Sunday, March 09, 2008

Under the "U2 Yahweh" Videos: Praise Allah and "Holy" Dictionaries

I hope that the last of the good-hearted people will be found and get themselves into Jehovah's spiritual "ark" SOON, in a hurry. Observing mass-media-ed blasphemy of Jehovah-Yahweh's holy name, set to popular music to boot, is so aggravating.

No kidding: Along with the most demonistic and ridiculous antichrist, anti-scriptural spiritual lies and slander that have been promoted in and along with the spiritually wreckless, unretracted "U2 Yahweh" videos, one now even advertises "Praise Allah!" directly under it.

That is, however, no less blasphemous than the FALSE "Christian", pagan-hybrid triune idol godheaded comment of, "Jesus is God!", even under the name of the absolutely monotheistic, One and ONLY True God, purposely called Yahweh [Jehovah] - to UNIQUELY IDENTIFY HIM from any other god or being, including his own Son, who has his own, DIFFERENT name. Yahweh [Jehovah's] name distinguishes HIM ALONE as the Creator, Most High God, and Rightful Sovereign of the Universe; and he gives that glory to NO ONE ELSE, not even his own precious and esteemed Son, Jesus Christ (mankind's Ransomer, Great Teacher, High Priest, King, and one Mediator to God), whom he has placed as second-in-command of the universe.


"I am Jehovah [Yahweh].



shall I give my own glory,

neither my praise to graven images."

Then come the man-made "dictionaries", recommended to the world as the spiritual authority regarding the holy name of the Creator - by yet another U2 fan and NON-WORSHIPER (according to given scriptural terms of worship) of this God Yahweh-Jehovah.

The "fan" touts to all, as some "learned" authority (that is SARCASM) that Jehovah "is a false translation" of the Hebrew name for God - and that "any good Bible dictionary", or even Webster's SAYS SO. The "fan" also says that the word Jehovah "was MADE UP by a man named Petrus J. Galatinus in 1520." (Then another U2 "fan" praises God for that "knowledge".)

What is ACTUALLY being demonstrated by such comments, though, is a copied, UNFOUNDED, biased HOSTILITY - resulting in ERROR - towards the Latin-based and English form of the Tetragrammaton, "Jehovah."

The REAL reason for that attacking hostility is because most Latin-based language and English-speaking people - a huge portion of mankind - are quite aware now that the form of God's name that is "Jehovah" is almost simultaneously associated with the global religion of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Since we ARE obedient to the Only True God - who can RIGHTLY be called Jehovah, Yahweh, Exhoba, Ieova, Zoova, or any of MANY other pronouncable forms of the Tetragrammaton that have BEEN NATURALIZED INTO THE MANY TONGUES OF THE PEOPLES OF THIS WORLD, AS PER GOD'S WILL - and DO PREACH HIS SCRIPTURAL MESSAGES, including WARNINGS to the world; because God's words ARE HATED BY THE MANY (as prophesied), SO TOO the MESSENGERS OF THEM ARE LIKEWISE HATED (as prophesied); and the form of God's name contained in the name of our religion, JEHOVAH, as in Jehovah's Witnesses,
is shown special AVERSION and panicked (rather than well-researched) belittlement and ridiculing disdain (including unjust SLANDER).

Also, in their quick-attack-the-truth-before-it-exposes-false-religious-lies mode, the U2 "fan" Jehovah-fighter did sloppy, lacking research.

As ONLY ONE of many people through time who have translated the Tetragrammaton into a speakable form, naturalized into their language for USE rather than a wrongly tabooed, anti-scriptural HIDING/ SMOTHERING of God's holy name; Petrus Galatinus DIDN'T EVEN use the word "Jehovah". In his 1518 A.D. work, "Concerning Secrets of Universal Truth, he used the form "Iehoua". (1)

HOWEVER, even earlier, in 1278, a Spanish monk named Raymundus Martini, in his work called "Dagger of Faith" used the naturalized form of "Yohoua" (which showed up as "Jehovah" in later printings of this work). (1)

Also earlier, in 1303, Porchetus Salvaticus, in "Victoria Porcheti Adversus Impios Hebraeos" spelled God's name as "Iohouah", "Iohoua", and "Ihouah". (1)

Notice that NONE of the above examples, two of which were even earlier than Petrus's "Iehoua" spell God's name in the made-speakable, Hebrew form-naturalization of the Tetragrammaton, which is "Y-A-H-W-E-H."

In conclusion, then, whether someone INSISTS on DENOUNCING the world-known Latin/English form of the Tetragrammaton, "Jehovah" - one of MANY naturalized forms of the Tetragrammaton - as "FALSE"; but U2's "LESS"-Jehovah's Witness-associated form "Yahweh" as being SUPERIOR, or the only "true", "correct", or "proper" form of the Tetragrammaton (especially after having been served notice of God's TRUTH about his name) will SHOW WHAT IS IN THEIR HEARTS, and what is of greater concern to them: FALSE (Christ-disobedient and wrongful self-desire idolizing) "Christianity" which also idolizes U2....... OR.......seeking, learning, and taking a stand for pure worship of the God Jehovah-Yahweh; the TRUTH about his name; and the scripturally-given purposes related to the making and keeping HOLY of his name.

Again, when Armageddon soon gets here, ONLY those found CALLING ON GOD'S NAME - Jehovah, Yahweh, Javeh, Yekovah, etc. - while obediently worshiping him "with spirit and truth" will "get away safe."

"The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe..." (Joel 2:31,32)

"For 'everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.' However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith?... " (Romans 10:13,14)

"Nevertheless, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father with spirit and truth, for, indeed, the Father is looking for suchlike ones to worship him. God is a Spirit, and those worshiping him MUST worship with spirit and truth.” (John 4:23,24)

(1) See "The Divine Name that Will Live Forever", on the following webpage -


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