Monday, June 29, 2015

Re: The ATHEISTIC SPEECH from Steven Hawking that U2 is Mass-Media-ing from their Concerts VS Scriptural Truth

When human so-called "intelligence" treats words purposely given to mankind by THE CREATOR of the Heavens, Earth, and humans as being discountable, inaccurate knowledge -  such "intelligence" proves itself to be merely wantonly fantasizing, reality-dismissing, conscience-lacking and VERY SMALL-MINDED FOOLISHNESS.

WHEN A BAND, ALREADY IN LOADS UPON LOADS OF TROUBLE WITH THEIR MAKER, CONCERT and MASS-MEDIA SHOWCASES a likewise KNOWN scriptural will and purpose of the Creator-DISREGARDING, short-sighted, human-centric only speech from a fellow "celebrity" KNOWN to publicize that which is ARROGANTLY AGAINST THE CREATOR and MAINTAINER OF THE UNIVERSE and ALL LIFE IN IT ITSELF,***


Again - what a pile!!!!! I'm SO GLAD I didn't go to any of this tour's shows!

Such atheism is JUST ANOTHER FOOLISH FALSE RELIGION - all of which are just fronts for Satanism, and all of which have his same old stupid LIES tucked within them.

It is always "laughable", when persons haughtily seeking to EXALT themselves as being more wise than God and the words He left , are so willing to - conveniently for themselves - DENY THE EXISTENCE and purposes of God, but yet ramble on and on in fantasies about extra-terrestrial beings. And, the best part of that joke upon themselves is that the spirit beings they deny the existence of - God Almighty, Jesus Christ (in his pre- and post-human forms), angels, Satan, and demons - ARE all extra-terrestrial beings. (Too bad you "still haven't found what [you're] looking for", when the All-Good ET is both easily contactable, and within your mental reach, should you honest-heartedly and humbly seek him. See Acts 17:26-28.)

Steven, Richard, Bill, U2, their so-impressed "fans", etc. - a little less Star Trek; some sort of significant epiphany; a lot more opening of the eyes and mind; these things called humility, conscience, respect and gratitude; and then some honest-hearted seeking of TRUTH and consideration of your Creator's own words that He purposely left you, which WILL, in REALITY, make-or-break your whole eternal futures (and those of others you may spiritually effect). TRY to wrap your heads around that. (Many HAVE - so there's NO EXCUSE for most other people.) 

It's so much better than making or supporting out-of-touch-with-reality (and actually anti-scientific) grandiose statements wherein persons absolutely foolishly (and insolently) try to equate themselves and/or their fellow humans with the Creator/Universal Sovereign/King of Eternity and HIS mind. (Can one not be satisfied enough with the opportunity to have mental contact with the person of Jehovah the Creator Himself through prayer, and taking in His own scriptural words too - and also waking up to the outworkings of God's holy spirit (His active force) all around them; and also noting the ways in which Jehovah helps individuals - especially those who have developed a strong friendship/relationship with Him? [The opportunity is there, to have that same relationship with God (with His Son, Jesus Christ, being the Mediator between God and man).]

Another thing that is so "funny" is that the God such persons deny the existence of - and likewise deny the credibility of  the words of - HAS THEIR/YOUR NUMBER, already:

He prophesied, thousands of years ago, that - especially in the difficult time of the end of this world system - many humans would develop a very unrightful, haughty, conscienceless,  defiant, and rebellious attitude against their Maker, and would hold Him to be as one without "accurate knowledge."

However, rather than this God-denial and disobedience to Him - and thinking that humans will not be held accountable to God for their actions - being of any benefit to such persons or to their fellow human beings, such godlessness instead has proven to RESULT IN CONSCIENCELESS, HARMFUL, UNJUST, and SELFISH, etc, behaviors; which has produced an all-but ruined world, one not actually held "together" by any kind of trustable social fabric whatsoever.

Jehovah God Almighty the Creator's warning words, from the past - also written then for our day - which ACCURATELY describe problematic anti-God people, and the harm-causing attitudes and behaviors they would manifest:

For God’s wrath is being revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who are suppressing the truth in an unrighteous way, because what may be known about God is manifest among them, for God made it manifest to them.  For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable; because, although they knew God, they did not glorify him as God nor did they thank him, but they became empty-headed in their reasonings and their unintelligent heart became darkened. Although asserting they were wise, they became foolish and turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things. Therefore God, in keeping with the desires of their hearts, gave them up to uncleanness, that their bodies might be dishonored among them, even those who exchanged the truth of God for the lie and venerated and rendered sacred service to the creation rather than the One who created, who is blessed forever. Amen. That is why God gave them up to disgraceful sexual appetites, for both their females changed the natural use of themselves into one contrary to nature; and likewise even the males left the natural use of the female and became violently inflamed in their lust toward one another, males with males, working what is obscene and receiving in themselves the full recompense, which was due for their error. And just as they did not approve of holding God in accurate knowledge, God gave them up to a disapproved mental state, to do the things not fitting, filled as they were with all unrighteousness, wickedness, covetousness, badness, being full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malicious disposition, being whisperers,  backbiters, haters of God, insolent, haughty, self-assuming, inventors of injurious things, disobedient to parents,  without understanding, false to agreements, having no natural affection, merciless.  Although these know full well the righteous decree of God, that those practicing such things are deserving of death, they not only keep on doing them but also consent with those practicing them." (Romans 1:18-32)

Amazing, it should be to anyone - how those things have become SO prevalent - and how very much  ALL of this DOES FIT TOGETHER. And, it is OBVIOUS, more-than CONCLUDE-ABLE - with countless "tests" of hypothesis having been run, for thousands of years - that denial of the rightful Godship of the Creator over His created beings, and rebellion against and disobedience to His own purposely given [scriptural] standards results in damage and ruination for human beings.

Therefore, is it not THE TIME for anyone wishing to become wise TO CAST ASIDE THEORIES in "defense" of godlessness WHICH HAVE ONLY EVER FAILED????!!!!

Part of the Steven Hawking speech, now repeatedly aired [errored] to the masses by U2:

"Our only boundaries are the way we see ourselves, the only borders the way we see each other. We must become global citizens. Our voices are important. We give our elected officials their power, but we can take it away."

1.) The Creator has given mankind boundaries - laws - for our own good. Start acknowledging, respecting, and obeying them.

2.) Everyone WILL answer to their Maker - there WILL BE an accounting for how individuals behave - both towards God, and to each other.

