Monday, April 06, 2015

Bono and U2's "Grand Contribution" (Sarcasm)-Legacy to Humanity and Service to God with their Music and LIves: Leave-Up Blasphemous Videos that also Allow Others to Desecrate-Blaspheme God's Holy Name??!!?

Just who do you people think you are. What do you think that Jehovah/Yahweh is going to do to you, for your continuing to knowingly, wildly, and obscenely mass-blaspheme His holy name - and also, at the same time, for your continuing to mass-facilitate (and encourage, by [idolized] example) that others should freely and obscenely desecrate and blaspheme His holy name too - by way of your demonic spiritual LIE-spreading "U2 Yahweh" cartoon and [same-image] light show videos??!!!

How is it possible that you continue to do this - without having consciences working enough that should boot you into the action of pulling these videos off from the major video sharing sites?!? It's known that you can and have pulled other videos that you didn't want shown off of youtube in the past - so it must be that this evil work you're continuing "in the name of God" is just your own wicked, unrespectable, deplorable, spiritually destructive choice.

You have been engaging in internationally-mass-media-ed gross BLASPHEMY of Jehovah/Yahweh's HOLY name since at least 2005, via your "U2 Yahweh" cartoon, with its 28 idol/spiritistic images; the same images, used as your concert light-show/backdrop (for most shows, 'til towards the end of the Vertigo tour); the trailer of your "U2 3D" movie; and other mass-media containing these idol images where you have associated God Almighty with them.

Also evil and blasphemous to the extreme though, is that you have chosen, yes, for a decade, to FACILITATE THAT YOUR "FANS" ALSO PARTAKE OF/ ENGAGE IN DESECRATION AND EXTREME BLASPHEMY of JEHOVAH/YAHWEH GOD ALMIGHTY'S HOLY NAME!!!


Oh - and don't even try to put forth any such lame excuse that you're trying to "play Devil's advocate"; or create a controversy, so as to stimulate a discussion, because 1.) Jehovah/Yahweh's personal holy name is NOT yours to mess around with/violate anyway - it's still blasphemy; and 2.) Your "PEOPLE" have a PRACTICE OF BANNING ANY SCRIPTURAL SPIRITUAL WARNING/CORRECTIVE WORDS, such as: DON'T BLASPHEME GOD'S NAME, because it totally VIOLATES HIM and HIS PURPOSES, and His penalty for that will [soon] be everlasting death.

So what was it tonight, under the mass-media-ed, major video-sharing site hosted "U2 Yahweh" video? More hounding and opportunistic, blasphemous sexual perversion statements? More demonized-compulsive [sometimes obscene] desecration and blasphemy comments from witch-spiritists?? More free-flowing, unchecked (for being "okay", by the majority-opinion) ironically antichrist, anti-Jehovah/Yahweh, anti-scriptural spiritual LIE teachings from those of counterfeit/apostate "Christianity", atheism, spiritual philosophies of men [and/or demons], or other
FALSE religions? More comments showing hatred for scriptural corrective/warning truths from the very God this video/song was named after (and His loyal messengers of His words of unpopular truth), while voicing idolatry of Bono/U2???

Well, frankly tonight, what set this off was quite simple: Tonight, under the blasphemous and spiritually obscene "U2 Yahweh" video (unretracted, by your choice, even after 10 years of your being warned about this serious problem), some "fan" of yours - BY THE SPIRIT THAT, YES, YOU HAVE PROMOTED - simply states, in TOTAL, CONSCIENCELESS, SHOCKING, ANIMALISTIC/ DEMON-INFLUENCED BLASPHEMY: 

"F _ _ _ YAHWEH :) U2 is a good band though"

Conscienceless, wicked speech and actions like this clearly demonstrate just how spiritually decrepit people have become, and why God Almighty Jehovah/Yahweh the Creator and Universal Sovereign is so absolutely just and rightful in bringing His Great Day of Wrath-War against wicked mankind soon. Things ARE that bad.

It would be in your best interest, for your relationships with your Maker and your eternal futures and those of others to completely obliterate your PROFANE, spiritually obscene, demonic, spiritually poisonous, spiritual LIE teaching/reinforcing, FALSE religion supporting, over-flowing with idolatry and blasphemy "U2 Yahweh" blasphemy cartoon videos (or videos showing lit-up stage backdrops of the same blasphemous images, especially while "Yahweh" is being sung) from off of all the video-sharing sites, etc. that you possibly can. Don't think its not an emergency. Don't "sleep like a baby tonight" without making a plan to take care of this spiritual atrocity/disaster/catastrophe/plague-disease IMMEDIATELY.


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