Thursday, March 29, 2018

Hmm. I Had to Write One Again - Under a Previously Unseen Posting Containing the Blasphemous "U2 Yahweh" Cartoon

Do you know that this features (with the cartoon) BLASPHEMOUS, spiritual FILTH that THIS GOD, JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH ANGRILY HATES, has long-given the world scriptural warnings about, and will SOON be bringing Divine PUNISHMENT (DEATH, from HIM, come His Armageddon Day), SOON?! It is worse than worthless for its overall content; as it promotes SATANIC BLASPHEMY, IDOLATRY, and EVIL-PRODUCING, WORLD and LIFE-RUINING SPIRITUAL LIES which have been DESTRUCTIVE TO MANKIND. The main reason Jehovah/Yahweh will SOON be bringing His Armageddon Day onto the stubbornly wicked of mankind will be to CLEAR THE EARTH and the UNIVERSE OF BLASPHEMY OF HIS OWN HOLY NAME. Jehovah/ Yahweh's name does NOT belong to U2, the U2 organization, u2 DOT com, U2's fan website, the websites of U2''s fans, Wikipedia, The Spontaneous Company (commissioned makers of the blasphemous cartoon and matching stage light background images), Universal Music, the countless FALSE religionists of U2 fandom (including many idolatrous book-and-sermon-selling for profit and fame (and website-writing, idolatrous "U2 Eucharist" pseudo-"worship" service-holding, political player, UN-worshiping) FALSE religious "leaders"), ANY of the world's spiritual LIE-teaching and evil-practicing FALSE religions of "Babylon the Great", or the Kremlin or Vatican to BAN, etc. Jehovah/ Yahweh's most holy, personal name, representative of His own unique power, Godship, Universal Sovereignty, and purposes BELONGS TO HIM ALONE. TRUE, scriptural worshipers of Him and followers of His Son, Jesus Christ, however, do bear His holy name upon them, as prophesied witnesses of this God, and as the true global people of Him. (Isaiah 43:5-7,10; Acts 15:14) All human beings are to call upon His Holy name and yes use it, to rightly honor their Maker, and for their salvation, for continued life from this God alone (Joel 2:32; Romans 10:13); but ONLY with "SPIRIT and TRUTH" (John 4:4), and NEVER IN BLASPHEMY - NEVER attaching it to FALSE gods; ANTI-whole-scriptural, demonic LIE teaching, and EVIL-practicing, blasphemous FALSE religions (including atheism and any form of worship of the creation, man, or anti-scriptural philosophies of men (usually akin to teachings of demons); any spiritual lies, or anything scripturally God-condemned or evil. (Exodus 20:2-7; Matthew 6:9) This has been a command of God for thousands of years, but few are the ones heeding these life-vital truths - thus the state of our now nearly-ruined world, in this time of the end. Blasphemy of and flagrance towards God Himself is now a shocking game and amusement, among the wicked and perishing of mankind - its entertainment, wanton disrespect, and persecution. It is VILE. It is urgent that individuals cease and desist from their blasphemy and other life-ruining and harmful acts of rebellion against THIS God - the ONLY TRUE ONE - WHOSE NAME ALONE IS THIS ONE, PURPOSELY and DISTINCTLY: JEHOVAH/ YAHWEH (and its other naturalized variations around the world. "That people may know that YOU, WHOSE NAME IS JEHOVAH [YAHWEH], YOU ALONE ARE MOST HIGH OVER ALL THE EARTH." (Psalm 83:18)


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