Monday, September 11, 2017

Don't Ask Why ~

'Cause once I got here, I asked myself, "What am I doing here?"

I have NOT lost my conscience, faith, loyalty, or mind - but I'm glad I went. It seemed like the right thing for me to do at this time. I would like to think that I was not drawn, like a moth to a flame, by way of a favorite song I like to listen to, frequently, on repeat [stop smirking], and dance to. (I have done this for years. It energizes me. I can drive my car for a good long while, energized and motivated by this song.) I know that the honest truth was that I was determined to dance to that song, live, because it would be an exquisite experience, live. At first, I was NOT going to go, at all; but, as the concert drew closer, I thought, skip that! I'm GOING to go, and I'm GOING to dance to that song, live. I had never been in that stadium yet. I purchased a seat at the top of the stadium, figuring that there ought to be some space up there, in back of the seating/ next to the exit; to get out of my seat and dance semi-freely. I also thought, that when it came time where U2 would likely again do their FALSE "church" bit, or the "Exit" performance, it would be convenient for me to cut out of there and get some wine.

My plan B was to try to get to the back of the floor area, where there would be lots of open space, and dance freely there.

Then what happened. A ticket drop for GA/floor tickets - in the middle of the night before the show. Now, I could have my space and dance.

I didn't bother going too early (not that I could have managed it at this time anyway - this was pretty much a last minute, spontaneous move)....

I had fought "the good fight" previously - doing the marathon work of lining up very early, and bringing home-made signs to the front rail of the B-stage with me....I slept on cardboard and a bad, cheap air mattress, overnight, on pavement, under the open sky; in Hawaii. I similarly slept overnight, on a better air mattress, in a stadium parking lot in Mexico; giving my jacket away to whoever wanted it - as the rising sun, from behind a mountain, quickly changed the temperature from jacket-cold to hot.

I have stood for many hours, in the rain - and even snow. I could have been trampled in Berlin; and I came close to having my strained arm broken, by the force of a crowd behind me, in the front of a gate, in Mexico. I have MANY stories; some wonderful,amazing, and/or funny; and some not.

The lowest GA line number I ever had written on my wrist was number 9, in Milwaukee.

But this time, my enthusiasm for this band was down. I had refused to go to any shows - even as an observer with painted pillowcase musical/poetic/spiritual/scriptural "protest" signs - last tour. There were several very spiritually-disturbing and spiritually destructive elements to that last tour (and actually, from the Vertigo tour on).

I had basically left U2 - for some things earlier this tour also. As far as spiritual responsibility to God, Christ, and mankind, there are still important and vital changes to make, regarding what is (and has been) mass media-ed to the world; and what U2 is still wrongly supporting.

However, for a long time, I have admired how they have boldly, zealously, and creatively conveyed some truths; have stood up for some ways of godly righteousness; and have inspired some positivity over things that are right and true, and which are of Justice and conscience (even with humor), and even with at least allusions to at least bits of Scriptures. (Misgivings can be corrected, with an honest-hearted search for whole-scriptural truth; but it is so important that this happen, immediately; as it means near-future life or death from God - not just for oneself; but for everyone who listens to you.)

I believe this was my 19th show. I've been to shows in 5 different countries, and in various states of the U.S. 

I didn't "discover" U2 until later in life; but I loved the song "Pride", on my cassette of it. Finally, in May, 2001, I brought my daughter to our first U2 concert. It was going to be either myself or my husband that was going to "bring my daughter" to this concert. I was pretty busy, but thought I would anyway - I had previously entertained some hopes of going, but didn't see how it would be possible... I was excited, to be able to hear "Pride", live, and sing along. I have a love for righteous and moving lyrics, anthems, and music - and especially songs with some scriptural truth in them. I have been that way since a child. (Also, as early as grade school, I enjoyed digging into meaningful song lyrics and discussing them. In junior high, one of my favorite things was an entire class on such - and writing about these things. And in college, I wrote a 19-page report on some Yeats poem about joy and A GRAPE. It was quite the intense exercise. I am not wildly meandering now - this is going to add up.)

Little did I know that my life was about to be altered. What a ridiculous thing that seems like it should be - some overly emotional reaction; or being smitten with common fervent fandom, idolatry of a band or singer, or some crush (in the way that I used to have a strong crush on [say it] Donny Osmond, as a teenager). But this was NONE of that. I was all "grown up"; and by then, well-grounded in scriptural-spiritual truth from Jehovah, the Only True God; and had a strong relationship with Him (I still do. More so.) I had already gone through all the devastating disillusionment of the FALSE religion I was born into; the hard and sometimes painful search for truth-only-truth; years of intense Bible study, wanting every teaching PROVEN, from God's own words; and pains of having my faith attacked and persecuted. I had already been "fighting the good fight"; and already had my faith tested by then. And where I tested-out to be was squarely and solidly with Jehovah God, His Son, His spirit, and His proven-to-me scriptural truth. I had already been dedicated and baptized (for nearly 15 years) - and a mother of 3, by the time I went to that first concert.

