Sunday, April 21, 2019

A Quote I Just Read, from the Company that Runs Zootopia's Message Board


Identify your most valuable users - and troublemakers - with our reputation system. Users earn reputation points which are prominently shown beside their content."
NOTHING LIKE CENSORSHIP, while putting up giant digital "posters" about "FREE SPEECH" at concerts, right?
For those with wrongful hate for some of God's scriptural moral laws,
SPEAKING un-watered down (to inanity), corrective and warning SCRIPTURAL TRUTH = BEING A "TROUBLEMAKER" - for being so unpopular, its just not great for SALE$.
On the other hand, there are MANY FALSE worshipers of God - including doubly-blasphemous FALSE "Christians" - all of God-condemned "Babylon the Great", who are more than happy to PROSTITUTE-OUT God's scriptural standards in order to partake of idolatry.
The cost for that is that they do NOT have Jehovah's blessing, nor a viable relationship with Him (and Armageddon Day from God is on its way). Their unacceptable-to--God worship will NOT save them.
This is what the Creator has to say about those who are "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY." (Romans 1:18) He considers such persons who block up the way to/ CENSOR and BAN HIS LIFE-VITAL SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNING MESSAGES (Ezekiel 3:17-21) as MURDERERS - TROUBLEMAKERS TO HIM, and TROUBLEMAKERS (life-loss causers, etc.) TO MANKIND - and STATES THAT THOSE PARTY TO THAT are "DESERVING OF DEATH" FROM HIM (ROMAN 1:32), BY HIS ARMAGEDDON DAY VENGEANCE.
I have not partaken of Zootopia for some years now, since I was last evilly CENSORED  - informed that my posts, containing corrective scriptural truth and warnings from God, were going to be put on a pre-moderated basis there only, which is THE SAME THING AS BEING BANNED: Moderated by someone (who is still employed in their position), who expressed open hatred and disrespect for TRUTH from God's words, deeming it as an unwanted "RANT" (while demonists were free to spew their Satanic, future-deadly words there; and any [anti-scriptural] FALSE religious IDOLATER and/ or God-DISLOYAL person was free to prostitute-out God's scriptural words and standards, and post whatever spiritually FALSE and misleading ideas they wanted to.
I was also BANNED by Zootopia a couple of times, years earlier, for the same reason - for speaking-out God's unpopular, "bothersome" scriptural truth, in conversations where anyone else was free to post even grotesquely Satanic, evil, violation of [God-given] human rights-promoting, hideously slanderous and blasphemous speech. That happened at the end of 2004 and again in January 2005. (My $50 was gladly taken [never even refunded] right before I was re-BANNED, within only a matter of days, btw. I asked for that back. It never happened.) This all occurred right as the band was putting out a song titled with the personal Holy Name of MY God, NOT then THEIRS. They then proceeded to blaspheme His name to the world, and have carried that on some through today, by way of the still up-and-running "U2 Yahweh" blasphemy cartoon videos with the streaming idol and spiritistic/ FALSE religious symbols of "Babylon the Great", etc. (and concert videos showing those same images as the stage backdrop).
The continued lack of respect for Jehovah/ Yahweh and His life-vital words was shown again, years later, when I was again banned by that  "new" Zootopia - for speaking un-watered down, corrective and warning words, against spiritual LIES/ spiritually misleading falsehoods being pumped out to the masses. (Ezekiel 3:17-21)
Other disrespect for God and His inconvenient-to-sin words of His followed. Now (as mentioned was predictable) I see that some of those actions were part of / related to a pre-2015/ 2015 build-up connected to achieving the prophesied goals of the godless (and their master Satan the Devil). (Romans 1:18-32)
Of course it is the end of the world - and what is NOT most important is "entertainment" and "having FUN".
"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ." (John 17:3)


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