Saturday, January 26, 2008

U2 3D Beats R2-D2 & 6'S UN OK on the one Hand, but Still Blasphemes Yahweh







However, the rest of this review merits red, for outrage. (It's also a foreshadowing metaphor for the effects of the winepress of God's anger, which is soon to

Come down upon the vine
Of Satan's system
And mankind
Who won't listen to Divine

Even after all the posts, all the signs, all the drama, all the blogging, etc.......

U2 STILL chose to include



in with their "magnificent", widely publicized 3D movie. They let them be plastered onto a screen in "ink with gold" light again, to accompany the song "Yahweh" - which was slipped into that highly effective "take it home with you", last memory-thought-slot of the show.

What terribleness, and what loss: All that effort, all that talent, all that technology....all of it twisted to produce an ultimately bad and deathful ending; since, come Armageddon Day (soon), - anyone found beLIEving in the ways of blasphemy, idolatry, spiritism, spiritual apathy, etc. will die.

It really was too bad, though not surprising, since the Vertigo tour concerts themselves ran that same way. The effect of the 3D movie-mode itself with its "surround sound" (or whatever its called) was truly amazing and (like the concerts) had the potential to be positive overall, IF ONLY the shows had been cleaned up, with rubbish removed, torched, etc.

Bono, Edge and Adam appeared freestandingly. It was as when someone turned the knob on R2-D2, and Leia appeared, calling, ~ "Help me, Obi- Wan Kenobi, you're our only hope" - only these guys were MUCH bigger, and the image and sound didn't break up. On the contrary, the sound was clear as could be, even much-seeming like it was filling out and coming from appropriate areas.

I developed an even greater appreciation for all of their instrument playing, thanks to many-angled close-ups; as well as song delivery; and their HANDS, which a person could see more of the character of - bigger than life. Hands can be so nice. They can do a lot of GOOD....


U2 chose to retain the "COEXIST" ("COEXISTA") and "COEXIST" headband segments of their show for this "film." The markings of Bono's headband were kept as features, as tire tracks of banally FALSE religions; whose tires have driven - for centuries - through dungy idolatry, the spilled blood of countless injustices, etc.

This form of media is the most infiltrating and potentially heart-and-mind invasive yet, next to close-up live................

"Love and Peace" with its "Jesus, Jew, Muhummad, its true....All sons of Abraham" NOT-ism (only Jesus and those who "belong to Christ...are really Abraham's seed" - Galatians 3:29) was, very lamentably, kept. One improvement in this performance was, though, that instead of ridiculously blaming "father Abraham" for the warring that goes on between the God-disobedient FALSE religious elements of the world ["Father Abraham, what have YOU done?"] ; Bono wisely changed his line here, (at least this time) to, "Father Abraham, what have WE done."

Again, while the God-obedient, faithful man Abraham - called "Jehovah's [Yahweh's] friend" (James 2:23) - is now sleeping in death; the Greater Abraham, who is Jehovah/ Yahweh himself, is very much alive, watching, and listening to everything going on. Even more so than the human patriarch Abraham, the Greater Abraham (God) is NOT to blame for men's wicked inhumanity to man - for FAILING TO LISTEN TO and OBEY HIM, THE GREATER ABRAHAM - whatsoever. Instead, as Jehovah/ Yahweh explains regarding the God-rebellious and unrighteous choices men make - and the consequences of harm that result - "Their defect is their own." So, right - never blame God for the trouble men make and suffer from, for refusing to listen to and obey their very own Maker.

After that, the band played "Sunday, Bloody Sunday." During this, with the 3D effect, it was as if Bono was close-up, reaching for one's face, singing, "wipe your tears away..." (That is a biblical allusion of what Jehovah/ Yahweh himself promises to do in his new world system here on earth, starting soon. See Isaiah 25:8; Revelaton 21:14) Too bad it was with that dumb headband on though, Bono.

(If you REALLY want to help wipe people's tears away rather than give them more, learn and help teach Jehovah-Yahweh's scriptural TRUTH and promises [quickly].)

(People CAN "begin again, begin again, begin again....", but they'd BETTER HURRY UP, because, yes, "The times, they ARE a-changin'".)

To be continued.............(I think)


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