3.) Rather than being merely "global citizens", continuing to look to other mere humans for rulership - WHICH HAS NEVER WORKED ["MAN HAS DOMINATED MAN TO HIS INJURY" (Ecclesiastes 8:9)] - people do NEED to accept rightful Rulership from the One who MADE mankind and the planet they live on; listen to His scriptural words; and obey Him. That way, human beings from all over the globe can become, unitedly, GOOD CITIZENS OF JEHOVAH'S HEAVEN-BASED, INCOMING KINGDOM FOR PLANET EARTH, which will soon become the ONLY rulership here. And that Kingdom, that government of God, WILL WORK, to make all things good again, for mankind then, on this planet. Peace and justice WILL reign, and people WILL thrive, in all ways. 

As for ALL of the other kingdoms of man that now exist, God has said that He Himself will end all such faulty, deficient, and hurtful human rulerships - man was not meant to rule over other men. (Daniel 2:44,45) Persons are meant to obey their Maker as God and Ruler in their lives instead. And for God's known qualities - including unmatched LOVE, JUSTICE, POWER, and WISDOM - as opposed to those of sinful, faulty, and limited human beings, that is an infinitely superior and more trustable arrangement.

These are things which should be amp-ed-out to the masses, for TRUE hope, instead.

*** The similarlity - in temptation to DENY the rightful Godship of Jehovah the Creator, so as TO "BE LIKE GOD"/ "HAVE THE MIND OF GOD" (as equals to, or replacements for Him, in one's mind and life) - should be disturbing enough to move one to REJECT such as "theory" (holes in it to begin with, and all):

Hawking: "Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation. What I meant by 'we would know the mind of God' is, we would know everything that God would know, if there were a God, which there isn't. I'm an atheist." 

Satan the Devil (as recorded in this account, at Genesis 3:1-5) - Now the serpent proved to be the most cautious of all the wild beasts of the field that Jehovah God had made. So it began to say to the woman: “Is it really so that God said YOU must not eat from every tree of the garden?” At this the woman said to the serpent: “Of the fruit of the trees of the garden we may eat. But as for [eating] of the fruit of the tree that is in the middle of the garden, God has said, ‘YOU must not eat from it, no, YOU must not touch it that YOU do not die.’”  At this the serpent said to the woman: “YOU positively will not die.  For God knows that in the very day of YOUR eating from it YOUR eyes are bound to be opened and YOU are bound to be like God, KNOWING good and bad.”

What followed from the situation  described in Genesis is that, yes, Eve DID give in to the tempting DECEPTION that if she rebelled against God and denied His Rulership, she would not only keep on living, but would also have her "eyes opened" to "BE LIKE GOD" (she could be his "equal", and have His knowledge  - she could be her own god onto herself). Adam chose to stick with his wife and do the same as she did - he chose to put his relationship with her above loyalty or obedience to his God - so he also turned against Jehovah to do Satan's will instead.

This listening to Satan's LIES - so as to choose to become spiritually insolent, to DENY THE RIGHTFUL GODSHIP of the CREATOR in one's mind and life - and to choose to REBEL AGAINST GOD - IS WHAT BROUGHT DEATH, SUFFERING and TROUBLE INTO THE HUMAN WORLD TO BEGIN WITH. Yes, Satan WAS LYING - yes, Adam and Eve DID DIE, and humans have been suffering and dying since.

Science, as an idolized and self-convenient "replacement" for God to many, HAS NO ANSWERS or REMEDY for getting rid of either DEATH, or the making of sinful, wicked choices, which preceded it. And a fantasy answer of "time travel" as being that which could insure everlasting life to human beings is..........deservedly, beyond ridiculous.

Reality and proven truth, for a REAL scientific approach to GOD, LIFE, spirituality, and mankind's future; or the dishonesty of denial of God's existence, workings, and given knowledge, instructions and standards - all for more convenient, morally permissive, accountabilty-to-the-Creator-denying, and self-pride-inflating (to the point of being one's own god) "theories" - what'll it be. (The latter, continued, bars one from having any viable relationship with the Creator, and so bars one from having continued, everlasting life in God's new world system.)

When I look out my window, or even at my hand, I SEE WHAT I SEE. I appreciate the good things I see; and I am grateful to the Creator for them.

If I were to adopt the LIE theory that Jehovah did not create either me or the creation  I see, I would be insane, for my denial of reality; and I would be looking at everything through A LIE - an inherently negative one - a shadow. My viewpoint about all things - people, etc. would likewise become decrepit. I would become more like an animal (like so many people today have become, for listening to spiritual LIES). For being confined by such a LIE, my thinking ability, creativity, happiness, hope, etc. would become STUNTED and wisdom-lacking - not at all FREE, whole-minded, or geared towards full-functionality - like the God who gave human beings minds LESSER THAN, but similar to His, intended.

So - NO THANKS - TRUTH about God and ourselves, in relationship to Him; and loyal obedience to HIS rightful GODSHIP and proven-to-be-trustable scriptural teachings and standards are INFINITELY BETTER things, for everyone.


And then They Played the Demonic "Crystal Ballroom" Song, Again "Killing" the Believability of Any Sincerity About Any Other Song or Reference They've Made or Make About Wanting to Do GOD'S WILL!!!

Did you HAVE TO do your latest public offering to Satan the Devil tonight?
Haven't you given him ENOUGH public offerings yet?

Haven't you had ENOUGH of your fans - even the ones who CLAIM to be "Christian" - disloyally act against God and Christ to JOIN YOU/ "stay" with you in your Satanic offerings of mass-media sung/preached/upheld SPIRITUAL LIES, VIOLATION OF Jehovah/Yahweh's own SCRIPTURAL STANDARDS and other acts of DISRESPECT AGAINST GOD'S FACE???????????!!!!!!!!!

Just how is it, anymore, that you are any different 
Than any other FALSE PREACHERS


Other preachers of Babylon the Great
ALSO talk hypocritically and oppositely
Regaling their throngs with "moving" words of "sincerity"
about wanting to do God's will; 
While simultaneously teaching them to VIOLATE
The very God they SAY they love,
And His words which they sometimes they give a nod to;
All "IN THE NAME OF GOD", and/or

#### WHAT ## A ## LIE ####



WAS ### NOT ###


I listened and I heard the FALSE Christians and witches together CHEER and go clappy-clappy. What a pile.

False "Pride" and "Looking For" (and Preaching) LIES: They Say They Believe in "The Kingdom" - But They Don't Want God's Truth in It.

GROSS and EVIL: To concert and mass-media sing a song with biblical bits and allusions in it referring to the Creator and His Son, Jesus Christ; and then spiritually-pervertedly DARE tie such songs to HOMOSEXUAL SEX/GAY MARRIAGE "victory".

It's the DEVIL that's got your back - NOT GOD and NOT JESUS CHRIST (and NOT anyone TRUE and LOYAL to them), AT ALL.

