Thursday, November 23, 2017

A Comment I Made Under U2's New "American Soul" Video

Here we go again....another trash can filled with spiritistic symbolry, dumped out; with nothing sorted - nothing called wrong, just rolling forth into everyone's faces from their videos screens. And if this is to infer that America is worse than other countries with spiritism and evil; remember that those problems are found EVERYWHERE - in all countries on earth now - since Satan is currently still holding sway, for the most part, over the nations (and over most people, to some degree - 1John 5:19) Armageddon Day from Jehovah is SOON though; and it will be a great relief for righteous-hearted and scripturally God-obedient persons. (Daniel 2:44; Psalm 37:10) In the meantime, love what is good, and hate what is bad - like God does. For what ever the intent, this video is filled with bad junk - which may be regarded as "cool" to many, but which is actually spiritistic, and of the path to [everlasting] death, come Armageddon Day from Jah. Here's some of the spiritistic rubbish: 1.) Frame 4:10 - Cat-demon face, with an upside-down Satan cross in the middle of its forehead; with the name LUCIFER spelled out. Culture of death skeleton/demon head on the upper left (and in another frame). Also note the culture of death/ pro-depopulation agenda propaganda suggestion found on the newspaper's front page: "THIS IS NO TIME TO BE ALIVE". 2.) Tarot-design card saying, "made in the USA" lying on sketch table. 3.) Hamsa hands/hands of Fatima, with an evil eye in the middle of each; with "U" and "2" labeled underneath. 4.) Image of demonized person (and also dark cartoon figure) engaging in levitation. 5.) Female figure whose face and head are of outer space. This could symbolize anything from mindlessness; to the empty futility of many false religions which worship Mary, the "queen of the heavens", other goddesses, astrology, demonism/theosophy, etc. 6.) Eyes [of Rah] everywhere...If peoples' intent is to expose and convey the idea that there is much spiritism - and injustice produced by that - in America, it would be ineffective and misleading to do so without acknowledging that similar wickedness occurs in all countries, especially during the last of these pre-Armageddon Days. MOREOVER, the Scripture-HIJACKING and exploiting FAKE "beatitudes" spoken here mockingly teach the opposite of what the Bible commands. I.e., God does NOT "bless" liars. Instead, He serves them warning - that if they stubbornly persist in being liars, they will NOT inherit God's Kingdom and everlasting life. (Galatians 5:19-21)


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