Saturday, April 27, 2019


ROMANS 1:18-32 and JUDE 7,10,14,15 FULFILLED. Armageddon Day from an angry God is SOON.....There are those WHO CARE MUCH MORE ABOUT BLASPHEMOUSLY FIGHTING GOD; and FOR DEMONIC, ANIMALISTIC, GOD-FORBIDDEN, DEPRAVED SEXUAL PLEASURES THAN THEY DO ABOUT CHILDREN and YOUNG PEOPLE AT ALL. Jehovah REALLY cares about CHILDREN. PEOPLE WHO PROMOTE THESE VIOLATIONS AGAINST GOD, who KNOWS what is best for the human beings he has made, DO NOT REALLY CARE MUCH ABOUT CHILDREN and YOUNG PEOPLE AT ALL............NAMBLA, EXPOSED........Are these the kind of people U2 wants to service (along with Satan)? .........


Don't bully and try to exclude/ silence godly people who find this video and its message OFFENSIVE and scripturally-spiritually REPUGNANT. (Romans 1:18-32, especially verse :26 onward)


Like what - also demonic pedosexual - homosexual sex, "the next step" God-fighting demonists are taking, after they have convinced agents of the Devil within governments to as if re-establish once God-destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, only on a much bigger scale? Armageddon Day, from an angry God is SOON. (Romans 1:18-32, note verses :26 onward; JUDE 7,10,14-16)


NAMBLA, exposed -


THIS IS ABHORRED BY GOD. IT ANGERS THE CREATOR, as He has scripturally WARNED THE WORLD over this kind of thing.  It is SATANIC, a spiritually deadly, demonic and blasphemous LIE kind of thing to say, that Jehovah the Creator God and Universal Sovereign in any way approves of the promotion of scripturally GOD-CONDEMNED HOMOSEXUAL SEX/ GAY "MARRIAGE" (and all of the tragedy that will follow such) that this video [and U2's concert performance platforms, etc.] HAVE INDEED PROMOTED. This video is NOT about true LOVE - it is about supporting HATE FOR GOD, and HATE of His own scriptural standards. (Romans 1:26-32; JUDE 7,10,14-16) The mass-media-ed, "I DON'T BELIEVE ANYMORE" was the preparatory forerunner by U2 for this. Satan's Method/ Brainwashing: First try to destroy faith; then fill in the blank space ("the God-shaped hole") with spiritually destructive spiritual LIE teachings towards evil, alienation from God, life ruin, and future life-ruin. This kind of damage makes Satan SO happy.


This is COUNTERFEIT (FAKE) LOVE. Love that "rejoices with the truth" of God's own scriptural standards (instead of the standards of Satan's spiritual LIE propaganda towards VIOLATING God's laws) is REAL LOVE.


NO, He does NOT. He hates people who are deceptive, who are harmful LIARS, who are people of violence, and who are knowingly, intentionally WICKED in their FIGHTING against God and HIS scriptural commands. God's holds such people as being "deserving of death' from Him, and He will bring His Armageddon Day punishment against them SOON. (Romans 1:18-32; Jude 7,10,14-16) There are many Satanic, FALSE RELIGIOUS priests and others out there who are LIARS against God and against His Scriptures. Those prostitutive FALSE priests, etc., who SERVE SATAN, will TELL ANYONE THE LIES AGAINST GOD and the BIBLE that THEY WANT TO HEAR. (2Timothy 4:3,4) It Keep$ them 6o6ul6r. They'll spiritually mislead anyone to their life-ruin and eternal death, for Satan, for a price....


IT is a FALSE "Namaste", and a FALSE, deadly peace - to incorporate what God Himself has scripturally condemned as being evil - and call it "good" and of "peace".


Romans 1:18-32.


"You thought you found a friend"............."Its no secret that the stars are falling from the skies......"


Is the concert after-party at the UN? A bunch of homosexual sex-promoting celebrity atheist “scientists” - at least one of which spoke at a world economic forum - might want big kisses. Romans 1:18-32. So long.