"I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" - a show standard of U2's, for decades, the singer(s), performers/creators AND participating song-chant-answering audience members LIP-CLAIM to be persons honest-heartedly "searching" for God - AS IF, if they were to FIND His truth, they would gratefully obey it (and recommend it).

AS MADE EVIDENT, however, in the case of U2 and likewise blatantly insincere, God-defiant and God-mocking fans of theirs though, ALL SUCH SONG-CLAIMS of wanting "TO BE WITH [GOD or Jesus Christ]"


It is its own blasphemy - again.

Whereas people who are, actually, "looking for" spiritual lies - which would support and give "permission" towards things which God condemns - will NEVER "FIND" THOSE LIES EITHER IN JEHOVAH/YAHWEH'S own scriptural words or by His spirit - Satan, his demons, and Satan-serving FALSE preachers and teachers stand ready to shake your hands and tell you and/or sing to you ANY LIES YOU WANT TO HEAR.**

IF YOU WANT LIES - THEY ARE ALL AROUND YOU - they permeate Satan's-spirit tainted "air". 



You (or any other fighter-against-God) can never win such a contest against Him.

** "For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the healthful teaching, but, in accord with their own desires, they will accumulate teachers for themselves to have their ears tickled; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, whereas they will be turned aside to false stories." (2Timothy 4:3,4)

Hard Lessons, Nothing Learned / STEALING Jah's Rainbow/ Blaspheming God

Who could ever be against our marriage?
Said angels to women on earth.....
They went after "flesh for unnatural use",
Causing the Nephilims' birth.
[See Jude, 5-7, below*]

They filled the world with violence.
Nearly no one would listen to God
So Jah said he regretted making man -
He saved eight and brought about the Flood.

After He had that wicked world cleansed
He put HIS SIGN, HIS RAINBOW in the sky
And said to the few survivors then -
The means a pact between the earth and I.

It wasn't long before trouble again
People kept on listening to demons
Sodom and Gomorrah was a pit
Of sexual perverts and violence.

Jah has made His warnings very clear -
Saved the story of those cities so all would hear:
Homosexual sex is AGAINST HIS LAWS
And His pelting them with fire should give one pause.

In our day, there came a massive plague
It took the lives of many human beings
Homosexual sex was much to blame
Like God said, NO - it is NOT clean.

Homosexual sex is fornication
Just like all sex against GOD'S LAWS

Thousands of years, and who has learned a lesson
Why do people want instead to mock God?
Are the bad things desired really worth it?
Can't you see the trouble rebellion's caused?

Dream, dream - such a "great", "cool" thing - 
The homosexual marriage trend?
Yet see the damage behind the guise:
ABUSE and REAL marriage ruin

And WHAT DARE such people STEAL for their SYMBOL, to wave on high - 
Don't think that as a tailsman it'll save you
From Jah's War
When He SOON brings Armageddon
Like He did the Flood before!!!!!

Mock God with His rainbow? 
It was a gift to those He saved
Who rejected common wickedness
And loyally obeyed.

But there's NOTHING GOOD 
In agreeing with gross sin

An honest soul would LISTEN to Jah
And their conscience He built in!!!!

Listen to Jehovah's words, 
Who influence with Satan's LIES
There's even singer-preachers
And world leaders

Even a glory rainbow 
Like around Jah's throne
Has been stolen as an emblem
To hail what is WRONG. 

See singers and pied-pipers
Send crowds towards eternal death,
Now as if holding 
A blasphemous rainbow banner
Above the road to destruction's path....

(With the glory rainbow[iris, in some other languages] already pre-installed
on album and website art work, T-shirts, etc.

Circular, "glory" rainbows are phenomena that can be seen from the sky - lovely to behold, I'm sure...They form under the right conditions, including with light passing through atmospheric ice crystals.

I couldn't help but to try to de-mystify the sounds at the beginning of the new [mass-media-ed]"Iris" song, which sounded too close to an offensive, True God-affronting [broken-sounded] "Isis", but yet was not completely distinct. It was as if someone was "playing" that way...But the spoken-sung words DO sound like a repeated and "echo-ed" ""- as in the formation of a glory rainbow/iris - like in one of this tour's main insignias?

Don't mock God - and don't mock His rainbow with what is spiritually bad. [And again, also, "Once...we are born...we begin to forget...the very reason we came" promotes and reinforces the longstanding and damage-doing demonic lie of "immortality of the soul".]

"Jehovah, although he saved a people out of the land of Egypt, afterwards destroyed those not showing faith. And the angels that did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds under dense darkness for the judgment of the great day. So too Sod′om and Go·mor′rah and the cities about them, after they in the same manner as the foregoing ones had committed fornication excessively and gone out after flesh for unnatural use, are placed before [us] as a [warning] example by undergoing the judicial punishment of everlasting fire."
                                   (Jude 5-7) 


HOW GROTESQUELY BLASPHEMOUS OF YOU, YOUR BAND AND ANY AND ALL of your entourage, fans, and audience members who cheered or supported you in any way for these yet additional acts to the service of Satan the Devil and further MASS-MEDIA-ed, INTENSE BLASPHEMY OF JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOW IS IT THAT YOU FIGURE YOU and supporters of you in doing this are going to escape hard punishment from God Himself??!!??

I am SO GLAD I chose NOT to attend your concerts this time - even though I bought tickets for 5 shows!! 

WHAT A HORRIBLE "CHURCH" YOU HOLD - as you yourself have called parts of your concert, AND AS SOME OF YOUR [idolatrous and fervent (FALSE) religious] FANS STATE YOUR CONCERTS ARE TO THEM!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE NOW HOLDING massively-attended, international SATAN-WORSHIP SERVICES - with the entirely ANTI-God and God-mocking teachings of Satan you are insisting on including in these mass-media-ed concerts.

I am SO GLAD I was NO PART of it, and am NO PART of your "community"!!!!!!!


Sunday, June 28, 2015

Deathful Spiritual SEWAGE ALERT!! [SO GLAD I Did NOT GO to the May 28th Concert I Had a Ticket For!]


[Bono]: "Why would you be against anybody committing their life to each other? What could be more extraordinary?"

"Thank you America for following our little country, which beat you to it! Ireland putting the 'gay' in 'Gaelic'."
See the pop star, with his band, 
Putting the YEAH! RAH RAH!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Will Now CANCEL My Remaining U2 Concert Plans, Since Tonight, Bono Again Promoted Anti-Jehovah/Yahweh & Antichrist Homosexual Marriage


Here were the U2 so-called "innocence" and "experience" shows I had not canceled all plans for YET. I will NOT be using these spaces. Maybe you can just stick a Devil head where I would have been, since that is who you are inviting to your shows anyway - whereas my scriptural messages of God Almighty's own words have been shown the hate they have been by the organization YOU HEAD.

