Tuesday, July 28, 2015

It's Turned Into One Big LIE

So SAD when songs of goodness
Turn into ONE BIG LIE
A poisonous production
In which listeners die...

Buy, buy your tickets
For the deathful boat rides -
They'll corrupt your soul
Deaden your hope
As you're fed fatal LIES

Watch as they insult you
Are you not within their trap
See them even blaspheme 
Jah Himself 
As they push idolatrous 

Its gonna be a great Day
When that "curtain" drops
And Satanic words
Are no longer heard,
When God Himself 
Makes it STOP. 

If you want to turn
The efforts of years
Into sold-out waste
That's up to you -
But God will hold you responsible
For spiritual harm you do. 

For the heinous spiritual LIES that have been stubbornly mass-media-promoted by the recent U2 concerts, recordings, their website, their own fan forum-website (as well as the OTHER likewise long-term fervently FALSE religious, idolatrous, and strongly ANTI-truth-from-Jehovah [Yahweh] fan-site they've adopted/joined-together-with/incorporated/ and are using, as part of their own fan website now); I would no longer trust the overall discernment, claimed-"spirituality", moral sense, or judgment of anyone still an avid U2 fan (or anyone directly supporting their work or fan-site).

I used to enjoy some of Bono/U2's songs SO MUCH - for the thoughtfulness, scriptural bits/references/allusions, messages TOWARDS spiritual truth, musicality, energy, and positivity they put out. For years, U2's songs like that were a sort of daily nutrition to me. They became a much-appreciated, uplifting, and energizing sound-track for much of my activity. They were a joy, and made me feel like flying.
When I got together with a friend who I thought needed some uplifting, energizing music, I gave her a U2 album - as a kind of "music therapy". 

When another friend died, I gave her daughter a U2 album - with a note recommending that she listen to "MLK", because it's message was good, the song resonated and empathized well with the grief, and it was soothing, with the "rain"....

Also, there was all of the writing I did (not just on U2's own fan forums, but on other sites also), being banned, preaching, writing, being banned, preaching, writing, being banned, preaching, writing, being banned, etc, etc.....the U2 concerts, the U2 concert travel, the international U2 concert travel....preaching, writing, being banned, preaching, writing, being banned...U2 concerts, U2 travel... preaching, writing, being banned, etc, etc. My life, since my first U2 concert in May of 2001, was altered.

When my own mother died last fall - even though I had already largely left-off from being a U2 fan/supporter (due to their ANTI-Jehovah/Yahweh activities, hypocrisy, etc.) - I still incorporated that "MLK" song into my mourning. Even as the life-force of my newly-dead mother (I was with her when she died) was still leaving her body, I played 3 songs - with U2's "MLK" being one of them.
Now, I regret that I did that.......

.....and that I ever recommended Bono's and/or U2's music to anyone.

Now, for the very UNHOLY things Bono/U2 have added to their "message", everything they have written, etc, has become as a large pile of smelly garbage - I do NOT want to hear Bono/U2's music. If it comes over a PA system in a store, etc, - which happens frequently, I will hate it - it will disturb me.

And, I would guess I'm not the only one who feels this way I do about you now.


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