Bono and U2 - Re: The Lisbon concert: SO YOU WENT AND PROMOTED REPEATEDLY GOD-CONDEMNED and DEATH-BY-GOD-FUTURED HOMOSEXUAL SEX TO A MASSIVE AUDIENCE and THE MASSES, ON A BIG SCREEN, DESPITE ALL OF THE GIVEN SCRIPTURAL WARNINGS. I AM NO LONGER A "FAN" OR SUPPORTER IN ANY WAY. WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO BE AGENTS OF SATAN, OVER AND OVER AGAIN, DON'T BANK TOO MUCH ON FORGIVENESS FROM GOD and JESUS CHRIST. (Hebrews 10:26-31) What you've so consciencelessly done here, Bono and U2, is show HATE (*NOT* SCRIPTURAL, TRUE LOVE) FOR God, Christ, the Holy Scriptures, your fans, and young people and children everywhere. Romans 1:18-32 (note verse :26 on) is being starkly fulfilled now. Like Judas, NO AMOUNT of campaigning for the sick or the poor WILL COVER THIS. WHAT HYPOCRISY, if not BLASPHEMY, for every song you ever sang about God/Jah/Jehovah/Yahweh, Jesus Christ; and/or for using scriptural bits or allusions of God's words in your songs OVER OVER OVER OVER OVER OVER OVER. You WON'T HAVE ANY "HOLY SPIRIT", as you said you hoped for, at ANY concerts going forward, so long as THIS IS WHAT YOU HAVE PRESENTED and HAVE LEFT TO DO UNCHECKED SPIRITUAL DAMAGE to the masses, especially with Armageddon Day from God so near. WHAT A MASSIVE FAIL. SO SAD. THE DOOR IS SO SLAMMED SHUT. The lights are out.


THE MESSAGES OF THIS VIDEO ARE DESTRUCTIVE TO MANKIND. Therefore, persons like myself who know the truth about these matters SPEAK OUT AGAINST THAT WHICH IS HARMFUL. The issue isn't "the people in the video" - it is about the very ANTI-GOD and FATAL to humans MESSAGES OF THE VIDEO (and all of the similar destructive PROPAGANDA LIKE IT). U2 ARE NOT MY GOD. To me, "their opinion" CERTAINLY DOES NOT COME FIRST. Idolatry is a terrible thing. Yes, your speech IS bullyish, narcissistic, FALSELY ACCUSING, and is abusive and UNJUST, in trying to SILENCE others, to EXCLUDE their rightful speech against such things. Perhaps you are 13 years old - I don't know; but in any case, it is time that you learn about Justice and freedom of speech, etc. The truth WILL prevail. Good Day.


Stop bullying me for my comments. Stop telling me to "GO AWAY and STAY AWAY" or  NOT SPEAK. (And don't MOCK and deride my God and myself by telling me to,  "Watch a bible study that was filmed in a cave." [Again, see the prophecies of Romans 1:18-32.]) That is very sociopathic of you and unrighteous of you.  It is also NOT YOUR RIGHT. I will watch what I want and comment on the videos I want to - it is NOT YOUR RIGHT, as you ASSUME IT IS, to CONTROL, CENSOR, or SUPPRESS THE RIGHTEOUS SPEECH OF OTHERS. (Compare Romans 1:18) That is a VIOLATION OF GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS - especially when it comes to speaking HIS truth. DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT AT ALL??? Stop being a LIAR and SLANDERER also. Those are God-hated sins. DON'T ADDRESS OR HARRASS ME AGAIN.


[11 months earlier than 4-28-19] -

 It is important to protest that which is harmful and destructive - and mass-media pumped out to the world. That is why those of us aware of the dangers of the content of this video - who actually CARE about God, righteousness, Justice, and the well-being and future of others - DO NOT turn away in willfully-blind indifference from that which is evil and poses threats, but SPEAK OUT.


In the past couple days, I've been thinking of some young schoolmates (and a younger neighbor) from junior high. (A long time ago now.) We were all involved in musicals and choir. Our choir teacher/ musical director was secretly gay. However, his influence on the young males was strong. At least largely as a result of that influence, at least several of them became gay. I (mostly) remember their names - their first name initials were: M, S, M, R, R, C (?). B took to streaking in the school and other exhibitionism there (something was wrong). M and S (as a  young adult) killed themselves; R succeeded in acting, contracted AIDS, and is dead. I'm not sure about the others. A choir/musical friend of mine who had great admiration for the teacher was so disturbed to find out about his secret gay life, that it put her over the brink, and she attempted suicide as a teenager. So these choices people make, with breaking God's laws, effect others besides themselves.


[7 months earlier than 4-28-19] -

What blasphemy. The homosexual sex/ gay “marriage” agenda is OF SATANS WILL. It promotes GROSS VIOLATION of God, Divine law, and others; and can cost those who practice it, promote it, or even support it/ show approval of it their eternal lives, SOON, on Armageddon Day from Jah. So, with this work, using this video, which U2 even recently put on a big screen, to a massive concert audience - and which has been spread to an even larger audience by video - the only ones U2 are being “prophets” for/ voicing the will of is SATAN. They and others who promote, “defend” and/or practice God-forbidden and condemned homosexual sex DO STARKLY and tragically - by their own wicked choices - FULFILL PROPHECIES from God though; such as those from Romans 1:18-32.


