Wednesday, October 24, 2007


13th Century AQUINAS: The church has the right to torture and burn "heretics."
13th Century AQUINAS: Cross images should be adored, revered, and supplicated as the Christ himself.
13th Century AQUINAS: Humans have immortal souls which undergo an "afterlife" purgatory of more extreme suffering than anything they could have known before.
13th Century AQUINAS: Spiritual authority does not rest with God and his words, but is granted to humans and their philosophies.
13th Century AQUINAS: There are "just" wars of men that the church should support.

13th Century AQUINAS: Bloodguilty mass-murderer for all of the above (and more) anti-scriptural, spiritistic LIES he promoted and the countless gross injustices (including murders, "in the name of God") they have produced.

I LEFT THE SPIRITISTIC, BLOODGUILTY CHURCH that still today holds 13th Century AQUINAS and others like him as "SAINTS."

21st CENTURY U2 "FAN" who has chosen a mispelling of the name of AQUINAS for part of his/her website "name":
The "U2-Yahweh" video[s] [shown all over a popular global website and many more; and which contain 24 or so BLASPHEMOUS PAGAN, IDOL, SPIRITISTIC IMAGES, in grotesque and direct VIOLATION of Yahweh's own scriptural standards regarding the use of his own holy name] speaks truth - and anyone who opposes it does not know real love, courage, or strength. [CONTRAST EXODUS 20:1-7; 1John 5:3; and the rest of the BIBLE to that claim.]

Even the short spurt comment of the latter shows that the same old deplorable tactics of mental manipulation-oppression to accept a heavy hand of spiritistically-natured, destructive, anti-scriptural, dark spiritual FALSEHOOD is still actively practiced, taught, and progenized by that church - or at least by its sister religions of Christendom (anti-scriptural, Christ-disobedient, counterfeit "Christianity").

Yahweh-Jehovah's own sudden Day of Divine vengeance against all the spiritistic and bloodguilty FALSE religions, which so wickedly and harmfully misrepresent, defame, and BLASPHEME HIM and what HE REALLY TEACHES is SOON. Do NOT be found still "within" them (a member of, and/or in spiritual support of or association with them) on that Day, or you will share in the punishment God has promised to mete out to them for thus sharing community responsibility for all of the crimes against God, Jesus Christ, his own true scriptural messenger-servants, and humanity that those entities have committed - past and present; sins and injustices which have piled clear on up to heaven. (Please read Revelation chapters 17 and 18, and note 18:4,5,8,20,23,24.)


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