Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Re [Some More]: "Raised by Wolves" and "It's the Same Old Scene, Since 1916..."

In some people's heads.......but WHO, HONESTY, WANTS THE ANSWER - WHO wants to hear of the real problems or the REMEDY?

Answer: Some people, but not that many.

True story: I took a walking tour, of Derry....

While listening to accounts of sieges, oppression, strife, and death,

A year-number stuck out in my head: 1916.

After the nice tour guide ended his speech for the moment,

I politely brought up the point of this terrible time of trouble 

Having begun in 1916,

Since the Bible teaches that, just 2 years earlier, in 1914,

Satan was thrown out of the heavens and down to this earth,

And that at that time, he caused terrible trouble among human beings - 

Such as that which happened with WWI.

[Tremendous trouble, that would mean 

"Woe for the earth and for the sea,
because the Devil has come down to YOU, 
having great anger, 
knowing he has a short period of time"
                          (Revelation 12:12)

1914 marked the "last days" of this world system,

Of Jesus Christ's coming to Rule in the heavens,

But also of Satan's fury of trouble-making onto mankind.

The turning-point of WWI is a testimony to that - 

And also that which has happened since.]

Maybe it was still too new,

But the tour guide's reaction,

As is so common,

Was to dismiss this overall 


And he begin rambling on about 

Political this-and-thats.............

That same day,

I was given a couple of markers, to write some message

On the Belfast peace wall. (See center section of the picture below - what I got to share ended with "Isaiah 2:4".)

I chose God's and Jesus' Christ's admonitions - 

Not a political slogan,

Not "All you need is love",

No. Divine teachings are what are needed.

TO ALLEVIATE a non-stop cycle of violence

Is to:

1. Obey Jehovah (and His Son) oneself; and

2.) Actively urge others to do the same.

God's promised incoming, heaven-based Kingdom for earth

Absolutely WILL take care of the rest.

There will not be fluctuating, insecure so-called "peace" then - 

There will be total, TRUE,

Permanent peace on earth then,

For everyone, everywhere.

And a reason will be that everyone here then

Will be obeying 

Jehovah, and also His Son, 

"The Prince of Peace".

For true hope for persons thirsting for it,

This is what should be recommended,



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