Saturday, July 09, 2011

No Generation's had a Chance to Change the World * But Jah's True Kingdom WILL be Doing that Real Soon!

Just the town of this concert

That would be emphasis/intensity, LOL...

(The above four graffiti pictures were created by others.)


P.S. - The foolish and blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" videos are still up and doing harm. You NEED to take them down. They are NOT okay. Exodus 20:2-7 (and more).

P.P.S. Again, the "cross" is a God-hated and Jesus Christ-hated pagan and spiritistic symbol of infamy since ancient times. (Jesus never even died on a cross - it was just an upright stake, a "tree", with no crossbar.) Add to that, MUCH killing has been done - with crosses serving as motivating [idolatrous] emblems for such evil to be carried out. Therefore, crosses make terrible art; jewelry; and word-pictures to represent Jesus Christ  - or anything else of God (including his REAL "Kingdom come"). Leave 'em behind. Hurry.


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