I already LOST what I paid for my unused Inglewood, California concert ticket; plus lost accommodation-cancellation fees, and I will probably lose money on an airline change fee also - all because U2 decided to make their show far too spiritually and morally grotesque and offensive for me to even attend as an observer, AFTER I had purchased 4 of the [arranged-to-be] non-re-sale-able GA tickets, plus another.

I was going to wait until I saw a video of the first Chicago show's "Raised by Wolves" performance before deciding to completely drop my remaining concert plan for that city, but I WILL DO THAT after posting this.

Here's why: Bono (with the backing of his band) has AGAIN chosen to spiritually corrupt and/or reinforce the spiritual corruption of the masses. When I read tonight that this evening's show included Bono again announcing that he was glad over the recent passage of a homosexual right-to-marry act in Ireland (see previous posts regarding this), I again felt sickened, further appalled, and saddened to have to really throw this once-loved band out of my life.

So, I will now not only cancel the Chicago plans completely, without a doubt - losing not only the amount that U2 with Ticketmaster charged me for these 3 more tickets, plus more money on changed accommodation plans - but I now think that I should just go ahead and CANCEL what were major travel plans for me, to go see U2 in Madison Square Garden, in New York, too. I will lose probably 200 on that airfare, for needing to change plans, and I lose more money on changed accommodations again, also.

And did I mention that (for the THIRD time), 40-45 (?) and 50-dollar amounts I paid to U2's different "Zootopia" fansites ended up with me not only being delivered unjust and human rights violating treatment, but also being short-changed, in that U2 allowed the so-called "moderators" [corrective-truth-from-God haters] of those fan forums to BAN/CENSOR ME (THE SAME THING, in EFFECT). U2 and their people didn't find corrective and warning scriptural words from God - even on the same subjects otherwise being freely discussed - to be pleasant and marketable enough. 

Bono/U2 has ONLY WANTED TO PICK AND CHOOSE BITS and PIECES OUT OF the whole of the UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN'S OWN SCRIPTURAL WORDS, for their use in songs and other mass-media-ed works - while they/Bono has publicly mass-media DISREGARDED, DENIED, etc. OTHER words of God that have NOT been TO THEIR LIKING. And indeed, again, surely it has been their USE and/or MIS-USE such Scripture bits - from God's words - that has let them be able to EXPLOIT THE SPIRITUAL DRIVE of throngs/crowds/masses of people; as they have then have taken advantage of the made-at-least-partially spiritually defunct condition of people to try to use the "body count"/mob-power/volume, etc. of them for their own agendas. 

At the same time, UNWANTED, LESS POPULAR words of God have been treated with derision and hostility  - by not only many fervent false-religious U2 fan-IDOLATERS on many music message boards, including U2's own - but also by the administration that U2 has ALLOWED to run their message boards. Shallow, U2-idolizing, inane, spiritistic, false religious, blasphemous, and God-disrespecting remarks are freely welcomed there though, and are encouraged - for in contrast to spiritual TRUTH regarding important life matters (being otherwise freely discussed), the more thoughtless and ungodly remarks are valued for their "attractive" "coolness" - for sales and the band's popularity. So, the modus operandi of the U2 fansite forum discussion boards have been: NEVER MIND GOD ALMIGHTY OR HIS PURPOSED TRUTH HE WANTS MANKIND TO KNOW, TO HELP and TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Hail the gods of U2 and what they preach and recommend for people's spirituality and eternal futures INSTEAD.

And then, there has been all of the TIME investment.......

And, "I DON'T BELIEVE" - IN YOU, for what you've been doing - "ANYMORE"!!!!



And the saying does go, "BEWARE OF WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING"!!

All of the "LOVE" and "NICENESS" you are showing your fans, such as providing some pizza, etc. - all of the "love" and "us" and "community" and fan-participation activity STILL WILL NOT be REAL LOVE or amount to have been REAL NICENESS towards them, when such persons realize that they have kept or put themselves AT ENMITY WITH GOD, for GOING ALONG WITH and SIDING WITH SPIRITUAL LIES and BEHAVIORS HE HATES and CONDEMNS, such as homosexual marriage, FALSE religion, spiritism, etc.

So long! Hope it was worth it to you - for all that you are ruining and jeopardizing (of people's hearts, minds, souls, and futures), and for how angry and disturbed you must make God too - for you to mass-media preach that persons FAIL even NATURE'S DUMMY TEST !!!!!!!!

What you have done, with these SPIRITUALLY OFFENSIVE  (offensive to Jehovah/Yahweh, by His own known scriptural standards; and offensive to anyone LOYAL, obedient, and TRUE to Him, such as myself) IS NEITHER INNOCENT NOR WISE from EXPERIENCE.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Re [Some More]: "Raised by Wolves" and "It's the Same Old Scene, Since 1916..."

In some people's heads.......but WHO, HONESTY, WANTS THE ANSWER - WHO wants to hear of the real problems or the REMEDY?

Answer: Some people, but not that many.

True story: I took a walking tour, of Derry....

While listening to accounts of sieges, oppression, strife, and death,

A year-number stuck out in my head: 1916.

After the nice tour guide ended his speech for the moment,

I politely brought up the point of this terrible time of trouble 

Having begun in 1916,

Since the Bible teaches that, just 2 years earlier, in 1914,

Satan was thrown out of the heavens and down to this earth,

And that at that time, he caused terrible trouble among human beings - 

Such as that which happened with WWI.

[Tremendous trouble, that would mean 

"Woe for the earth and for the sea,
because the Devil has come down to YOU, 
having great anger, 
knowing he has a short period of time"
                          (Revelation 12:12)

1914 marked the "last days" of this world system,

Of Jesus Christ's coming to Rule in the heavens,

But also of Satan's fury of trouble-making onto mankind.

The turning-point of WWI is a testimony to that - 

And also that which has happened since.]

Maybe it was still too new,

But the tour guide's reaction,

As is so common,

Was to dismiss this overall 


And he begin rambling on about 

Political this-and-thats.............

That same day,

I was given a couple of markers, to write some message

On the Belfast peace wall. (See center section of the picture below - what I got to share ended with "Isaiah 2:4".)

I chose God's and Jesus' Christ's admonitions - 

Not a political slogan,

Not "All you need is love",

No. Divine teachings are what are needed.

TO ALLEVIATE a non-stop cycle of violence

Is to:

1. Obey Jehovah (and His Son) oneself; and

2.) Actively urge others to do the same.