It was May 1, 2001. U2 had to do something like fly around a tornado; while on the ground, my daughter and I had to drive through torrential rain - first to chase down our mal-"delivered" tickets being held captive at a Fed-Ex far across town; and then way back across town again, to get to then venue on time. On the last part of that journey, the sun came out, and everything was beautiful.

I said it before, but I will say it again - I had little idea about how this was going to change my life; but I was actually primed, in tune, and ready for the challenge.

BACK THEN, THAT NIGHT, during, "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", I LISTENED to all of the people singing that; and I LOOKED all around, at the mass of people singing that - and, as I wrote long ago now, I thought of how Jesus said, 

"Lift up YOUR eyes and view the fields, that they are white for harvesting" (John 4:35)

I was filled with awe and inspiration to the point where I could as if feel it in the flesh of my face, like I do now, thinking back on it. Then you, Bono and U2, sang the Hallelujah chorus at the end of "Walk On" - and YOU BLEW ME OUT OF THE WATER.

I felt like I had received an assignment from Jehovah. I was overwhelmed - it was wonderful. There was a distinct need for a large field of lost, lyric-relating, music-loving sheep to be offered life-helping and life-saving scriptural-spiritual truth. 

I saw the field, I saw the people, I saw the opportunity. I didn't yet understand what I was going to be able to do about it - except for talking to U2 fan individuals I would run into, bit by bit....But I felt I should specifically prepare anyway - so I took all of the U2 album cassettes I could find along on a long family road trip through into Yellowstone National Park? Wyoming? [I can't remember where right now; but it was a long trip, and involved passing through a painted desert, as I recall.] Anyways, that's when I got all those songs into my head, and began being able to speak the "language" of those songs to others. I was ready to preach to "U2 people." That was the summer of 2001.

Then came 9-11-2001 - and a greater need for comfort, hope, truth, and reassurance - for everyone.

Soon after, I discovered the existence of this new venture called "Zootopia", the fansite section of U2's webpage. I wrote my first post on November 2 (?), 2001. This "eagle" landed. 

For the next 3 years solid, as the writing and subject matter intensified, this became a VERY huge part of my life. At the same time, Satan thought he'd throw some persecution at me, and burning missiles at my heart [from all directions]. I endured quite a bit, and sacrificed quite a lot - to be able to keep carrying on with that writing. I continued writing on that site even though I had also gone back to school, and was working part time besides that. Sometimes, I wrote straight on through the night! And thing was in the time of now archaic, sometimes frustrating dial-up internet service too! But I new that to put in this effort (despite the hardships) was the RIGHT thing to do; and so I was happy for the God-given privilege of getting to engage in it. 

It was stunning - to preach, teach, and reach in that special niche, that microcosm. Because I had a good handle on the Scriptures, I knew that by the people's various reactions - including the shockingly insolent, slanderous, blasphemous, unjust, unreasonable, hateful, vicious, deceitful, devious, demonic/evil, false-prided, hounding, abusive, teamed-up/gang bullying, hypocritical, apostate, conscienceless, and mocking ones - I knew I was watching prophecies being fulfilled right before my eyes - about how people's attitudes, speech and behaviors would be, especially in the last of the last of the pre-Armageddon days.

I was not the popular voice of the majority though, was I - but indeed representative of the minority on this earth (and Jehovah, and His scriptural truth), wasn't I.

I was unjustly banned, censored/banned (with the censoring being equivalent to being banned - to those rising above the inane, to speak unwanted truth), and censored (posts [of much work] deleted) - due to the servicing of the complaints of word-of-God-hating, fervent and idolatrous, false religious and/or atheistic and/or spiritistic [mostly] U2 fans (and so-called "moderators") on at least 13 different music message boards/ sites dominated by such fans and administration. (Including U2's own fansite.) Prophecy fulfilled all the more - starkly, and internationally.

