Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Empty Words, Empty Hope ~OR~ Jah's TRUE Words and TRUE Hope

Empty words, like space
Sad for much of the human race
When so many would
Their own Maker

Here, at the end of the days
When words are 
So quickly shared
We need to know TRUTH from LIES,
Of God's own words 
To be aware.

There is a spreading death
And its NOT by germs or bombs,
Not by poverty 
or violence,
But by LIES
To lead you along 

The Devil and his hordes
Want just one thing from you:
Reject God,
Obey Satan - 
who won't care when you die
if you do.

Any FALSE religion,
Any idol men raise on high
[like the UN],
Anyone that asks you
To disregard God 
Don't believe in them 
  with their lies.

It's all about fooling you
To get you to take Satan's side
So don't fall for 
 false hope or promises
Don't let idolatry
Take your life. 

Things are happening
Like God's words prophesied
But that also means 
His promises of better days
For those who love Him
Will soon be realized. 

Re: A livestream piece of yesterday's concert - about how "the feeling" from the audience in the arena could solve any problem in the world; soon followed by, "There is no them...There's only us..."

As an old song used to say: "Take a little longer, look around you/ Look around you, and it may astound you."

Mankind's future, clearly, is dependent on the promised Divine intervention of the Maker of mankind and this earth - whom fools, through the ages, have thought best to mock, disobey, and ignore. Together with the Devil manipulating the slaves-by-way-of-lies he has made of so many people; human society and even the planet is nearly ruined. 

So, the correct thing people should do, and should urge others to also do is:

A.) Continue to ignore God and His scriptural instructions; to see how how much more ruined things can become;


B.) Listen to Him, obey His own spirit-backed scriptural words, and put trust in Him, to, yes, SAVE MANKIND, as ONLY HE CAN DO. Only He can rid the earth of the evil and deceptive forces that are destroying life here. He will  save persons righteous enough to listen to and obey their own Maker - persons who don't turn away from Him to idolize some front-for-Satan entity, or to chase after some other God-denying false "hope" instead.

[Re: "Zooropa"]

If, despite Jehovah's own scriptural truth, (which forms one TRUE religion) being messaged throughout the earth (as prophesied), a person chooses to keep on wallowing in,


- if a persons are going to just keep on ignoring and denying that their very own Maker - the Person that designed them, the world around them, the stars, etc.etc... has expectations/standards for the beings He has made, and has TERMS OF WORSHIP for them to have/keep a good relationship with Him;

and if they are just going to continue to counsel/teach others to do the same (to disregard God) - even MILLIONS of people - 

HOW [eventually Armageddon-fatally] FALSE, how God-affronting, and how foolish it would be [is] to also tell them:





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