Sunday, January 20, 2008

Re: "Beautiful Ghost"

Praising "spirits of the dead"/ "ghosts" WHICH ARE REALLY DEMONS, trying to contact them, talking to them, singing to them, etc. is SPIRITISM.

The True God Jehovah-Yahweh HATES spiritism. It is an unrighteous "siding" with his enemy Satan, and his likewise evil spirit hordes.

God's words strongly CONDEMN human involvement with any form of spiritism. (Please see Deuteronomy 18:9-13; 1Corinthians 10:20-22) Jehovah-Yahweh also WARNS humans to stay away from spiritism for their own safety and well being too. Once humans become involved with spiritism, demons ("ghosts"/ "spirits of the dead") can progressively disturb, terrorize, torment, cause mental and physical sickness and harm to, and even kill their victims.

### So, NO "GHOST" (demon) is beautiful! ###

Come Armageddon Day (soon), Jehovah-Yahweh will not let persons found practicing spiritism live through it. No one practicing spiritism will be allowed to be part of God's kingdom, either in heaven or on earth. (Revelation 22:15 Galatians 5:19-20)

Surely the persons of this band are capable of writing a song about history, memories, stars, trees, music, and timeless things, etc. without resorting to elements of spiritism.


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