God's promised incoming, heaven-based Kingdom for earth

Absolutely WILL take care of the rest.

There will not be fluctuating, insecure so-called "peace" then - 

There will be total, TRUE,

Permanent peace on earth then,

For everyone, everywhere.

And a reason will be that everyone here then

Will be obeying 

Jehovah, and also His Son, 

"The Prince of Peace".

For true hope for persons thirsting for it,

This is what should be recommended,


The Song-Repeated "I Don't Believe Anymore" Can Do the Same Damage as "Losing My Religion"


Satan's world empire of FALSE religions IS doomed to dry-up... and suddenly "crash", fall, and disappear from the planet - that IS a certainty, straight from the mouth of Jehovah/Yahweh, many times over. He has been angry at the evils worked by the world's spiritistic, LIE-based FALSE religions for a long time now; but, as He has been warning, He will be causing them to come to an abrupt end, SOON. (Revelation Chapters 17 and 18; the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and more...)

However, at the same time, the spirit of Jehovah (His active force) and His Son (and angels and faithful and true servants of God/TRUE Christians along with them) have been actively working to gather in the righteous-hearted human beings of the earth into a spiritual condition and "place" of spiritual safety, well-being, unity, and protection - before Jehovah/Yahweh/Exhoba, etc. SOON must bring an end to this world system, which has become just as wicked, violence-filled, and God-rebellious as the pre-Great Flood world of mankind had become.

The scripturally-described global congregation of spiritually honest-hearted, truth-loving, injustice-hating, willing to rightly obey their Maker's own words, loyal, loving, etc. persons that Jehovah gathers together as His own-named people, into a world-wide spiritual family of "brothers" and "sisters", under His good Fatherhood  - just like He said he would do, in these "last days" - IS TRUE RELIGION. It is, in fact, the ONLY true religion. And, so long as persons of it STAY true to Jehovah's own scriptural, spirit-back words and His spirit - so long as they don't revert back into the old spiritual mire of the world/false religions they once left behind; so long as they don't become rank hypocrites, or persons disobeying God in other ways that He warns He cannot stand - they remain part of mankind's one true religion.

Again, Jehovah does not maintain multiple "truths" about Himself, His own standards, or spiritual issues. That only makes sense. He is also a God of order, "not disorder". (1Corinthians 14:33) He has always chosen to work with only one group or organization of humans at a time - for worship of Him and for the saving of them. 

Jehovah's one true global people of His faithful and true worshipers DOES NOT SHARE THE BLAME FOR THIS WORLD'S PROBLEMS that the FALSE RELIGIONS of this world SHOULD BE BLAMED FOR. God Himself charges the FALSE religions of the world as having misled the nations with spiritism (following the teachings of demons) - and He holds all persons still associated with Satan's world empire of FALSE religions (Babylon the Great) as being GUITY, by association, of bloodguilt, "for all who have been slaughtered upon the earth."(Revelation 18:23,24)

Jehovah states that the crimes of this world's FALSE religions and FALSE religionists - even by association/"community guilt" - "HAVE MASSED TOGETHER CLEAR UP TO HEAVEN"; and that He "has called her [FALSE religion's/"Babylon the Great's"] acts of injustice to mind". His own tremendous punishment of the FALSE religions of this earth, and those still "within" them, despite the scriptural warnings being given, is nigh. (Revelation 18:5)

However, Satan, arch-enemy of God and slayer of mankind, is all-about SLANDER OF GOD and spreading spiritual death-disease spiritual lies. His LIES get people beLIEving in and practicing harmful and unrighteous things which Jehovah hates - yet feeling alright about it. That is especially true if - rather than living by conscience, and checking God's own words - persons go looking for lies as [false] "excuses" for or "permission" to do whatever sinful thing it is that they desire. Along with that, many also seek and find FALSE spiritual teachers who will, likewise, feed them the LIES and false exoneration, "in the name of God", that they want to hear. (2Timothy 4:3,4)

Along with this then, MOST OF THE WORLD DOES PREFER THE SPIRITUAL STANDARD of "ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH". Further, THE BULK OF MANKIND thus DOESN'T VALUE scriptural-spiritual truth and the one true global religion based-on and loyal to that.

So, in short, many people care more about what they want, instead of what various religions teach; and they care more about what they want than what Jehovah, in His own words says is right - and so therefore, too, they care more about what they want than what the ONE TRUE RELIGION, based on what Jehovah's own words, teach too. SO, WHEN A POPULAR SINGER STARTS RIPPING-DOWN ALL RELIGION, or BELIEF IN ANY RELIGION [IMPLIED, for no particular religion(s) being specified]; such a VIOLATION TO JEHOVAH [Yahweh] God Almighty is of little or no importance or concern to them: They do not value, treasure, respect, uphold, live-by, or recommend/preach/teach that truth to others to begin with. 

Certainly you receive little in the way of complaints regarding your "all-religion/beliefs-rip-down" performances, etc. from those UNTRUE to Jehovah. Most persons do not care - neither Jehovah nor being TRUE to Him, His Son, God's standards matters much at all to them. Likewise, they care little for the global group of persons/spiritual family with His name upon them, who do loyally worship Him, as His people and His servants. 

You can sing "I don't believe anymore" or "losing my religion...) all day and all night to most people, and it won't bother them. They are "out to lunch", so to say, spiritually. Sing whatever you want to them, and they won't care. They will clap anyway. They would let the words/lyrics of a celebrity (especially a singer/band) displace the words and person of God Almighty Himself, and they wouldn't care. They would have little thought or concern over such things before, during or after any performance piece that violates Jehovah and His own teachings. THEY DO NOT CARE.

Scriptural TRUTH is NOT a possession of theirs. True faith, based on what is true, as per God Himself, is not a possession of theirs either.


The only ones who CARE if Jehovah [Yahweh] God Almighty, His Son, God's scriptural standards, or Jehovah's own global people are being ripped-down, slandered and/or blasphemed and defamed by unscrupulous and spiritually foul and/or spiritually reckless or irresponsible persons to the masses are THOSE WHO ARE TRUE, LOYAL, RESPECTFUL, and OBEDIENT TO JEHOVAH, who LOVE HIM - who cherish and would uphold and defend God's scriptural truth. Scriptural Truth from the Creator and TRUE BELIEFS, TRUE FAITH based on Jehovah's own spirit-backed words IS a possession of theirs - of mine......


TAKE CARE TO IMMEDIATELY CORRECT THE SPIRITUAL HARM-CAUSING, spiritually NEGLIGENT, God-offending, and true worshiper of God-offending  mass-media-ed ripping-down of TRUE, scriptural religion ALONG WITH Satan's LIE-based, earth-ruining FALSE religions.

