Wednesday, April 29, 2015

So Tonight, I See Yet Another Comment Saying, "F___ Yahweh" Under Your Blasphemous Video You are STILL Mass-Media-ing to the World (You Should Have REMOVED It)

This is so evil, disgusting, rank, shocking and appalling that I simply do not see, Bono and U2, how it is that YOU can possibly "Sleep Like a Baby Tonight" - for your being responsible for these international mass-blasphemy and blasphemy disease-spreading so-called "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos (and concert-footage videos showing any of those same blasphemous idol images representing spiritual lies) still being left up and playing on (rather than being rightly removed from) the major video-sharing sites.

And please, do not salve, exonerate, or excuse yourselves from the badness, gross blasphemy and damage to God, Jesus Christ and humanity you are carrying on with these videos on account of any FALSE (anti-whole scriptural, anti-holy spirit) "witness" you are receiving from anyone else who may call themself a servant of God/Jehovah/Yahweh, a "Christian" - but who would panderingly and disloyally  "excuse" you for this. It is not their right to do so: These are God's laws, and this is HIS name.

  This problem of the blasphemous videos is NOT OKAY, and it NEEDS TO BE FIXED, AS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY.

It is more important than your songs;

It is more important than your tour;

It is more important than all of your "social justice" projects, combined (since partaking of or sharing in blasphemy will end up taking away people's lives for all of eternity); 

It is more important than either your money or your popularity.


To Jehovah/Yahweh God Almighty, the Creator, Life-Giver, and Universal Sovereign; 

To His Son, Jesus Christ, who commanded that His Father's name be MADE HOLY [NOT blasphemed];

To the TRUE servants of God, whom you are also disturbing;

And to all of your fans - especially those that look to you as spiritual "leaders", "examples" [or even gods (!)] 

To get rid of the problem of these blasphemous videos; to leave off from teaching any more anti-whole-scriptural spiritual falsehoods; and to learn and start speaking-out whole-scriptural spiritual truth regarding the name, person, and scriptural standards of Jehovah/Yahweh INSTEAD.

How much time is there to wait to take down the blasphemy-problem videos and make these changes? Answer: None. There is NO time to wait. Fix it.

Hmm. Don't know if you were actually able to see me, Bono, along the walkway, at your last concert in Minneapolis, in the rain - but you were looking right towards my face, and I was looking right there at yours (in the rain), while you were singing, "IT'S NOT A HILL,  IT'S A MOUNTAIN/ WHEN YOU START OUT THE CLIMB"...........

God requires that people do more than just hang-out at the base of his mountain indefinitely; regard his messages as being only like lovely paper cut-outs coming down from the sky; or talk about getting to the task of obeying and upholding scriptural truths they have learned or still need to learn [maybe]  SOMEDAY, "by and by". The time to learn, uphold, live-by, and then share in the teaching of Jehovah/Yahweh's VITAL,  scriptural-spiritual truth (including his warning messages) is, most urgently, NOW. 

Similarly, since Jehovah and truth about Him IS available, excuses are gone for persons now to stay in the mode of, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for." To do so is likely an intentional disregard for God and for His scriptural truth - as an "excuse" for persons to carry on things that they figure those commands and principles from God condemn. Ignoring God's given laws will not stand as an excuse with Him though. 

Never should persons want to find themselves meeting this prophetic description, of how many would be, in the last days:

"always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth." (2Timothy 3:7)

"The mountain of Jehovah"....His call is for people to put in the effort, urgently, NOW, to go UP it - to learn His scriptural instructions, which they will need, to rightly honor their Maker, to keep on living, and to help others to do the same. (Isaiah 2:2-4. I also painted that, in a light blue arrow shape, together with "DO IT", on the wall across from your studio, along the Liffey, in Dublin, 2005. (I hung out to finish this - along with another Scripture in a heart shape - despite a worrisome mist of a rain. As I did get to wrap it up though, a double rainbow appeared over the river. I took it for what I did. It was [very simple] art featuring a vital scriptural reference, calling out to writers/international performers of songs that have included scriptural references or allusions to them; and it was topped-off with rainbows that day....

