Sunday, April 12, 2015

Just Something I wrote Up in a Box Tonight, When I saw Praise Being Lavished on the [Also] Blasphemous "U2-Yahweh-U23D" Video

A hideously blasphemous video. It is grotesque mass-blasphemy and desecration of the holy name and person of Jehovah/Yahweh. 
 Despite being served scriptural warning that these "U2 Yahweh" videos (with the cartoon demonic and spiritual lie idol images) violate God's holy name to the extreme; U2 has not removed them from off of the major video sharing sites (like they have done with other videos, in the past, that they did not want to be seen). 
 In the past [in front of Mount Sinai], Jehovah/Yahweh had 3000 people killed in one day, for daring to blasphemously associate His holy name with even one golden calf idol image. These "U2 Yahweh" videos (with the cartoons) stream about 28 different idol images - all of which violate Jehovah/Yahweh's holy name.   
 Jehovah/Yahweh God Almighty, the Creator and Universal Sovereign does not change, and so He does HATE these videos, and they do enrage Him. 
 He does not tolerate blasphemy of Himself - but this time, is storing up his wrathful destruction of all unrepentant wicked persons to be taken care of all at once by Him, on His soon- coming Day of Armageddon. 
 The main reason for His bringing Armageddon onto disobedient mankind is to clear the earth of blasphemy (including its sources, and blasphemy supporters). 
 Why persons so foolishly choose not to listen to purposely-provided scriptural warning examples from the past - and their consciences - is unfathomable. 
 Since these videos are spreading spiritual disease that many people can end up dying forever for, come Armageddon Day, U2 and those who support such blasphemy are violating not only God Almighty and His Son, but humanity also. 
 They could have left out the spiritual lie of "soul, stranded in this skin and bones"; and they could have left out all of the evil idol images - and they could have removed these blasphemously-faulted videos from off the big video-sharing sites - but U2 has FAILED to do what they could have and should have done with these matters, for TEN YEARS! What excuse is there for that. Answer: Probably none. 
 Oh - and don't even try to say this kind of scriptural spiritual corrective/warning truth on their fan forum website, "Zootopia" - or the idolatrous powers that be there will "warn" and censor you (same effect as being banned).  
 Twice in a day in public, I should still get U2 music pumped into my ears, but there is to be no means of recourse against spiritually harmful messages they are mass-media-ing on a constant basis, to the millions-plus? 
 I'm glad Jehovah/Yahweh is going to be taking care of such problems soon; but I also think that there are going to be a lot of lives lost come Armageddon Day - for many persons succumbing to blasphemy-idolatry and spiritual lie-idolatry propaganda. How tragic.

Prologue: My scriptural-spiritual warning comment of unwanted truth, as above, was promptly deleted (within one day) by a Yahweh/Jehovah-BLASPHEMING and violating, U2 IDOLATER "fan" - in tragic keeping with the demonic spirit and example being worked by the soon-future eternal death-bringing plague of these Satanic "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos. 

U2, despite being publicly warned for 10 years, has most hypocritically, unjustly and unlovingly (towards God, Jesus Christ, and neighbor) chosen, for 10 years, to continue letting these demonic, Yahweh/Jehovah-HATED and enraging, God-alienating and loss of eternal life threatening IDOL IMAGE SEWAGE VIDEOS remain playing on the major video-sharing sites (instead of retracting them, as they have done before, and so must be able to).

U2 - do you remember when Bono said something like, "two cr_p albums and we're done" (?) Well, these Jehovah/Yahweh-blaspheming videos are so spiritually destructive for the demonic cr_p they contain and emit to the world, that they are beyond two albums worth of cr_p of material having to do with lesser subjects. Add to that, your latest album work promotes ghosts, left-general "disbelief"[in God], and more spiritism/false religion (such as in the "Iris" song, i.e. "Once, we are born/ We begin to forget/ The very reason we came" [!!]). So, well, since you're actually [willfully] doing more harm than good now to God and humanity with your celebrity "currency", yes, why don't you quit.

Take all of the God-violating, Satanic trash videos down too though.


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