[11 months earlier than 4-28-19] -

Decrepit piece of hateful and insidious demonic propaganda to push or reinforce the gullible into opposition to Jah and His own known and warned-of scriptural laws and standards, to their eternal death soon, on His Armageddon Day. A work serving the agendas of both Satan and corrupt humans in power positions trying to implement population control. I love wearing very colorful, artistic, and fun clothing - lots of good people do. But that is NOT the real aim of this video. It is to push and reinforce scripturally God-forbidden homosexual sex - that lifestyle - in bold defiance of Jah. And, as history and the world has seen, from such a root of conscience-breaching and intentional deviance to God comes more and more evil, violence, and life-destructive injustice, especially  towards those who loyally hold to living by conscience and known Divine standards.


I was a fan - for a very long time, and know the lyrics of many of their earlier songs by heart. I was about to go to my 20th concert, but now no longer want to. I have seen their concerts in 5 different countries, including Ireland. I have been on the front rails of their stages/ walkways many times, doing all the marathon work to get there; and even painted on their across-from the studio "wall", 2 summers in a row.  I speak the U2 language. I have written online about the effects of their and their worshiping fans' mass-media-ed messages to the world since November 2001 (and still do - despite having been banned by fervent and false religious U2 idolaters on at least 13 different sites - including U2's own Zootopia). I altered my life very significantly, due to U2. Tragically, however, they got deeply into directly mass-media blaspheming God, teaching and supporting false religious spiritual LIES, and tremendously CORRUPTING the masses/ reinforcing them to spiritual corruption with very ANTI-God propaganda - even though it is well-known that for persons to stubbornly rebel against and violate known and delivered Divine scriptural warning messages will soon end in their ETERNAL DEATH, come Jehovah's Armageddon Day, which is on the brink. To knowingly send or reinforce people off into life-harming and future-fatal rebellion against God IS NOT "LOVE" at ALL, BUT IS HATE and MALICE - towards one's fellow man, and towards God.


Because ACTUAL, TRUE worshipers of Jehovah - the Creator and Sovereign of the Universe and TRUE Christian followers of His Son, Jesus Christ, earth's now Highest Reigning King DO AS GOD and CHRIST HAVE COMMANDED, and DELIVER SCRIPTURAL JUDGMENT and WARNING MESSAGES from God, to their fellow human beings, regarding sins/ crimes against God and others that Jah warns He will soon be putting most of mankind to death for. To fail to act with spiritual responsibility, to fail to warn people, as best one can, would mean to incur blood guilt for their deaths, on Armageddon Day. (Ezekiel 3:17-21) To preach God's own truth and warnings is absolutely acting in TRUE LOVE for both God and neighbor. To mislead or reinforce them onto the path of God's disapproval and eternal death would be to hate them - and TO USE MASS MEDIA TO DO THIS IS TO INFLICT A SPIRITUAL PLAGUE. For those guilty of "oppressing the truth in an unrighteous way",  banning or interfering with the preaching/teaching of this VITAL truth from God - such as the Russia government (with its Orthodox church leader side-kicks); and in MANY other situations - Jah counts them as being as guilty as murderers. (Romans 1:18-32) Armageddon is  SOON, and people need to know - and be ready for it. Those who actually do LOVE God and their neighbor help with this; despite the prophesied HATE from the majority, who do NOT really love - or really care (about much other  than themselves). It's soon. Look around.


People - especially youth - are being conditioned by anti-God falsehoods all around them. They are being preyed upon. Gentle-souled, thoughtful, considerate, caring, empathetic, loving, artistic, creative, intelligent, and/or those with high appreciation for beautiful things ARE HAVING THE LABELS of "gay", homosexual, etc. PLASTERED UPON THEM - especially by those with an interest in seeing them EXPLOITED and/or spiritually CORRUPTED. The same thing goes for girls who like to play sports or who engage in activities or jobs more traditional to males. Is it LOVING - for anyone to do this to innocent people, to LABEL, hurt and harm them in this way??? There are those in power positions, in Satan's world political system (and through "education" systems), in false religions, in big business, and very much in the media - as well as predatory and unscrupulous individuals, like pedophiles - who are working overtime to pressure, entice, groom, condition, and mislead even the most innocent individuals to accept that labeling and CONTROL over their hearts, minds, and lives; and to allow themselves to be corrupted and harmed - and have their relationships with God and their whole eternal futures JEOPARDIZED - by persons acting as agents of the Devil, persons who really do NOT care about them, their spirituality, their lives, or their futures AT ALL.


I don't like the video, and I don't like that they loaded Jews onto trains for Auschwitz. Both are/were deadly. So, those WHO ACTUALLY CARE ABOUT PEOPLE SPEAK OUT against that which THEY KNOW TO BE DEADLY for them.



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