And on it goes too: As said, many times before, the never-ending "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" - as it continually mass-publicly DENIES and disregards the scriptural, spiritual truth that Jehovah God the Creator Himself has purposely had taught throughout the earth now - does the same kind of mal-teaching/preaching MISdeed also.

Stuck cars - traffic jam mayhem in an intersection - lots of honking - and bad bumper stickers/car signs - all sky-cammed and on the evening news.........COME ON - FIX this mess. One right manuever at a time, but no more WRONG ones (or bad "advertising" either), please.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Re [Again]: "People Have the Power" (Not)

Very simple, but I hope it makes the point.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Hey - How ya doing? We used to "play" Zootopia together sometimes, even in the middle of the night, even like at 3:33am, way back in the day - before you allowed your people to ban me, as you were putting out the song, "Yahweh" (which you would soon work mass-blasphemy with) anyway.

Scriptural-spiritual truth - the warning and corrective kind, in particular - WAS shown HATE, just like Jesus prophesied; and so much of what went on in the microcosm of your "funsite" - the actions of people - made so many Scriptural prophecies of how God-defiant people would unjustly talk and behave come straight to life. I must say, that was phenomenal, but not in a good way. If you really do understand much of anything about the Bible, what went down there should have caused you to take a couple of steps back, in fear of God. Some regret should have happened.

Then, of course, there's been - and still is - the whole damned - as in DEFINITELY GOD-CONDEMNED - decade-plus-long and still ongoing INTERNATIONAL MASS-BLASPHEMY of Jehovah/Yahweh's OWN PERSONAL HOLY NAME - which you continue to carry on, by letting your spiritually-insanely-evil "U2 Yahweh" cartoon idol image videos (and concert videos showing the same blasphemous images) play on the major video-sharing sites, without you retracting them (as you have done with other U2-related videos in the past, which you did not want shown.)

And with all of the high-level media opps you have partaken of or afforded yourself over the past decade, did you ever once publicly apologize - or explain your deep regret and error  - over your mass blasphemy in this (and other) ways? NONE HAS BEEN NOTICED WHATSOEVER...([add-in]: OR...if you are sad about it - calling out God's name "in shame" don't you think your speech and actions should SHOW it? [That answer should be YES.]) Yet, your Satanic videos continue to air to the world, and continue to make opportunities for public desecration of Jehovah's name. 

And then there was the icky, gross, "Breathe" song, which prompted at least one of your site-welcomed, God-disrespecting, unrighteous, and conscience-impaired fans to outrightly post that she "enjoys scaring Jehovah's Witnesses away from her door." That IS the standard you did set, sir, for spiritually-defunct followers of yours.

What happened to your "Horizon"? How did that, eventually morph? Hmmm. Lemme see.....After some time, and your latest "new" Zootopia, I thought I'd test the waters, with your, "Password...enter know your punch it in."

But you hired (and continue to reward) anti-God and you-idolizing moderators - and between them and your usual crowd [remember - for your own set standards] of idolatrous, rather than spiritual-scriptural truth or actually God-respecting fans, it wasn't long until, once again, oil and water did not mix. Even though as usual, others were allowed to speak freely; corrective and warning scriptural words from me were shown the usual hate  - by the actually ungodly - despite their claims to be otherwise - and your moderator censored/banned me (the effect is the SAME), "warning" me that your fansite isn't a place for "religious rants" The FACT IS, however, as is classic among U2 fans, RELIGION and spirituality are discussed ALL THE TIME - BEING AS IT IS THAT YOU GLEANED PROBABLY MOST OF YOUR FAN-BASE, OVER THE YEARS, BY YOUR INCLUSION OF SCRIPTURE-BITS OR ALLUSIONS TO THEM IN YOUR SONGS! It very much seems to be that this is how you have acquired most of your fame, fortune, fan-base, and celebrity-currency, as you call it -
BY YOUR USAGE - however scripturally correct or incorrect - of the words and intellectual property of God Almighty Himself, in your music.

And then, despite all - YOU PROMOTE and LET BE "JUDGE" and "IN CHARGE" of the souls who visit your pages - people YOU drew in, for your use/mis-use of God Almighty's words - a person demonstrating  hate for and banning-censoring-out the more serious, less "FUN", and less-popular/marketable corrective and warning words from God. (How foolish and ironic that is, besides being intensely and excuselessly hypocritical and conscience-lacking though - because it is often those scripturally corrective-warning words that actually end up being the most important to people [and some day soon, they will be]).

So you censored-BANNED me - again - and yes, YOU and U2, as heads of your operation, ARE the ones responsible - for what you have allowed.

How could it ever have worked though? Despite your having made your fame and fortune mainly by tapping into people's spiritual drive, their spiritual "searching" - for your use of Scripture-bits/allusions; you have recently proven that YOU REALLY DON'T CARE WHAT THE CREATOR/UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN SAYS ANYWAY - if it doesn't suit what your agenda/your desire is....So, whereas your "moderator" felt it necessary to, for instance, delete even my "profile" comments about what was "on my mind" - when I said that I hated how smoking was being re-glamorized by a new video - I'm pretty sure that you all definitely wanted "GOD CLEARED OUT OF THE ROOM" (scriptural warning or corrective words from Him, as responses, prevented anyway) BEFORE YOU MADE YOUR SHOCKING, anti-God, anti-scriptural, antichrist public statements about your band being "for" homosexual marriage, that "Bono is for lesbians", and that people should vote for homosexual marriage to be sanctioned by the state [Ireland]. I am sure that your moderators would have quickly deleted any serious and firm, scripturally corrective and warning comments regarding that issue.

 You have hit a new LOW, however - and I believe you know how and why - and yes, I did already write about my concern: You have been concert and mass-media singing, regarding religion and spirituality, "I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE" - PURPOSELY LEAVING THAT REPEATED PUBLIC PROCLAMATION GENERALIZED, so that it can apply to any and all religions - either of Satan's false world empire of all false religions OR Jehovah's own scripturally-described-and-based one TRUE religion. You and U2 did not care - you, AGAIN, let Jehovah and worship of Him, on His own scriptural terms, be SLANDERED ALONG WITH your denunciation of all of the demonic, spiritistic, bloodguilty, and injustice-producing, ANTI-God FALSE religions of the world, which actually do deserve that denunciation (as God can't stand them either). And you have done the same with this mass-media-ed line in that same song too: "The worst things in the world are justified by belief": YOU PAINTED JEHOVAH, JESUS CHRIST, and TRUE BELIEFS, AS PER THE WORDS OF GOD HIMSELF - to all be JUST AS CULPABLE AS SATAN, HIS LIES, and ALL OF THE EVIL, HARM, and DEATH that comes from BELIEVING and SERVING SATAN/DEMONS.

