Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Song-Repeated "I Don't Believe Anymore" Can Do the Same Damage as "Losing My Religion"


Satan's world empire of FALSE religions IS doomed to dry-up... and suddenly "crash", fall, and disappear from the planet - that IS a certainty, straight from the mouth of Jehovah/Yahweh, many times over. He has been angry at the evils worked by the world's spiritistic, LIE-based FALSE religions for a long time now; but, as He has been warning, He will be causing them to come to an abrupt end, SOON. (Revelation Chapters 17 and 18; the books of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and more...)

However, at the same time, the spirit of Jehovah (His active force) and His Son (and angels and faithful and true servants of God/TRUE Christians along with them) have been actively working to gather in the righteous-hearted human beings of the earth into a spiritual condition and "place" of spiritual safety, well-being, unity, and protection - before Jehovah/Yahweh/Exhoba, etc. SOON must bring an end to this world system, which has become just as wicked, violence-filled, and God-rebellious as the pre-Great Flood world of mankind had become.

The scripturally-described global congregation of spiritually honest-hearted, truth-loving, injustice-hating, willing to rightly obey their Maker's own words, loyal, loving, etc. persons that Jehovah gathers together as His own-named people, into a world-wide spiritual family of "brothers" and "sisters", under His good Fatherhood  - just like He said he would do, in these "last days" - IS TRUE RELIGION. It is, in fact, the ONLY true religion. And, so long as persons of it STAY true to Jehovah's own scriptural, spirit-back words and His spirit - so long as they don't revert back into the old spiritual mire of the world/false religions they once left behind; so long as they don't become rank hypocrites, or persons disobeying God in other ways that He warns He cannot stand - they remain part of mankind's one true religion.

Again, Jehovah does not maintain multiple "truths" about Himself, His own standards, or spiritual issues. That only makes sense. He is also a God of order, "not disorder". (1Corinthians 14:33) He has always chosen to work with only one group or organization of humans at a time - for worship of Him and for the saving of them. 

Jehovah's one true global people of His faithful and true worshipers DOES NOT SHARE THE BLAME FOR THIS WORLD'S PROBLEMS that the FALSE RELIGIONS of this world SHOULD BE BLAMED FOR. God Himself charges the FALSE religions of the world as having misled the nations with spiritism (following the teachings of demons) - and He holds all persons still associated with Satan's world empire of FALSE religions (Babylon the Great) as being GUITY, by association, of bloodguilt, "for all who have been slaughtered upon the earth."(Revelation 18:23,24)

Jehovah states that the crimes of this world's FALSE religions and FALSE religionists - even by association/"community guilt" - "HAVE MASSED TOGETHER CLEAR UP TO HEAVEN"; and that He "has called her [FALSE religion's/"Babylon the Great's"] acts of injustice to mind". His own tremendous punishment of the FALSE religions of this earth, and those still "within" them, despite the scriptural warnings being given, is nigh. (Revelation 18:5)

However, Satan, arch-enemy of God and slayer of mankind, is all-about SLANDER OF GOD and spreading spiritual death-disease spiritual lies. His LIES get people beLIEving in and practicing harmful and unrighteous things which Jehovah hates - yet feeling alright about it. That is especially true if - rather than living by conscience, and checking God's own words - persons go looking for lies as [false] "excuses" for or "permission" to do whatever sinful thing it is that they desire. Along with that, many also seek and find FALSE spiritual teachers who will, likewise, feed them the LIES and false exoneration, "in the name of God", that they want to hear. (2Timothy 4:3,4)

Along with this then, MOST OF THE WORLD DOES PREFER THE SPIRITUAL STANDARD of "ANYTHING BUT THE TRUTH". Further, THE BULK OF MANKIND thus DOESN'T VALUE scriptural-spiritual truth and the one true global religion based-on and loyal to that.

So, in short, many people care more about what they want, instead of what various religions teach; and they care more about what they want than what Jehovah, in His own words says is right - and so therefore, too, they care more about what they want than what the ONE TRUE RELIGION, based on what Jehovah's own words, teach too. SO, WHEN A POPULAR SINGER STARTS RIPPING-DOWN ALL RELIGION, or BELIEF IN ANY RELIGION [IMPLIED, for no particular religion(s) being specified]; such a VIOLATION TO JEHOVAH [Yahweh] God Almighty is of little or no importance or concern to them: They do not value, treasure, respect, uphold, live-by, or recommend/preach/teach that truth to others to begin with. 

Certainly you receive little in the way of complaints regarding your "all-religion/beliefs-rip-down" performances, etc. from those UNTRUE to Jehovah. Most persons do not care - neither Jehovah nor being TRUE to Him, His Son, God's standards matters much at all to them. Likewise, they care little for the global group of persons/spiritual family with His name upon them, who do loyally worship Him, as His people and His servants. 

You can sing "I don't believe anymore" or "losing my religion...) all day and all night to most people, and it won't bother them. They are "out to lunch", so to say, spiritually. Sing whatever you want to them, and they won't care. They will clap anyway. They would let the words/lyrics of a celebrity (especially a singer/band) displace the words and person of God Almighty Himself, and they wouldn't care. They would have little thought or concern over such things before, during or after any performance piece that violates Jehovah and His own teachings. THEY DO NOT CARE.

Scriptural TRUTH is NOT a possession of theirs. True faith, based on what is true, as per God Himself, is not a possession of theirs either.


The only ones who CARE if Jehovah [Yahweh] God Almighty, His Son, God's scriptural standards, or Jehovah's own global people are being ripped-down, slandered and/or blasphemed and defamed by unscrupulous and spiritually foul and/or spiritually reckless or irresponsible persons to the masses are THOSE WHO ARE TRUE, LOYAL, RESPECTFUL, and OBEDIENT TO JEHOVAH, who LOVE HIM - who cherish and would uphold and defend God's scriptural truth. Scriptural Truth from the Creator and TRUE BELIEFS, TRUE FAITH based on Jehovah's own spirit-backed words IS a possession of theirs - of mine......


TAKE CARE TO IMMEDIATELY CORRECT THE SPIRITUAL HARM-CAUSING, spiritually NEGLIGENT, God-offending, and true worshiper of God-offending  mass-media-ed ripping-down of TRUE, scriptural religion ALONG WITH Satan's LIE-based, earth-ruining FALSE religions.

And on it goes too: As said, many times before, the never-ending "I still haven't found what I'm looking for" - as it continually mass-publicly DENIES and disregards the scriptural, spiritual truth that Jehovah God the Creator Himself has purposely had taught throughout the earth now - does the same kind of mal-teaching/preaching MISdeed also.

Stuck cars - traffic jam mayhem in an intersection - lots of honking - and bad bumper stickers/car signs - all sky-cammed and on the evening news.........COME ON - FIX this mess. One right manuever at a time, but no more WRONG ones (or bad "advertising" either), please.


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