IDOLATERS and FALSE religionists in general however; those who actually "know" and OBEY Jehovah-Yahweh (who love him enough to OBEY and be LOYAL to him) REFUSE to do acts of worship to Satan - no matter what "benefits" he "promises". We answer all such "offers" to sell-out our spiritual integrity to God to PLEASE OTHERS (and so, ultimately, Satan)
like our Exemplar did. We, in effect, reply as Jesus loyally did:


We make NO bargains with the Devil. We REFUSE "to have lunch with the Devil." Bono: "I'd have lunch with the Devil" [to "fight" extreme poverty].
There are NO idolatrous "U2 Eucharist Services" to raise funds for Millenial Development Goals in our houses of worship either - and there never will be. So "sorry", fervent U2 idolater fans - you've been duped, into deep idolatry and service of Satan the Devil. For disdaining God's words, mistreating his scriptural messengers, putting trust in antichrist "saving" ideologies and institutions instead of being loyal, active citizens and promoters of Yahweh-Jehovah God and Jesus Christ's TRUE, scriptural Kingdom
coming (soon), you are currently marked as Satan's slaves, with an invisible, though highly fatal-come-Armageddon 666 mark upon your souls. (Please read Revelation Chapter 13.)

Your only hope is to start urgently "scrubbing", as fast as you can - try to clean yourselves of your Yahweh-blaspheming IDOLATRIES. Learn and be found OBEYING ALL OF Jehovah-Yahweh's scriptural requirements - NOT just the easy
outward show single one of "helping the poor", as Bono has so wrongly misled many to voice agreement to as being the only thing that really matters in Yahweh-Jehovah and Jesus Christ's view.

Unlike other false gods - including the popular pseudo-"Christian"-pagan-hybrid triune godhead - with their FALSE religions, THIS GOD YAHWEH-JEHOVAH REQUIRES that his worshipers worship him "WITH SPIRIT AND TRUTH." (Matthew 4:24) He REQUIRES that humans OBEY him and his Son - and, again, his Son Jesus taught that everyone must OBEY his Father. He requires that THOSE WHO KNOW HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH must sound it out to the world - more urgently than ever in this last part of the last days. That why those who actually "KNOW" and "OBEY" Yahweh-Jehovah and Jesus Christ are, everywhere, WARNING PEOPLE of GOD'S OWN
CONDEMNED AS EVIL AND DESERVING OF DEATH ON HIS SOON-TO-COME ARMAGEDDON DAY. (Please do READ Ezekiel 3:17-21. It is most unlikely you will EVER hear such a warning in the paying-crowd-placating churches of Christendom (counterfeit "Christianity").

Unlike what the previous poster has tried to pass-off as true, so as discourage any further scriptural confrontation of what Bono/ U2 has promoted, and to try to discredit criticism of some anti-scriptural teachings of Bono/ U2 AND IDOLATROUS, FALSE religious fans of theirs via mass-media; I have, over more than five years, gotten to write pieces of scriptural truth on these matters - the "views" of which have numbered into the hundreds of thousands. (Despite the unjust bannings and deletions). What this also means is that the majority of those reading those pieces DID NOT protest what I wrote by taking the action to attack it in writing. So, the relative few who did so
were likely the worst of the fervant U2 idolaters, who were also into "writing."

Moreover, though, unbeknownst or considered well enough as a possibility
by the previous attacking poster; I HAVE gotten some very POSITVE feedback from those who have been U2 fans - people who have
AGREED with and APPRECIATED things I have both written online (and have written me so) and in-person
spoke of (even with my Bible, even right in the general admission pit, even right along the rail of the B-stage, yes; in the general admission lines; in towns of the concerts; and right out in front of a stadium afterwards, for 45 minutes solid, as I watched U2 ride on by in their "emergency" vehicles.) So, as with those few in the pre-Divine destruction time of Noah's Day who decided to HEED DIVINE WARNINGS and OBEY Jehovah-Yahweh, THE POSITIVE RESPONSES OF THOSE PERSONS to scriptural truth CONDEMNS the sickening, idolatry-defending, God-insolent and hateful, etc, responses of who have chosen to reject and unrighteously attack and ridicule what I've written (and the same basic scriptural messages that others of Jehovah-Yahweh's true servants teach all over this world). The positive responders, any of them who will continue in God's Way, are the the prizes, the gold out of all of this - so far. Other than that, people's reactions to speech of God's truth and warnings gives Jehovah-Yahweh God Almighty and his Son an opportunity to surmise the condition of individual's hearts - whether they are righteously inclined or not. They can use this information in their Armageddon decisions as to whether they should judge individuals worthy of living past that Day then or not.

So, unlike some opposers have tried to put on me (to try to underhandedly manipulate and discourage me from correcting anything taught by Bono/ U2, or them, or their FALSE religions [especially Christendom]), I am fully aware that my preaching work for God and love shown for his name has NOT been in vain. Not at all. (1Corinthians 15:58; Hebrews 6:10) [And I would not even consider stopping it either. Neither would the 6.5 millions like myself - about the same basic truths and anti-idolatry, anti-blasphemy, anti-disobedience warnings, etc., pertaining to whatever cases and situations we may come across or find.]

Yes, U2 HAS an emergency, alright - with many of their fans set to die forever soon-for disobeying God, for choosing anti-scriptural laissez-faire and idolatry of the creation forms of "worship", and for stealing and abusing/ blaspheming the God Yahweh (Jehovah's ) name to include within their idolatrous, false "worship."

IT IS NOT OKAY. If your church teaches you this is okay, if they are APATHETIC to these things, leave them and never go back. If they show apathy for obedience to ANY of God's scriptural requirements, leave them and never go back. (That should leave one religion, out of the technically millions, as being good for staying in and joining.)

"I'm Free", by the Who) - LEAVE FALSE RELIGION BEHIND. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,23,24)

Clean yourselves up of your idolatries and anti-scriptural religious beliefs. (1Corinthians 10:20-22; 2Corinthians 6:14-18) Repent and turn around from them. (Acts 3:19)
Quit blaspheming Jehovah-Yahweh God's holy name, because you have no right to do so at all, and God will soon be punishing for that (now mainly at Armageddon), as he has said. Change your heart and mind so as to meet Jehovah-Yahweh's scriptural requirements for those he will let live in his righteous new world system here on earth - the paradise of peace that will be here after he has all persons who choose to REBEL against his righteous scriptural requirements REMOVED FROM THIS EARTH (and existence anywhere) forever. (Psalm 37:9-11,34,37,38 - please read). Again, learn to worship Jehovah-Yahweh God "with spirit and truth", and come to OBEY HIM, for "this means everlasting life." (John 4:24; 17:3; Matthew 4:4)

I don't think idolatry of Bono/ U2, or continued anti-scriptural spiritual beliefs and practices, or continued membership in any FALSE (Scripture-disobeying)
religious group that blasphemes and profanes God Almighty's holy name (or to publically blaspheme it personally, as many U2 "fans" have)
is worth your eternal future, do you?


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