This is the worst yet though: During all of your new concerts so far, you make a highlight out of performance of this, as it is, spiritually negligent, and wrongly God-blaming and God-defiant song; but you also, during this number, mass-media a dangerous and JEHOVAH-FIGHTING example, to the world, of destroying pieces of what are made to seem like offered spiritual literature. The majority could easily assume/guess at least some of this literature to be from the global religion that has been well-known, since the late 1800's, as being one that distributes MUCH spiritual literature - purposed to be as Bible-study aids-  to the world.

And there you are - before the masses - kicking, ripping and throwing spiritual literature that would be assumed to include some that does teach scriptural truth - including Jehovah's name.

So this is coming off as though you are a wolf, with an attitude and practice stronger than what would be a spiritually healthy and rightly respectful "fear" of God - and you are teaching/reinforcing/recommended to others (especially your avid followers/fans) - that they too should show a brazen disrespect and anger towards God - especially the True God of the Bible, Jehovah - and likewise show a HATE and angered disrespect and derision for books or magazines of His global Jehovah's Witness religion that do and have helped millions of persons learn Bible truths (for their having been useful as Bible study aids). And that hate and anger would likewise be transferred onto the messengers bringing and offering these items to people too.

And what of these books , magazines, brochures, tracts, etc. that are meant to be Bible study aids, to help persons learn scriptural truths and see some applications for them? What of them, Bono? Do you take difference with some words or explanations of men within them - that may include human errors - so much so that you would publicly trash and recommend hate and anger towards the whole lot and rest of all such publications that HAVE taught millions of persons, worldwide, since the late 1800's, in hundreds of languages, vital and life-helpful scriptural truths and Jehovah's name; and which have served to help spiritually fortify and unify the prophesied global congregation that does exist in our day - and to help keep the God-commanded global preaching work of it organized?

Again, these various publications are NOT the God-Authored Holy Scriptures themselves - the touchstone and Authority for all spiritual matters. The writings of men in these magazines, etc., therefore, do not have the same weight of Authority as God's own scriptural words do. They are Bible study/learning aids that that attempt to explain and make useful applications of God's words for life today, with all of its challenges. They  cite Scriptures in their writings. Those who worship Jehovah as He wishes, "with spirit and truth" (John 4:24), and honest-hearted seekers of Jehovah's truth should always be discerning, to check the validity of any spiritual writings/teachings of man against or as compared to what Jehovah's own scriptural words say. Readers of these publications can and should look up the cited  Scriptures (especially those they are not familiar with) in their Bibles, to check for scriptural agreement of what is being discussed or taught, just as God Himself has recommended - 

"Beloved ones, do not believe every inspired expression, but test the inspired expressions to see whether they originate with God, because many false prophets have gone forth into the world." (1John 4:1)

"Immediately by night the brothers sent both Paul and Silas out to Be·roe′a, and these, upon arriving, went into the synagogue of the Jews. Now the latter were more noble-minded than those in Thes·sa·lo·ni′ca, for they received the word with the greatest eagerness of mind, carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether these things were so. " (Acts 17:10,11)

"And this is what I continue praying, that your love may abound yet more and more with accurate knowledge and full discernment; that you may make sure of the more important things, so that you may be flawless and not be stumbling others up to the day of Christ, and may be filled with righteous fruit, which is through Jesus Christ, to God’s glory and praise." (Philippians 1:9-11)

"All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,  that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work." (2Timothy 3:16,17)

Super simple, from a en-scriptured prayer of Jesus Christ himself, to Jehovah, his own God as well as Heavenly Father, regarding the spiritual care and well being of his followers, and so true worshipers of God:

YOUR * WORD * IS * TRUTH * " (John 17:17)

"Finally, go on acquiring power in [the] Lord and in the mightiness of his strength. Put on the complete suit of armor from God that YOU may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil; because we have a wrestling, not against blood and flesh, but against the governments, against the authorities, against the world rulers of this darkness, against the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places. On this account take up the complete suit of armor from God, that YOU may be able to resist in the wicked day and, after YOU have done all things thoroughly, to stand firm. Stand firm, therefore, with YOUR loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, and with YOUR feet shod with the equipment of the good news of peace. Above all things, take up the large shield of faith, with which YOU will be able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles. Also, accept the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word, while with every form of prayer and supplication YOU carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit. And to that end keep awake with all constancy and with supplication in behalf of all the holy ones." (Ephesians 6:10-18)

And there are many more protective words from God, in His own words, regarding the importance of always being spiritually discerning, so as to remain true to Him, as well.
[Reminds me of the "sculpture" of the girl's head in your "Everywhere You Go, You Shout It" video, on which the words were drawn to say, "STAY TRUE." Good idea, to "stay true" - to Jehovah.]

Sometimes, yes it does happen that men make errors in their writing or teaching about how God's words should be explained or applied. Sometimes, those errors - or generalities, etc. - have even been aggravating and/or hurtful to some individuals. HOWEVER, when such errors (or writings that cause misunderstandings, etc.) are made, the very LIVING AND TRUE GOD JEHOVAH ALWAYS MAKES SURE, WITH HIS SPIRIT (HIS ACTIVE FORCE) THAT ANY SUCH ERRORS (etc.) AFFECTING HIS OWN TRUE and LOYAL PEOPLE (of His own namesake, too) - or persons honest-heartedly seeking Him - ARE CORRECTED - at LEAST EVENTUALLY (and even if "eventually" means after He Himself sorts everything and everyone all out come "the great tribulation" and Armageddon Day). 
We ARE living in the prophesied time of the end - the time when Satan would have great anger towards anyone loyal and obedient to Jehovah, doing His will, and teaching His scriptural truth - or honest-heartedly seeking God, so as to find His truth and obey it - and so there is a very heavy, challenging, and active spiritual war going on now. Also, like in the biblical account of Jeremiah's day (preserved as a warning for our day), as prophesied, there are some troublemakers mixed in among God's people now too - even a relative few treacherous and traitor-some, wicked, hurtful, and hypocritical persons. God warned in more than a few verses to look out for such persons - but He also taught not to let any such person ruin one's relationship with, service to, or pure worship of Jehovah. 
God always does act to fix things, and His own words can always be trusted. HE and HIS SON are the one's who are truly in charge of/ leading His people - not men - and so nothing will escape Jehovah's notice or [at least eventual] fixing.

It's funny that  you should have me on your back this way, Bono - because apparently you and I have a bit similar of  a temperament, so to say.