I found other places to write - and so I've been doing so for the past 16 years. Some of the previously-closed doors reopened too - in at least some places. I don't even bother with the rest. My hands are clean; and the dust has been knocked off my shoes. There are others to preach Jehovah's scriptural truth to, who are honest-heartedly searching for it - and who would follow it, if they only knew about it. And time is running out. But, hate for the Creator and Universal Sovereign Jehovah and His own scriptural truth, Jesus Christ, and loyal and true human messengers of Jehovah's own scriptural truth has certainly boomed - earth-wide, just as Jesus foretold would occur. The people fulfilling these prophecies often are in total denial of the writings of God Himself that have them pegged, such as in Romans 1:18-32; Jude; 2Timothy 3:1-9,13; 2Peter 3:1-5; many of the Psalms, regarding wicked people; and more. And a lot of others don't even care at all - they are without spirituality. 

Meanwhile, the beautiful world has continued to tank; and godless/falsely "spiritual"/ FALSE religious wickedness, corruption, greed, injustice, immorality, and violence - and persecution against those TRUE to Jehovah and Jesus Christ (who preach Jehovah's [frequently unwanted] scriptural truth to the world) has once again filled the earth. We are now worse off here on this earth than when Jehovah previously saw fit to bring on the Great Flood - saving only those 8 persons, Noah and his family; because they were the only ones who cared to be true, loyal, and obedient to Jehovah.

Soon though, it will be a "great crowd" that Jehovah will carry through, to the other side of Armageddon, into Jehovah's peaceful new world here - "a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands. And they keep on crying with a loud voice, saying: “Salvation [we owe] to our God, who is seated on the throne, and to the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:9,10)

“These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple; and the One seated on the throne will spread his tent over them. They will hunger no more nor thirst anymore, neither will the sun beat down upon them nor any scorching heat,  because the Lamb, who is in the midst of the throne, will shepherd them, and will guide them to fountains of waters of life. And God will wipe out every tear from their eyes.” (Revelation 7:14-17)

Revelation - DON'T "LET IT GO", but instead READ IT and PREACH IT (while there's still time) - chapters 17 and 18. It's happening NOW. That makes chapter 19 next. This and more. Looks like we're probably all the way into the end of the Book of Daniel 11:44,45 too. Although things don't always occur chronologically in the order they were written; the very next verse starts out chapter 12; with our King Jesus Christ, as Michael the Archangel standing up for Jehovah's loyal and true people:

“And during that time Mi′cha·el will stand up, the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of your people. And there will certainly occur a time of distress such as has not been made to occur since there came to be a nation until that time. And during that time your people will escape, every one who is found written down in the book. And there will be many of those asleep in the ground of dust who will wake up, these to indefinitely lasting life and those to reproaches [and] to indefinitely lasting abhorrence." (Daniel 12:1,2)

Like I once painted around a music note heart-shape on the wall across from your studio on the Liffey, back when, however, there is Luke 21:28 - as these things occur, it means that Jehovah's after-Armageddon Day TRUE new world - His true, heaven-based Kingdom, coming down to earth - is NEAR.

I strongly feel that I was NOT a fool for going to this show, but was doing something that was perhaps going to be of good benefit to whoever (and it was very enjoyable and fulfilling to me also [except for a handful of bad parts - of the same sort I already recently complained about]).

As explained, I have long-loved some U2 music. I have had many AMAZING concert and concert-related/ U2-related experiences in the past (in the crazy mix of things [the good and the bad, hoping for the good]) - and I have missed the good (great) experiences. This is probably why I opted to go up front, by the stage again, after all.

Before I go on to say what I thought was very wrong still - about a handful of things at this Minneapolis concert - I want to say what was right. 

I have love for the people of this band; the creative and magnificently-rendered expressions of the righteous and important things that ARE true - the heart-and-soulful sharing of the fruitage of an unfathomable amount of hard work, dedication and personal sacrifice; the wonderful and amazing performances (and stunning stage productions) of songs I know by heart and love; and a superlative JOY of getting to actually hear them sung LIVE, and getting to actually hear my voice blend with yours in the singing of them. I just cupped my ear/ears and listened. It was a monumental life thrill. (I also liked [for the most part] the song you walked out to, at the beginning - "You Saw the Whole of the Moon".) Thanks for throwing in "Purple Rain" and "Let's Go Crazy" snippets too. "Are we gonna let De-elevator break us down? Oh no! Let's go....'crazy'....THANK YOU for all of this and more.



