Thursday, June 25, 2015

I Will Now CANCEL My Remaining U2 Concert Plans, Since Tonight, Bono Again Promoted Anti-Jehovah/Yahweh & Antichrist Homosexual Marriage


Here were the U2 so-called "innocence" and "experience" shows I had not canceled all plans for YET. I will NOT be using these spaces. Maybe you can just stick a Devil head where I would have been, since that is who you are inviting to your shows anyway - whereas my scriptural messages of God Almighty's own words have been shown the hate they have been by the organization YOU HEAD.

I already LOST what I paid for my unused Inglewood, California concert ticket; plus lost accommodation-cancellation fees, and I will probably lose money on an airline change fee also - all because U2 decided to make their show far too spiritually and morally grotesque and offensive for me to even attend as an observer, AFTER I had purchased 4 of the [arranged-to-be] non-re-sale-able GA tickets, plus another.

I was going to wait until I saw a video of the first Chicago show's "Raised by Wolves" performance before deciding to completely drop my remaining concert plan for that city, but I WILL DO THAT after posting this.

Here's why: Bono (with the backing of his band) has AGAIN chosen to spiritually corrupt and/or reinforce the spiritual corruption of the masses. When I read tonight that this evening's show included Bono again announcing that he was glad over the recent passage of a homosexual right-to-marry act in Ireland (see previous posts regarding this), I again felt sickened, further appalled, and saddened to have to really throw this once-loved band out of my life.

So, I will now not only cancel the Chicago plans completely, without a doubt - losing not only the amount that U2 with Ticketmaster charged me for these 3 more tickets, plus more money on changed accommodation plans - but I now think that I should just go ahead and CANCEL what were major travel plans for me, to go see U2 in Madison Square Garden, in New York, too. I will lose probably 200 on that airfare, for needing to change plans, and I lose more money on changed accommodations again, also.

And did I mention that (for the THIRD time), 40-45 (?) and 50-dollar amounts I paid to U2's different "Zootopia" fansites ended up with me not only being delivered unjust and human rights violating treatment, but also being short-changed, in that U2 allowed the so-called "moderators" [corrective-truth-from-God haters] of those fan forums to BAN/CENSOR ME (THE SAME THING, in EFFECT). U2 and their people didn't find corrective and warning scriptural words from God - even on the same subjects otherwise being freely discussed - to be pleasant and marketable enough. 

Bono/U2 has ONLY WANTED TO PICK AND CHOOSE BITS and PIECES OUT OF the whole of the UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGN'S OWN SCRIPTURAL WORDS, for their use in songs and other mass-media-ed works - while they/Bono has publicly mass-media DISREGARDED, DENIED, etc. OTHER words of God that have NOT been TO THEIR LIKING. And indeed, again, surely it has been their USE and/or MIS-USE such Scripture bits - from God's words - that has let them be able to EXPLOIT THE SPIRITUAL DRIVE of throngs/crowds/masses of people; as they have then have taken advantage of the made-at-least-partially spiritually defunct condition of people to try to use the "body count"/mob-power/volume, etc. of them for their own agendas. 

At the same time, UNWANTED, LESS POPULAR words of God have been treated with derision and hostility  - by not only many fervent false-religious U2 fan-IDOLATERS on many music message boards, including U2's own - but also by the administration that U2 has ALLOWED to run their message boards. Shallow, U2-idolizing, inane, spiritistic, false religious, blasphemous, and God-disrespecting remarks are freely welcomed there though, and are encouraged - for in contrast to spiritual TRUTH regarding important life matters (being otherwise freely discussed), the more thoughtless and ungodly remarks are valued for their "attractive" "coolness" - for sales and the band's popularity. So, the modus operandi of the U2 fansite forum discussion boards have been: NEVER MIND GOD ALMIGHTY OR HIS PURPOSED TRUTH HE WANTS MANKIND TO KNOW, TO HELP and TO SAVE THEIR LIVES. Hail the gods of U2 and what they preach and recommend for people's spirituality and eternal futures INSTEAD.

And then, there has been all of the TIME investment.......

And, "I DON'T BELIEVE" - IN YOU, for what you've been doing - "ANYMORE"!!!!



And the saying does go, "BEWARE OF WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING"!!

All of the "LOVE" and "NICENESS" you are showing your fans, such as providing some pizza, etc. - all of the "love" and "us" and "community" and fan-participation activity STILL WILL NOT be REAL LOVE or amount to have been REAL NICENESS towards them, when such persons realize that they have kept or put themselves AT ENMITY WITH GOD, for GOING ALONG WITH and SIDING WITH SPIRITUAL LIES and BEHAVIORS HE HATES and CONDEMNS, such as homosexual marriage, FALSE religion, spiritism, etc.

So long! Hope it was worth it to you - for all that you are ruining and jeopardizing (of people's hearts, minds, souls, and futures), and for how angry and disturbed you must make God too - for you to mass-media preach that persons FAIL even NATURE'S DUMMY TEST !!!!!!!!

What you have done, with these SPIRITUALLY OFFENSIVE  (offensive to Jehovah/Yahweh, by His own known scriptural standards; and offensive to anyone LOYAL, obedient, and TRUE to Him, such as myself) IS NEITHER INNOCENT NOR WISE from EXPERIENCE.


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