Friday, December 25, 2015

All Things in Context

The Holy Scriptures are purposely intra-harmonious (which in itself, is miraculous). With that, the Scriptures interpret themselves. 

That is why pulling a text out and away from the rest of the Scriptures - and ignoring or dismissing how other Scriptures would bear-on and temper the meaning of a lone, chosen Scripture - is often a mistake.

To try to seal-off, at the closing of this tour, all of the God-defiant and rebellious, antichrist, pro-atheism, pro-violation of God's laws, pro-UN idolatry, Jehovah-offending, Christ-offending, TRUE worshiper-offending, spiritually harmful and destructive work done unto the masses - by tossing out the likes of, "There is no fear in love, but perfect love throws fear outside..."- doesn't work. It does not cover for or make up for any of the spiritual falsehoods and misguidance that were internationally, mass media taught and exemplified.

God had a whole lot more intentionally recorded for mankind regarding FEAR than 1John 4:17,18. For instance, there is this - which in itself should have prohibited, by conscience, every one of those mass-media-ed, anti-God "Raised by Wolves" performances:

"The conclusion of the matter, everything  having been heard is: FEAR THE [TRUE] GOD and KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS. FOR THIS IS THE WHOLE OBLIGATION OF MAN. For the [true] God himself will bring every sort of work into the judgment in relation to every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad." (Ecclesiastes 12:13,14)


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