Wednesday, June 06, 2018

My Comment Under Your New "Love is Bigger than Anything in its Way" Video

Nope. The line "One life, one thought, each other is all we've got" is sheer godlessness being promoted, again - and that's NOT okay. It will actually not save or lastingly help anyone. The godlessness backs up the once-again apparent homosexual [sex/ gay "marriage"] agenda being pushed by this song too, as this is the second video promoting homosexuality along with this song. The idolized, pagan "eye" of Rah, etc. symbolry is rife - and does not direct people to the way of life (instead it is a nod to a false religious way to death). (Contrast God's command at Revelation 18:4,5,8)  Furthermore though, and perhaps the most disturbing/ grotesque thing about this video, is the overt CULTURE OF DEATH BEING PROMOTED. To those with God-given scriptural values of truth, such as myself, WHO UNDERSTAND and UPHOLD THE HIGH VALUE OF LIFE; the CULTURE OF DEATH ONCE AGAIN BEING MASS-PROMOTED BY U2 is repugnant. It makes my stomach wretch. It makes me disappointed and upset that U2 is again sharing in conditioning the masses towards Satan and his hordes' death wishes onto mankind - or at least onto many people -  with the propaganda of this video. "Love" is actually NOT bigger than anything in its way - especially if it is actually false "love" built on lies and/or rebellion against God. True love...."rejoices with the truth" and "hopes all things" [good]. Jah IS bigger than anything in His way - and He has taught in His scriptural words and shown the world what REAL love is. It certainly is NOT worth it to exchange real love and truth for "THE LIE", nor to make the poor, [future/eternal life] fatal decision of rendering (and promoting that others render) "sacred service [worship] to the creation instead of the One who created"; calling what is bad good, and what is good bad. Armageddon Day from Jehovah is so, so near. (The symbolry of what is bad in this video is very unoriginal; and is getting tired, overused, and boring - besides being offensive and disturbing. Why not throw away all of the yuck and do something original and positive instead of this.)


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