Wednesday, April 29, 2015

So Tonight, I See Yet Another Comment Saying, "F___ Yahweh" Under Your Blasphemous Video You are STILL Mass-Media-ing to the World (You Should Have REMOVED It)

This is so evil, disgusting, rank, shocking and appalling that I simply do not see, Bono and U2, how it is that YOU can possibly "Sleep Like a Baby Tonight" - for your being responsible for these international mass-blasphemy and blasphemy disease-spreading so-called "U2 Yahweh" cartoon videos (and concert-footage videos showing any of those same blasphemous idol images representing spiritual lies) still being left up and playing on (rather than being rightly removed from) the major video-sharing sites.

And please, do not salve, exonerate, or excuse yourselves from the badness, gross blasphemy and damage to God, Jesus Christ and humanity you are carrying on with these videos on account of any FALSE (anti-whole scriptural, anti-holy spirit) "witness" you are receiving from anyone else who may call themself a servant of God/Jehovah/Yahweh, a "Christian" - but who would panderingly and disloyally  "excuse" you for this. It is not their right to do so: These are God's laws, and this is HIS name.

  This problem of the blasphemous videos is NOT OKAY, and it NEEDS TO BE FIXED, AS YOUR FIRST PRIORITY.

It is more important than your songs;

It is more important than your tour;

It is more important than all of your "social justice" projects, combined (since partaking of or sharing in blasphemy will end up taking away people's lives for all of eternity); 

It is more important than either your money or your popularity.


To Jehovah/Yahweh God Almighty, the Creator, Life-Giver, and Universal Sovereign; 

To His Son, Jesus Christ, who commanded that His Father's name be MADE HOLY [NOT blasphemed];

To the TRUE servants of God, whom you are also disturbing;

And to all of your fans - especially those that look to you as spiritual "leaders", "examples" [or even gods (!)] 

To get rid of the problem of these blasphemous videos; to leave off from teaching any more anti-whole-scriptural spiritual falsehoods; and to learn and start speaking-out whole-scriptural spiritual truth regarding the name, person, and scriptural standards of Jehovah/Yahweh INSTEAD.

How much time is there to wait to take down the blasphemy-problem videos and make these changes? Answer: None. There is NO time to wait. Fix it.

Hmm. Don't know if you were actually able to see me, Bono, along the walkway, at your last concert in Minneapolis, in the rain - but you were looking right towards my face, and I was looking right there at yours (in the rain), while you were singing, "IT'S NOT A HILL,  IT'S A MOUNTAIN/ WHEN YOU START OUT THE CLIMB"...........

God requires that people do more than just hang-out at the base of his mountain indefinitely; regard his messages as being only like lovely paper cut-outs coming down from the sky; or talk about getting to the task of obeying and upholding scriptural truths they have learned or still need to learn [maybe]  SOMEDAY, "by and by". The time to learn, uphold, live-by, and then share in the teaching of Jehovah/Yahweh's VITAL,  scriptural-spiritual truth (including his warning messages) is, most urgently, NOW. 

Similarly, since Jehovah and truth about Him IS available, excuses are gone for persons now to stay in the mode of, "I still haven't found what I'm looking for." To do so is likely an intentional disregard for God and for His scriptural truth - as an "excuse" for persons to carry on things that they figure those commands and principles from God condemn. Ignoring God's given laws will not stand as an excuse with Him though. 

Never should persons want to find themselves meeting this prophetic description, of how many would be, in the last days:

"always learning and yet never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth." (2Timothy 3:7)

"The mountain of Jehovah"....His call is for people to put in the effort, urgently, NOW, to go UP it - to learn His scriptural instructions, which they will need, to rightly honor their Maker, to keep on living, and to help others to do the same. (Isaiah 2:2-4. I also painted that, in a light blue arrow shape, together with "DO IT", on the wall across from your studio, along the Liffey, in Dublin, 2005. (I hung out to finish this - along with another Scripture in a heart shape - despite a worrisome mist of a rain. As I did get to wrap it up though, a double rainbow appeared over the river. I took it for what I did. It was [very simple] art featuring a vital scriptural reference, calling out to writers/international performers of songs that have included scriptural references or allusions to them; and it was topped-off with rainbows that day....

But things really have NOT gotten better since then. Instead of climbing up the mountain of Jehovah, there has been a lot of playing in a mud pit. And meanwhile, the stars go fallin' from the sky/ Many lost is an understatement/ And Armageddon's nigh.


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