But things really have NOT gotten better since then. Instead of climbing up the mountain of Jehovah, there has been a lot of playing in a mud pit. And meanwhile, the stars go fallin' from the sky/ Many lost is an understatement/ And Armageddon's nigh.

How About if You Explain to Your Fan Forum Website "Moderator" that they are 100% UNFIT for the Job, Given Their Crassly Anti-God Modus Operandi

Bono and U2: You have employed/partnered-with a large company to handle your fan page website and tour details. Among its personnel, someone said to be "way up there" in position, is a so-called "moderator" who goes by a compound-word username - the first part of which begins with a "b", and the second part of which starts with a "w". 

SINCE U2 has gained SO MUCH OF THEIR FAME, FORTUNE, and "spiritually-interested" FAN BASE BY THE USE OF SCRIPTURES, SCRIPTURE BITS and ALLUSIONS TO THEM (and even, since 2005, the HOLY, PERSONAL NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF), it is COMPLETELY UNFITTING and WRONGFUL that you then also keep, as a highly-positioned "moderator" of your fan forum message board (Zootopia) - that YOU let be in charge of WHAT MAY BE OR MAY NOT BE "SPOKEN" - a man (?) WHO HAS COMPLAINED OF MY SPEECH AS BEING A "RELIGIOUS RANT" [see a previous post here].

Neither that person nor anyone like him has any REAL authority to be expunging, threatening, demeaning and censoring - as that person has done - God-Authorized, freedom-of-speech of the Highest Order expressions of scriptural, spiritual TRUTH (which is life-helping, hope-giving, and life-saving). 

Clearly neither that moderator nor anyone else  him/her in this way belongs in a position in which peoples hearts, minds, and souls are being effected - as they currently are, in a very negative way - by your fan forum website, being operated in the unjust, spiritual-truth-bashing/censoring way that it is.

A better and more fitting job for such a self-expressed anti-God "moderator" of a fan site of a band that made the bulk of their fame and fortune by referencing God and His words would be for that person to just stick to tinkering work with computer functionality, and to GET OUT OF THE "PEOPLE CARE" AREA - with their censoring and "monitoring" speech, etc. - as THEIR UNQUALIFIED BEHAVIOR and ACTIONS HAVE BEEN DAMAGING, and are HYPOCRITICAL as to being the correct standards of a band who has (hypocritically then also, in this way too) done so much of their work "in the name of God" (even in His most Holy personal name).

Is there anything that can yet be said to wake you people up to the mass-damage you are working by referencing God - or your letting your decades of music referencing Him still air to the masses on a daily basis - while you are also, at the same time, working hypocrisy (also in front of the masses) against Jehovah/Yahweh and His known scriptural standards, including against GOD-GIVEN FREEDOM OF SPEECH for His scriptural truth to be spoken?

In fact, since mindlessness - together with a spirit of derision towards the actual right application and practice of scriptural-spiritual truth - has taken over and dominated your fan forum message board website, Zootopia, I believe it would be best if you simply eliminated it. I notice some artists no longer host a fan forum site with comments. That would be better than what you are now presenting to God and to the world.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Global Citizen, with the UN as a god to You ~OR~ A Loyal Citizen of Jehovah's Incoming Perfect Kingdom for Earth: Which Will You Choose to Be?

Saturday, April 18, 2015



Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Unalive Nations

We are unalive nations
With sold-out souls, 
We "protect" "reputations"
Of pop star gods,
Big cash sensations
And maintain hypocrisy to the world
As "salvation".

Speak warnings from Jah
Against teachings from our gods,
We can't have it.
We'll censor and delete
Your un-saleable talk 
But post bullspit.