this tour, I can't stand the "Exit" performance (as explained previously). In short, it has the effect of wrongly condemning all Christian religions (the false ones AND true, scriptural Christianity) as being "einey, meiny miney mo" all being all basically the same as regards being guilty of sexual child abuse - and that is a torrid, extremely unjust, evilly slanderous, wantonly trending LIE. Guilty individuals are guilty individuals - period. But to slander 8 million evil-hating, innocent people of Jehovah on account of a minuscule few number of evil-working, untrue, disloyal, hypocritical stumbling block persons doing the Devil's will, not God's, is completely UNJUST, inexcusably exploitive, hypocritical, and grossly unfair. The slander spread around in this way is wantonly disproportionate - compared to all other religions (especially ones long notorious for epidemic amounts of Satanic sexual child abuse), or any other group of 8 million people. Yet, HATERS of Jehovah's own scriptural standards - and His true Christian messengers of them - are always wickedly ready to exploit and/or fabricate anything they possibly can against Jehovah's innocent, loyal, and true people. And so rolls the ugly plague of slander - coming from many persons who, in short order, reveal that the one they are really fighting is God, due to their expressed dislike of various scriptural commands and principles of HIS. Serious? Yes it is - as such extremist hate for God, His standards and His true people; as worked through the device of conscienceless slander against them actually promotes terrorism, hate crimes, injustice, extreme human rights violations, and unjust persecution against innocent persons of Jehovah and Jesus Christ themselves. And they certainly fight against God and Jesus Christ themselves with God-hated slander also. I feel these performances of "Exit" throw dump trucks worth of salt (etc.) onto the open wounds and scrapes from hurtful slander of 8 million innocent people of Jehovah around the world - plus hurtfulness up towards God and Christ also. I can't even watch all but an initial bit of this song's performance. It can also fuel - support and condone (through a mass-media-ed, repeated performance, by a top band) -  the slander, hate speech, hate crimes, extreme injustices, etc. aforementioned; against innocent people of the True God Jehovah. This has already been seen [again recently] in Russia, North Korea, China, the Middle East, etc. The "Exit" song performance is unfairly slashing and abusive - insinuated false accusations and further massively spread and reinforced slander - being yelled in a live, massive, multi-media, nightmarish performance. It is disturbing and worrisome. The vast majority of those harboring much derision against Jehovah's own scriptural commands love that which kicks God Almighty in the throat, though (often calling themselves "Christian" anyways, of course). Cowardly as it is, too, its pretty easy for people to take their hate for God and His scriptural words out on mere human messengers of them. So many do. 

Like the main faith-trashing, scriptural-spiritual truth-defaming, and scripturally-based true religion-trashing anthem of last tour, "Raised by Wolves"; these "Exit"performances are doing the same, major WRONG: They are trashing Jehovah's own one true, global Christian religion - everyone true and loyal to Jehovah within it, innocent people - together with scripturally-defiant FALSE religionists, who are destroying human society with spiritism, political meddling, and evil practices of all sorts.

As for politics, think of the earlier Star Wars movies [for this point anyway]. There was all kinds of frustrated political talk, worries, problems, and distractions on the surface - it was what many people were focused on. The whole while though, that's not where the real "action" - or the greater danger -  was. The greater emergency had to do with the spiritual war going on. Its the same, in "real life", today.

I am politically neutral. I don't vote. I don't idolatrously pray/pledge my allegiance to any flag or country of this largely Satan-run world. Just like Jesus said, His and His Father's Kingdom is "no part of this world"; and is "NOT from this source." (See John 18:36) My trust for the future is not in any nation or political conglomeration of men; but in that heaven-based Kingdom of God.  I am a conscientious objector to war. It is the same for some 8 million loyal and true Jehovah's Witnesses in all countries around this planet. We are ONE UNITED, SUPRA-NATIONAL SPIRITUAL NATION and BROTHERHOOD/SISTERHOOD, UNDER ONE GOD JEHOVAH, and UNDER ONE KING and LORD, JESUS CHRIST. I BELIEVE IN ONE GLOBAL FAMILY OF MAN. So, when you spoke about how "great" the man-made, earthly, physical, geographical nation I was born in and live in is; with nearly everyone now realizing that, sadly, like ALL other countries/nations on earth at this time, it is corrupt and deficient, it made me put my hands up like, "Whaaat?"

The promotion of homosexual marriage/ "pride" was diminished this time - but was still problematically there, even though it was a fast reference. Pride for everyone? I'm proud - in a godly way - to uphold and speak of Jehovah's own scriptural standards, His own words on this subject (as written about before here, previously). It is serious. It is false that it is "scripturally unclear" - no matter how many false religious priests are willing to sell you and tell you lies to tickle your ears. The best way for EVERYONE is to get right with God - immediately. (1Corinthians 6:9-11) 

A lot of the poems - or chunks of them - run on the screen before the show were very brave/bold, moving (some, to choking back tears) and timely. The Yes, racism is senseless and evil. Again, it is Jah Himself who made the whole family of man - and He Himself is NOT partial to any race: 

"At this Peter opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him." (Acts 10:34,35)

And I loved the parts of a poem that spoke of birds flying over the man-made "borders" of nations, but not recognizing them; and the wind itself, as it naturally does, blowing this way and that, over them all - over everything on this one shared planet. (I wish the references to common spiritism were not in this poem though.) 