Let me explain. You see, in a couple of situations - which were NOT public demonstrations though - even I, a longtime faithful Jehovah's Witness [who also happened to grow up Catholic] also happened to rip up a couple of the above-mentioned magazines. WHY?? Because there ARE the relative few traitor-some, treacherous, hurtful, unjust, unrighteous, damaging, apostately-attacking, persecuting, Pharisee-like, evil-y intense hypocrites out there - and I was socked with such a near total-Judas-like, spiritually abusive, Devil-like person directly in my personal life. Rather than being a TRUE worshiper of God, at all times - and keeping the whole of Jehovah's own scriptural words, 
His commands and principals first and foremost, as those things which a person must answer to God for - this person decided it was much more interesting to put on a well-done false show of formalistic worship in front of others; but then to privately treat me with life-robbing, very distressing evil.

That person made a  habit, in their "spiritual" "studies", of  by-passing, disregarding, and "forgetting" about what God's own words had to say about certain spiritually critical issues. God's own words are purposed to cover MUCH MORE, and more precisely, than the words of men - and Jehovah's own words incorporate no misunderstandings on His part - and no overlooking of the unique situations and needs of each individual. However, again, some wickedly behaved persons are not all that concerned about living true lives with spiritual integrity, worshiping Jehovah "with spirit and truth", or always wanting to treat others with righteousness. When appearing to be "holy" in front of others becomes the priority, warped things can happen. Being "a pleaser of men", rather than God happens. Idolizing men and their putting their words first  - even if they don't truly apply, or if they contain errors or misunderstandings - above God's own words can go along with that too. In other words, a person with bad, hypocritical motives can turn even the one true religion into their own, self-serving cult for themselves as an individual - and use that "tool" they formed - of scriptural beliefs they twisted; together with any errors or oversights of men they can exploit to "support" their badness; and the "support" of persons who only get to see the double-lived "holy" side of them - as a destructive spiritual weapon to attack, abuse, and apostately persecute someone loyal and true to God with.

So, for instance, when that particular person came to me then, to point out non-fitting words of men as "counsel" to me of "why" I should submit myself to that person's abuse, if I wanted to be pleasing to God, what do you think I did to that particular magazine, in that particular private situation? Pieces, tossed towards them, on the lawn.

Note, though, that is immensely different than making a very unfair, highly disrespectful (especially to Jehovah) mass-media-ed public demonstration of rageful hate and trashing of literature that has, by-in-far, for the most part, since the late 1800's, well-served God and mankind as a means to make Jehovah's Scriptures, understanding of them, and true worship known - "to the most distant parts of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

To continue to disrespectfully publicly rampage against what God has used, so much, to have His scriptural truths taught, throughout the world, for a long time, would be very, very bad (evil) of you. (And it would make it completely impossible for me to even come to observe your show. ) It also sets a very dangerous example:
There infamously have been and ARE situations and places in this world where enemies of Jehovah (and His own-named, true and faithful people) HAVE BANNED, under human-rights- violating threats of punishment (or death) - the same sourced/named Bible study-aid material that it easily appears that you - over and over again - are making a large-show public display of showing disgust and disdain for, and are likewise DESTROYING. Again, your historic "company" for such "leadership" action would include Hitler and Stalin, etc.

The spiritual-fortification and teaching value of such publications has been so high, that, for instance, in the days of Hitler, Stalin, and other enemy-of-God despots, TRUE and faithful servants of Jehovah have both risked and, at times, lost their freedom or their lives, in attempt to share such publications - with the helpful true scriptural teachings that they do contain - with others.

In your own home country, I read that, in the past, this same kind of literature had to be smuggled along as well, with messengers and sharers of these things needing to be so careful, lest part of, for instance, the "Legion of Mary" come after them ("in the name of God"), to even beat their fellow women/mothers with their broomsticks, to try to stop their scriptural preaching work.

Additionally, not only is the literature you are recklessly mass-teaching hate for and destruction of produced by dedicated volunteers, and funded by donations; but there is involvement in it by adoptive spiritual sons of God/"holy ones"/ CHRIST'S BROTHERS yet on earth too. So, besides at least carelessly and recklessly disrespecting the Creator and Universal Sovereign Jehovah God Almighty and His installed King-Son Jesus Christ, by your repeated public display of destruction of what can easily be assumed to include this literature; for your doing this, YOU ARE ALSO MISTREATING JESUS CHRIST'S BROTHERS. People will be judged, by Christ, as to being "sheep" [for everlasting life] or "goats" [for everlasting death] according to how they treat Christ's brothers, too (Matthew 25:31-46) - and, you have been
 acting so as to defame and damage their Christ-commissioned global preaching work to teach life-saving, scriptural truth. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20)

Again, this "world" [of persons alienated from God] already, as prophesied, shows all kinds of hate towards Jehovah, Jesus Christ, God's whole-scriptural truth and standards, and TRUE Christians/TRUE worshipers of God Almighty.

It is bad, reckless, unrighteous, and unloving of you  for you to mass-media-make a point of trying to drum-up more of that very dangerous HATE.  

The main way I learned God's life-saving scriptural truth was by using such literature as Bible study aids. How tragic it would be, for any other honest-hearted seekers of spiritual truth, for you to discourage them away from also having that help.

P.S. , FYI - I thoroughly did enjoy passing out such literature in public, in Ireland; at and in conjunction with your shows in 5 different countries, plus several more cities; and in front of your studio at Hanover Quay, back in the day. The people who received that comforting learning material appreciated it too. For that, it was a very good time. 

P.P.S. I am, of course, NOT a prophet(ess) (there aren't any more of those, in these post-closed-scriptural-canon days of this world system) - but I AM a TRUE, though definitely imperfect, loyal servant of Jehovah God. Though causes can produce predictable effects; and although human metaphors can be very loose things; I am still finding it interesting that I wrote this here, back in 2008. It wasn't too far off, with what came to seem like the spirit of things, was it? It seems I just basically got the animal wrong, for the current sad-tragic overall effect? Did you ever read this, Bono/U2? - 

(Excerpt from a story I wrote on this same website) - 

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The IDOLS in the Middle of the Desert

"Ban it, ban it, show it hate!" chanted the spiritists in unison. WE are one, WE are one, WE are one. We do NOT NEED truth from God, and we don't want to obey it, just like Satan said. BAN God's truth! Show it hate!"

The hyenas mimicked the people, who were behaving like the hyenas. One hyena had a tattered Bible. He invited other hyenas to rip it apart with him. A human came by to steal a hunk of it, shouting, "We want to rip it apart too, we want to rip it too! Oh ha ha! Ha ha ha!" A hyena panted at him, as if sharing the same "thought."