Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I said you took God's name in vain
Maybe you're thinkin in your brain,
Lady, if I did, what is it to ya

But God's name's not just a song
It's life or death to billions
For each to render a true Hallelujah*

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.....
No lies, just truth and good with Hallelujah

The time that's left is less and less
The world system's a dyin' mess
While Satan slanders Jah
With false religions

So many yell that God's to blame
And then they turn to mock his name,
Sayin,' "There's no good in callin' Hallelujah!"

But Hallelujah, Hallelujah.....
This world will hear the truth
'Bout Hallelujah.

Hallelujah, Hallelujah.....
It's not too hard
To mend a Hallelujah.    : )

* "The sun itself will be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and fear-inspiring day of Jehovah. And it must occur that everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will get away safe..." (Joel 2:31,32)

"For “everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved.” However, how will they call on him in whom they have not put faith? How, in turn, will they put faith in him of whom they have not heard? How, in turn, will they hear without someone to preach? How, in turn, will they preach unless they have been sent forth? Just as it is written: “How comely are the feet of those who declare good news of good things!”  (Romans 10:13-15)

Ha-le-lu' jah ["praise Jah, you people"; "praise Jah"] - "Jah" is a shortened form of "Jehovah" [Yahweh], a poetic form.

People will need to call on the name of the Creator and Universal Sovereign Jehovah [Yahweh/Ieova/Yekovah/Exhoba, etc.] (Jah),  worshiping Him "with spirit and truth"(John 4:24);  and knowing, exercising faith in and being obedient to Him and his Son, Jesus Christ. (John 17:3; 3:16 AND 3:36)

So, what matters won't be just SAYING a name. Instead, it will be vital to CALL ON the NAME of Jehovah (Jah), knowing and having a good personal relationship - a true friendship - with The Almighty, this good Heavenly Father, the Only True God. (Psalm 83:18)

"Call out/ Your name
Call out....." **

NOT "in shame".

**(From U2's "11 o' Clock, Tick Tock")

Monday, July 25, 2011

WOW! However...You NEED to Get Rid of Those "U2 Yahweh" Videos, and There are Still Some Other (Serious) Issues...

'Had no idea Purple Rain was on it's way at this point

Hey - WE'RE in space too!

So many people!!

An ingenious balloon-wave...
So many people who just want to be free to enjoy life,
without trouble, without worries, surely.
The time when all of God-obedient mankind
can live that way on this earth forever
(under Jehovah/Yahweh's TRUE "Kingdom come")
will begin SOON. People get ready.
(See John 17:3)
"It's not a hill, it's a mountain" [U2]
but you've GOT TO MAKE that climb...
(See Isaiah 2:2-4)

He (Prince) said; she (I) said (in zootopia, pre-being [unjustly] banned from it in late 2004);
he (Bono) said; and now she (I) say(s) again; [the likes of]:
"I only want to see you" [laughing/singing/dancing/bathing
(getting soaked, in nice summer rain)]
"in the purple rain"
[I don't know which song I took these two photos in]

"What more, in the name of love?"
"One man, he resist......
.....they could not take your pride..." [U2]

Thunder....lightning....Then I heard the voice of God....He said,
If you think you're having fun now, wait 'til you get to Minneapolis....
- Bono

"Have you come here to play Jesus" met with....lightening :)
So did "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"
(and some other songs too)
How wonderfully poignant.

[I do not know during which song, though, someone else took the lightning bolt
picture as shown on the computer screen.]


There's a lot to think about (very quickly, too), isn't there?

Re: The Be-Lightning-ed "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For"  

Reverence, scriptural TRUTH, obedience to Jehovah the Creator and His Son - these are things required for pure worship...

I believe in the Kingdom come, as in Matthew 6:10 (and commonly referred to in "The Lord's Prayer") - the REAL, TRUE, mankind-saving and healing, whole-scripturally described Kingdom, whose source is "not of this world", and is "no part of this world" (see John 18:36). It is heaven-based (with Jesus Christ as God's appointed, perfect King of that Kingdom), and will soon be extended down from heaven to encompass this whole earth, as its only Rulership. I do NOT believe in any of the counterfeit, no-track-record-of-any-lasting-real-success, false-religio/political/etc. man-made "kingdoms of God".

What about you? Into what/whom do you put your trust, your hope for now and the future, your loyalty/allegiance, etc?

There is nothing in God's words that supports that "all the colors will bleed into one" in God's Kingdom on Earth either. Jehovah's coming Day of Vengeance/Armageddon will NOT indiscriminately kill everyone, causing all peoples to "bleed into one" - all the "good people" to die and go to heaven, wherein all individuality, different colors, etc. will cease to be. (Those ideas are similar to the very depressing, anti-natural, ultra-frustrating, value-of-the-individual-denying, spiritistic esoterism [so wrongly] taught in the name of "Christianity" in my now long-ago former [Catholic] church.)

Oppositely, the TRUE Kingdom of God will soon see God Almighty and His Son enacting Armageddon Day to remove all of the stubborn-though-warned disobedient rebels against God from this earth. As Jehovah has promised though, just as there were God-obedient survivors of His former destruction of the "earth" (Noah and his family); this time there will be too - and they will be "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues..." (Revelation 7:9)

So, "all the colors will" NOT "bleed into one".......Instead, it will be, again, as when

"After the flood, all the colors came out".......as good as when God put that first rainbow in the sky. It will again be a "beautiful day", on Earth, in God's real Kingdom, come to here; with individual spiritual brothers and sisters - from all over the world - happy, joyful, and thankful to Jehovah/Yahweh and His Son for all that will have happened...