Yes, there were some false religious poems/ verses in the mix. I hated the one with its couched denigration of the Bible - the scriptural words of God Almighty Himself. The poem counseled people (in so many words) to dismiss writings from ANY book that does not resonate with one's soul. Yet, the problem is that MANY today have developed, as prophesied, a HATRED for God's own words - His own provided, superior counsel. Jehovah's scriptural words of truth and guidance are often disciplinary in nature, warning humans of what NOT to do - and also what they SHOULD do. One reason why these truth and warnings are already rejected, hated, and dismissed - by probably most people - whole or in part; is because many/most people would rather "satisfy" their spiritual needs with anti-scriptural lies and falsehoods that seem to "support" or exonerate their sinful desires and practices that God has already said NO to. So, they look for false teachers willing to satisfy these spiritual desires with what is scripturally-spiritually FALSE - and there are a LOT of them. 2Timothy 4:3. "Babylon the Great" - Satan's global empire of all FALSE-to-God religions, is all over the world today like white on rice.

Which brings me to my last couple of complaints about this show: What seems to be steadily worked with the "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" song this tour. You keep calling for your audience to be taken to - to become - a church during this song. Again, that is NOT okay. If you are not working WITH Jehovah and Jesus Christ, in gathering people "in the name of God" or "Christ" - if you do not teach people HIS own scriptural truth and standards; but teach and uphold what is anti-scriptural instead - that would mean you are actually MISLEADING people AWAY FROM Jehovah, Jesus Christ, truth, life-help, true consolation and hope, and eternal life. That has been the standard practice of all of the God-condemned FALSE religious institutions of "Babylon the Great" for many centuries, Yet, they are doomed by God, for all of their spiritual falseness - and for all of the works of evil, gross injustice, and even slaughter that has produced. So, this fighting against God - and His own, given scriptural standards and terms of worship - is NOT light. It is NOT something that is okay to do for entertainment; as it is very apparent that quite a few people have been taking the notion of U2 concerts as being one big loose, fun, non-obligatory party church/ spiritual mode seriously. You don't want to end up like "Father MacKenzie", in "Eleanor Rigby", who reflected back on his day and realized "no one was saved."

And did you know that the Salvation Army - despite its famous relief efforts (and pretty trumpet players, as shown on the big screen) is actually just yet again another false Christian religion of Babylon the Great. The outward works seem great, huh? But yet, what is the true net worth of the work they do - when like all false-to-God religions of "Babylon the Great", they do indeed share in misleading the nations with their spiritistic teachings, which produce every kind of injustice and evil under the sun - and the suffering and losses of life that go along with that.

With all institutions of FALSE religions now standing today as being indicted of their shared crimes against God and humanity, please stop promoting, supporting, upholding, partnering with, and clinging to them. Jehovah's time of Divine intervention, to "pay them back" for their defiance of God and their evil works is SOON. (Revelation 18:4,5)

Once again, THANK YOU for all of the good parts. The visit by concert was over all too soon. Please come again. And please hear Jehovah's "tunes" now - they are all around you, but the vital ones are mostly found in His own words. Right now, I can hear the crickets and frogs of a peaceful summer night; but its our Heavenly Father Jehovah's scriptural words that really do the clear lighting of our way.

I believe this too: (Edwin Starr) "WAR, huh, yeah/ What is it good for?/ Absolutely nothing."

Isaiah 2:2-4

Jehovah's TRUE new world here, His promised new beginning of paradise (His Kingdom) will be coming here soon - after His Armageddon Day. Then, He will resurrect dead loves ones too, as He has promised. I am sorry you recently lost your friend - Gavin's mother. Please stay safe and well, and I hope your pain quits bothering you. In Jehovah's Kingdom here, there will be no more pain. I hope, heart and soul, to be able to see you again - after these days of the stars falling from the sky, and the moon turning red.  :)

  ~ Great-Grand Daughter of 5 Irish Dreamers :)

(I wasn't really concentrating on picture taking, because I was into the show.)
Yes, I Love It
Colorful Beautiful Day Balloons, Off to the Right :)
A Note I Carried in My Pocket for this Concert, On the Same General Theme of Women 
Helping to Light People's Way ~


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