Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Indeed. "Transgender" Fallacies

I found a page this doctor wrote on, and left my response to this video -

Thank you so much for bravely making this video, Doctor! It is a breath of fresh air - filled with inarguable good sense. I am not a political person, but a strongly spiritual person. The plague of deceptive lies regarding these issues of homosexuality - especially with a view to condoning, promoting, and legalizing [scripturally God-forbidden] homosexual sex/fornication/"marriage" - has swept over our world in a most sickening and detrimental way; especially since its intentional promotion (by the UN and others), since 2015. Nearly the whole world has the spirit of Sodom and Gomorrah cast over it now; and we know what the outcome of Sodom and Gomorrah - by an act of an angry Creator God - was. The inhabitants had been warned, too. The people of Sodom and Gomorrah did not confine their rebellion against their [God-built-in] consciences and their Maker to homosexual sex, either. Instead, that allowance and acceptance of evil BRED MORE and OTHER EVILS too - in particular, PEDOPHILIA and VIOLENCE, i.e., SEXUAL VIOLENCE, RAPE/ GANG RAPE, and BARBARIC MURDER also. (This information is found in the book of Genesis.) Once the demonic spirit of conscience-defying God-rebellion set in, this is what happened. And now, it has all welled-up again, and has exploded and contaminated nearly all of the earth, with demonic lies and harmful deceptions, once again. As your video also depicts, the results of such evil-promoting lies have been and are truly HARMFUL - they've harmed many and threaten to damage/ ruin/ destroy the lives of many more human beings, including more easily misled CHILDREN. Jah God Almighty warned the pre-Flood world of His disapproval of their evil practices (which also included perverse and un-natural sex [with fallen angels]), before working Divine punishment against it; and He likewise had Sodom and Gomorrah warned before He destroyed their cities too. I believe, due to fulfilled scriptural prophecies, that we truly are now living in the last of the pre-Armageddon days. Romans 1:26-32 warns against this phenomena and fallout of godlessness; insolence and derision towards God and what is good, true, and right; and wicked mindsets leading to wicked actions - and featured amid this growth of evil, near its core, is BRAZEN HOMOSEXUAL SEX/ fornication and IDOLATRY of it. The book of Jude, verse 7 again emphasizes the evil and evil effects of going after flesh for unnatural use. Now, nearly all the world is like Sodom and Gomorrah - and people are going after CHILDREN, to harmfully influence them and get them involved in this same perverse and damaging evil, once again. In His Justice, Jehovah has not neglected to have the whole world warned again now, like He did before enacting Divine punishment in times previous. He always leaves good and righteous people a way out - to escape the cataclysms He brings against the stubbornly wicked. Clearly, it is now VERY urgent for persons to see the truth, even from various aspects - medical reasons, psychological reasons, and [most of all] spiritual reasons - to not get sucked into the LIE propaganda promoting and supporting homosexuality, and especially God-forbidden homosexual sex. Any involved in this still, as of the moment, DO have the opportunity to make necessary, vital SPIRITUAL changes - to change their hearts, minds, and practices, to "repent and turn around" (Acts 3:19); to be "washed clean", spiritually, and to go forward, as more at peace, honest-hearted, truly free, and happy people. (1Corinthian 6:9-11) Armageddon Day IS soon. As mentioned, yes, evil breeds evil, and the pro-homosexual sex movement has already bred injustice and unjust persecution, harm, and losses onto some who have refused to go along with it - who have insisted, by conscience, on upholding God's scriptural standards instead. This is just one aspect of active evil in the world, but it is significant one. Time for everyone to get real, and do what they know is right - and don't do what they know is wrong - because God sees through it all; and, as He fairly warned, He is NOT very happy (at all) about the current state of things on planet earth. Thank You for your awesome video. I will share it. Thank You.


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