Where ho-hum and dumb
Is the standard of the day
We'll do our best to control
Any truth you want to say
Keep music lovers dying 
But hey, it pays
Keep masses in the darkness
Til Armageddon Day

So raise the golden calves on high [sarcasm]
We're part of the machine
Got your money, got your minds
Don't care if its obscene.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Just Something I wrote Up in a Box Tonight, When I saw Praise Being Lavished on the [Also] Blasphemous "U2-Yahweh-U23D" Video

A hideously blasphemous video. It is grotesque mass-blasphemy and desecration of the holy name and person of Jehovah/Yahweh. 
 Despite being served scriptural warning that these "U2 Yahweh" videos (with the cartoon demonic and spiritual lie idol images) violate God's holy name to the extreme; U2 has not removed them from off of the major video sharing sites (like they have done with other videos, in the past, that they did not want to be seen). 
 In the past [in front of Mount Sinai], Jehovah/Yahweh had 3000 people killed in one day, for daring to blasphemously associate His holy name with even one golden calf idol image. These "U2 Yahweh" videos (with the cartoons) stream about 28 different idol images - all of which violate Jehovah/Yahweh's holy name.   
 Jehovah/Yahweh God Almighty, the Creator and Universal Sovereign does not change, and so He does HATE these videos, and they do enrage Him. 
 He does not tolerate blasphemy of Himself - but this time, is storing up his wrathful destruction of all unrepentant wicked persons to be taken care of all at once by Him, on His soon- coming Day of Armageddon. 
 The main reason for His bringing Armageddon onto disobedient mankind is to clear the earth of blasphemy (including its sources, and blasphemy supporters). 
 Why persons so foolishly choose not to listen to purposely-provided scriptural warning examples from the past - and their consciences - is unfathomable. 
 Since these videos are spreading spiritual disease that many people can end up dying forever for, come Armageddon Day, U2 and those who support such blasphemy are violating not only God Almighty and His Son, but humanity also. 
 They could have left out the spiritual lie of "soul, stranded in this skin and bones"; and they could have left out all of the evil idol images - and they could have removed these blasphemously-faulted videos from off the big video-sharing sites - but U2 has FAILED to do what they could have and should have done with these matters, for TEN YEARS! What excuse is there for that. Answer: Probably none. 
 Oh - and don't even try to say this kind of scriptural spiritual corrective/warning truth on their fan forum website, "Zootopia" - or the idolatrous powers that be there will "warn" and censor you (same effect as being banned).  
 Twice in a day in public, I should still get U2 music pumped into my ears, but there is to be no means of recourse against spiritually harmful messages they are mass-media-ing on a constant basis, to the millions-plus? 
 I'm glad Jehovah/Yahweh is going to be taking care of such problems soon; but I also think that there are going to be a lot of lives lost come Armageddon Day - for many persons succumbing to blasphemy-idolatry and spiritual lie-idolatry propaganda. How tragic.

Prologue: My scriptural-spiritual warning comment of unwanted truth, as above, was promptly deleted (within one day) by a Yahweh/Jehovah-BLASPHEMING and violating, U2 IDOLATER "fan" - in tragic keeping with the demonic spirit and example being worked by the soon-future eternal death-bringing plague of these Satanic "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos. 

U2, despite being publicly warned for 10 years, has most hypocritically, unjustly and unlovingly (towards God, Jesus Christ, and neighbor) chosen, for 10 years, to continue letting these demonic, Yahweh/Jehovah-HATED and enraging, God-alienating and loss of eternal life threatening IDOL IMAGE SEWAGE VIDEOS remain playing on the major video-sharing sites (instead of retracting them, as they have done before, and so must be able to).

U2 - do you remember when Bono said something like, "two cr_p albums and we're done" (?) Well, these Jehovah/Yahweh-blaspheming videos are so spiritually destructive for the demonic cr_p they contain and emit to the world, that they are beyond two albums worth of cr_p of material having to do with lesser subjects. Add to that, your latest album work promotes ghosts, left-general "disbelief"[in God], and more spiritism/false religion (such as in the "Iris" song, i.e. "Once, we are born/ We begin to forget/ The very reason we came" [!!]). So, well, since you're actually [willfully] doing more harm than good now to God and humanity with your celebrity "currency", yes, why don't you quit.

Take all of the God-violating, Satanic trash videos down too though.

Monday, April 06, 2015

Bono and U2's "Grand Contribution" (Sarcasm)-Legacy to Humanity and Service to God with their Music and LIves: Leave-Up Blasphemous Videos that also Allow Others to Desecrate-Blaspheme God's Holy Name??!!?

