Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Get Well Soon

*** Get well soon ***

P.S. DON'T put out "Songs of Ascent" : Anything more that would further mass-media exploit and misrepresent God Almighty's own PURPOSED and holy lifesaving words would only be all the more God-angering.

Either STAND UP for this TRUE GOD (Jehovah/ Yahweh) with ***HIS*** SCRIPTURAL TRUTH, or "get off his 'side' " with your promotion of prophesied-type FAKE (future-worthless), man-made, counterfeit "kingdom of God" deceptions; anti-scriptural religious/"spiritual"/philosophical FALSEHOODS; blasphemies; Armageddon-fatal disregard for the whole of God's vital instruction; etc.

Have a better day.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

Just a note to the person that wished to post a link to a certain "fan" webpage: I highly encourage you to ABSOLUTELY REPUDIATE that entire website and its associate sites. It is one of THE MOST INTENSE and BLATANT, BLASPHEMOUS, FALSE "CHRISTIAN" JEZEBELLIAN IDOLATRY-of-Bono/U2websites that I know of. It practices and promotes idolatry at its most fervent, ugly, and unjust. It has also worked and promoted nationalism; apostasy; the beliefs and practices of GOD-CONDEMNED anti-scriptural FALSE religions (especially Christendom); and spiritual slackness and apathy. It is a spiritually GROTESQUE website.

That site unjustly BANNED ME a long time ago. To clearly show the PHARISAIC rather than Christian-at-all SPIRIT of that "community", someone or some persons with that site also tried to UNJUSTLY "scare"/ "threaten" me into silence (by way of imputed FALSE charges of wrong-doing, like the demonistic, sinning-against-the-holy-spirit wicked Pharisees of old slandered Jesus Christ with) by making it so that, for a while, whenever I would check back to that site and try to log in, an FBI home page would show up on my screen.

So, the dominating "spirit" of that throng is one of loving spiritual lies and idolatry; of approving of INJUSTICE and that the GOD-GIVEN RIGHT of FREEDOM OF SPEECH to speak scriptural truth BE DENIED; and of having "no king but Caesar" - and no god or "Lord" but Bono, U2, selves, demons, and Satan.

Indeed, like other Bono/U2 IDOLATRY websites, ANYTHING BUT whole Bible TRUTH in needed strength is accepted there. However, that which delivers SCRIPTURAL WARNING MESSAGES against God-HATED and Christ-HATED anti-scriptural FALSE religious/"spiritual" teachings being mass-media-ed by Bono/U2 and IDOLATROUS FALSE "Christian" religious "leaders"/ book authors/ idolatry-sermon-sellers/self-glory[fame] seekers and other IDOLATROUS "fans" of theirs has proven to be SO UNWANTED THERE. Certainly, such TRUTH from God's words is NOT PLEASANT to the ears of the IDOLATERS who inhabit and/ or run that excruciatingly shallow, pathetically small-minded, self-sickening & suffocating "community".

So, their practice has been to delete and ban scriptural corrections and warning messages. Besides teaching and promoting demon-origined spiritual LIES; those involved are also guilty before God of "suppressing THE TRUTH in an unrighteous way" - a crime against God and humanity said to be "deserving of death", by God. (Romans 1:18,32)

FAST, TRUE repentance over these crimes, as well as a total turn-around from idolatrous FALSE religions to the ONE TRUE, scriptural religion of the Bible will be necessary for all such God-fighting idolaters if they want to experience God and Jesus Christ's approval rather than their rage, soon, come Armageddon Day.


11:42 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...


At best, that site's section of "scriptural-references" found in U2 songs is entirely meager; piece-meal; repeatedly unsubstanciated; extortive; slip-shod; and FALSELY SUPPORTIVE of idolatry and FALSE religious teachings and practices which VIOLATE OTHER COMMANDS, principles, and Divine purposes and truth as found in God's own words. (That has been done by wrongfully "picking-and-choosing" Scriptures OUT OF and APART FROM their God-intended whole-Biblical context as is "convenient" for persons wishing to make misapplications of them.)

So - "JUST SAY NO" to the wicked Pharisee-ism; cowardly injustice (against freedom of speech); Jezebellian [FALSE, apostate] "Christianity" and spiritism; and Bono/U2 IDOLATRY that dominates that website and others like it.

SOON, Jehovah/ Yahweh will be saying "NO" - as in NO passage through Armageddon with be allowed, and no eternal life will be granted - to those He finds practicing and promoting unjust, blasphemous, unrighteousness-producing, God-disloyal and Christ disloyal, scripturally WARNED AGAINST spiritual LIES and idolatrous FALSE "worship."

11:43 AM  

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