Re: "Carried the cross of my shame" [and also "tricks...crucifix"]: Jesus never died on a cross. He was executed, by wicked persons, upon a common-to-that-time torture stake with no crossbar. The cross is an ancient and famous idol image of spiritism/magik/paganism, the sort of which is not unique to Christendom (counterfeit "Christianity") either. For these reasons and more, the "cross" has nothing to do with TRUE, Scriptural Christianity, and, in fact, is repugnant to it - and also to God and Jesus Christ themselves.

The spiritual truth about Jehovah, the Universal Sovereign; His purposes; His Son, with his Ransoming role; God's requirements for continued life for mankind; Divinely wise, helpful, and loving instruction for humanity (including needed warning words), etc. is now being preached, by those true to Jehovah - and so true followers of Jesus Christ - world-wide, just as prophesied for these "last days" of this current, corrupt, and life-and-happiness-hostile world system. Yes, "This good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come." (Matthew 24:14)

Again, that prophecy IS being fulfilled, unstoppably, with thoroughness - and that preaching/reaching/teaching work has been sped-up too, also as prophesied. (See Isaiah 60:22)

The DIFFERENCE between the (anti-whole-scriptural) FALSE religions of the world, with their rotten fruitages of crimes against God and humanity (wars, murders, atrocities, genocides, extreme injustices, etc.) and the one TRUE religion described by God's own words has become very, very clear, globally. (See Matthew 7:16-20)

This time of globalization, this information age, has also let all of the evidence flood-in for this too, before the eyes of the world: This is how FALSE religion has damaged and destroyed countless lives for centuries (and still does!)  - VS. - this is how the one TRUE religion from Jehovah has been a constant and steady force for peace, righteousness, love, justice, hope, goodness, strength, and integrity, etc, among mankind, globally.

"How can you stand next to the truth and not see it?" (U2, from "I Know I'll go Crazy if I Don't go Crazy Tonight")

With all of God's TRUTH swirling through and "fogging" the air, with its fresh, pure goodness, there is hardly a smidgeon of any dry excuse left anymore for hardly anyone, anywhere to say that they
"still haven't found what [they're] looking for" !!



[God's truth]

(Compare the prophesies of Isaiah 6:9,10 and Matthew 13:13-15)

Jehovah's own power-backed purposes for his truth to be made known - including for people seeking Him to hurry-up to FIND what they are LOOKING FOR this way - can't be denied any more than that awesome power (also from the Maker) which backs those flashes of lightning.

(More later, I hope...)


Friday, July 22, 2011

*A CLUB CALLED "BABYLON THE GREAT" (vs. the One True Religion)

     IS A CLUB #


#  See Revelation, Chapters 17 and 18. And (urgently) note, please, 18:4,5 [of "Babylon the Great", Satan's harlot-like world empire of all FALSE-to-God (anti-whole scriptural) religions, very much including FALSE "Christianity" (aka to many as "the Church"] -

"And I heard another voice out of heaven say: “Get out of her, my people, if YOU do not want to share with her in her sins, and if YOU do not want to receive part of her plagues. For her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind."

* Then, oppositely and happily, there is the ONE TRUE RELIGION, of those willingly and gratefully obedient to the Most High, of which it is written:

"One body there is, and one spirit, even as YOU were called in the one hope to which YOU were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all [persons], who is over all and through all and in all." (Ephesians 4:4-6)

- United by and in and with TRUE LOVE and TRUE PEACE, through and from Jehovah, through His Son, "with spirit and TRUTH" [John 4:24]  (from God, from His words)....THAT is the ONE TRUE RELIGION.

***THAT*** is the real, true "ONE".

And IT will last FOREVER.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

No Generation's had a Chance to Change the World * But Jah's True Kingdom WILL be Doing that Real Soon!

Just the town of this concert

That would be emphasis/intensity, LOL...

(The above four graffiti pictures were created by others.)


P.S. - The foolish and blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" videos are still up and doing harm. You NEED to take them down. They are NOT okay. Exodus 20:2-7 (and more).

P.P.S. Again, the "cross" is a God-hated and Jesus Christ-hated pagan and spiritistic symbol of infamy since ancient times. (Jesus never even died on a cross - it was just an upright stake, a "tree", with no crossbar.) Add to that, MUCH killing has been done - with crosses serving as motivating [idolatrous] emblems for such evil to be carried out. Therefore, crosses make terrible art; jewelry; and word-pictures to represent Jesus Christ  - or anything else of God (including his REAL "Kingdom come"). Leave 'em behind. Hurry.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

"Still" ?!?!?

(Isn't this the jist of what a charismatic leader teaches [millions]?) [What follows is SARCASM]

NOW HEAR THIS, masses, throngs
Who I know follow me, our songs:

It's true, there are people out there
Preaching Jehovah's words everywhere
They've informed me, and most of you
About how God's words make  ONE TRUTH
And how to OBEY HIM


(Again, this is SARCASM!)

Hey - what do you say - they're not what we're looking for.

Oh well, isn't this yet the vertigo pool?
A sea-ful of lost souls, and fools?

So who's the Master, who's the King?
A CAPTAIN with his megaphone things?

Saying, just keep treading water-mire with me
And ignore that on-coming storm we see...

(to be continued?)