Saturday, October 21, 2017

Look Again - At the Human Rights Violations/Freedom of Speech VIOLATIONS and PRACTICES of EXCLUSION (based on Spiritual Beliefs and Expression of Them) at this Registered Non-Profit Organization

Red box, arrow, heavy text and underlines made by me, to highlight injustices and falsehoods. I NEVER ADVERTISED ANY "COMPANY, PRODUCT, GROUP, or SERVICE" in my [UNJUSTLY, REPEATEDLY CENSORED and BANNED] writing on Wikipedia!!!!!!!! And - so grotesquely HYPOCRITICALLY, the banning of me was instigated by those of the "U2 WikiProject" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gutterally, outrageously, unrighteously, and delusionally FALSE, the proclamation that, "the right to free speech is a protection of government action only." However, it is a typical manifestation of THE DUMBING-DOWN of the masses (for the CONTROL of them, and to their ruin) by way of Satanic LIE propaganda, worked upon the world - by Satanic human tool-hordes of the Devil - to fight against Jehovah's will, which is for HIS SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNINGS to be made known throughout this earth, even more so during the last of these pre-Armageddon days. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20; Ezekiel 3:17-21)

In contrast to those who, as prophesied, are guilty of "suppressing truth in an unrighteous way" (Romans 1:18,32); those who ARE actually true, scriptural worshipers of this God, Jehovah/Yahweh, go right on ahead anyway, and obey HIM as Ruler, rather than men (Acts 5:29); preach and uphold HIS words; MAKE HIS HOLY NAME (and the scriptural truth meant to go along with it) KNOWN; and SANCTIFY (make/ keep holy) HIS HOLY NAME, throughout the earth. That is why TRUE Christians in this world now are called, as prophesied, "Jehovah's Witnesses" (or however that is said, in the various languages of the world), and are the prophesied global people gathered together by God, for this time of the end - "A PEOPLE FOR HIS NAME." (Isaiah 43:5-7,9,10; Acts 15:14)

To live according to anti-God LIES is to be "under the [power of the] wicked one" (1John 5:19); and is the path to the loss of everlasting life, come Jehovah/Yahweh's Armageddon day, which is soon.

However, those who repudiate unconscionable and soul-enslaving spiritual LIES; honest-heartedly seek to LEARN and then APPLY/obey scriptural-spiritual TRUTH from the Only True and Living God, Jehovah/Yahweh (John 17:3; 4:24); and then keep on staying TRUE to Him, doing HIS will, ARE FREE and WILL ALWAYS be FREE. (John 8:32)

After Armageddon Day (Revelation chapter 19; Ezekiel 38 and 39), then there will not be anyone around here, anymore, trying to STOP/ interfere with, and/or persecute the GOD-GIVEN RIGHTS and FREEDOMS of those TRUE to Jehovah/Yahweh, from being able TO SERVE HIM and DO HIS WILL.


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