Wednesday, September 06, 2017

UPDATED [re: The NEWER video is Much Better]: A Concern Issue - the New U2 Song and Lyric Video is Disturbing (THE LATEST VIDEO IS MUCH BETTER)

In the lyrics:

 [Man singing]:

"You're the best thing that ever happened 

a boy"

(It doesn't say TO a boy.)

A number of times, it is not easy to discern whether the young person (s)
in the video is/are male or female.....

(Yet this comes off like a relationship break-up/ "walking away" song...) 

The person seems to be suffering/ upset in places...

"The best things are easy to destroy" 
(Yet, in context, this is in reference to a person.)

Why should anyone be destroying a person - 
is that not abuse?

"How bad can a good time be?" ???

"There's no risky thing for a man who's determined to fall"??

Very disturbing.

The upbeat performance of this song - with this video not visible - was far less worrisome; but when considered at a level other than the most light, casual, and flippant; the latter three lyric  lines still come off as at least condoning that which is bad/wicked.

(Doesn't the lovely girl on the cover of this single deserve to be on the front on a non-disturbing song?) 


THE LATEST VIDEO for this song (with the Statue of Liberty) is MUCH better, and far more worthy-meaningful !

It is also better to know that this song is meant as (stated to be) a "love song" to your wife. However, it remains that it intentionally goes out to the world, and the world can take something alright, and apply it or exploit it - if given a plausible chance (by way of loose lyrics) - into something that can promote, condone, or support that which is bad.

People in general don't need any more encouragement to be obnoxiously bad, for their own egotistical ways or selfish/wrongful pleasures.

I refer you to your own "Staring at the Sun" video, which also included flag umbrellas.....

Those lyrics are even more meaningful today, aren't they.

The figurative luminaries of this largely Satan-run world system have become dim, indeed. That includes ALL of this world's countries.

Basically, don't expect any of them (or any political institution of man, i.e., the UN, etc.) - or any FALSE-to-God religion(s) - to "SHINE" with any significantly life-sustaining or "ensuring" force anymore.

And, as for the lovely blue statue, it has a very nice idea-slogan to go along with it - as was the thought now apparently just in stone, like a gravestone inscription anyway.

If I could give you a music video or mp3 as homework material for your consideration however, it would be from the band Styx - "Suite Madam Blue.

Yet, know that the world situation now, at the end of this system of things (the last of the last days) is even worse than that.

Its a no-repair situation, in need of a trade-in - for God's own promised Kingdom for Earth.


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