Just who do you people think you are. What do you think that Jehovah/Yahweh is going to do to you, for your continuing to knowingly, wildly, and obscenely mass-blaspheme His holy name - and also, at the same time, for your continuing to mass-facilitate (and encourage, by [idolized] example) that others should freely and obscenely desecrate and blaspheme His holy name too - by way of your demonic spiritual LIE-spreading "U2 Yahweh" cartoon and [same-image] light show videos??!!!

How is it possible that you continue to do this - without having consciences working enough that should boot you into the action of pulling these videos off from the major video sharing sites?!? It's known that you can and have pulled other videos that you didn't want shown off of youtube in the past - so it must be that this evil work you're continuing "in the name of God" is just your own wicked, unrespectable, deplorable, spiritually destructive choice.

You have been engaging in internationally-mass-media-ed gross BLASPHEMY of Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name since at least 2005, via your "U2 Yahweh" cartoon, with its 28 idol/spiritistic images; the same images, used as your concert light-show/backdrop (for most shows, 'til towards the end of the Vertigo tour); the trailer of your "U2 3D" movie; and other mass-media containing these idol images where you have associated God Almighty with them.

Also evil and blasphemous to the extreme though, is that you have chosen, yes, for a decade, to FACILITATE THAT YOUR "FANS" ALSO PARTAKE OF/ ENGAGE IN DESECRATION AND EXTREME BLASPHEMY of JEHOVAH/YAHWEH GOD ALMIGHTY'S HOLY NAME!!!


Oh - and don't even try to put forth any such lame excuse that you're trying to "play Devil's advocate"; or create a controversy, so as to stimulate a discussion, because 1.) Jehovah/Yahweh's personal holy name is NOT yours to mess around with/violate anyway - it's still blasphemy; and 2.) Your "PEOPLE" have a PRACTICE OF BANNING ANY SCRIPTURAL SPIRITUAL WARNING/CORRECTIVE WORDS, such as: DON'T BLASPHEME GOD'S NAME, because it totally VIOLATES HIM and HIS PURPOSES, and His penalty for that will [soon] be everlasting death.

So what was it tonight, under the mass-media-ed, major video-sharing site hosted "U2 Yahweh" video? More hounding and opportunistic, blasphemous sexual perversion statements? More demonized-compulsive [sometimes obscene] desecration and blasphemy comments from witch-spiritists?? More free-flowing, unchecked (for being "okay", by the majority-opinion) ironically antichrist, anti-Jehovah/Yahweh, anti-scriptural spiritual LIE teachings from those of counterfeit/apostate "Christianity", atheism, spiritual philosophies of men [and/or demons], or other
FALSE religions? More comments showing hatred for scriptural corrective/warning truths from the very God this video/song was named after (and His loyal messengers of His words of unpopular truth), while voicing idolatry of Bono/U2???

Well, frankly tonight, what set this off was quite simple: Tonight, under the blasphemous and spiritually obscene "U2 Yahweh" video (unretracted, by your choice, even after 10 years of your being warned about this serious problem), some "fan" of yours - BY THE SPIRIT THAT, YES, YOU HAVE PROMOTED - simply states, in TOTAL, CONSCIENCELESS, SHOCKING, ANIMALISTIC/ DEMON-INFLUENCED BLASPHEMY: 

"F _ _ _ YAHWEH :) U2 is a good band though"

Conscienceless, wicked speech and actions like this clearly demonstrate just how spiritually decrepit people have become, and why God Almighty Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator and Universal Sovereign is so absolutely just and rightful in bringing His Great Day of Wrath-War against wicked mankind soon. Things ARE that bad.

It would be in your best interest, for your relationships with your Maker and your eternal futures and those of others to completely obliterate your PROFANE, spiritually obscene, demonic, spiritually poisonous, spiritual LIE teaching/reinforcing, FALSE religion supporting, over-flowing with idolatry and blasphemy "U2 Yahweh" blasphemy cartoon videos (or videos showing lit-up stage backdrops of the same blasphemous images, especially while "Yahweh" is being sung) from off of all the video-sharing sites, etc. that you possibly can. Don't think its not an emergency. Don't "sleep like a baby tonight" without making a plan to take care of this spiritual atrocity/disaster/catastrophe/plague-disease IMMEDIATELY.