Tuesday, August 07, 2018

A Reply I Left Under the Video Promoting Homosexual "Love" (Kissing, ETC.) - to Someone Publicly Claiming [the FALSEHOOD that] this was "Christian"

Jesus Christ and His Father Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign have repeatedly made it more than crystal-clear in God's own scriptural words THAT GOD and CHRIST HATE THE DEMONIC, EVIL PRACTICE OF HOMOSEXUAL SEX. IT IS REPEATEDLY SCRITURALLY CONDEMNED. Instead of being "Christian" AT ALL, scripturally, IT IS THE OPPOSITE - it is of SATANISM/ DEMONISM. Scripturally, anyone who practices the God-condemned fornication and demonism of homosexual sex is UNACCEPTABLE to Him, and will need to genuinely "repent and turn around" from such practices if they ever want to have forgiveness of their sins/crimes against God and a viable relationship with Him. No one gets to BE "Christian" (a "follower of Christ") WHILE VIOLATING GOD and His SCRIPTURAL COMMANDS, VIOLATING JESUS CHRIST and his scriptural commands (INCLUDING TO OBEY HIS FATHER'S COMMANDS), VIOLATING and ABUSING the value and purpose of Christ's Ransom BY SINNING GROSS SINS - ON PURPOSE - and BLASPHEMOUSLY PRESUMING that makes things "fine" - the giant DEMONIC LIE of "grace" of FALSE "Christianity." Instead, the Scriptures call that SINNING AGAINST THE HOLY SPIRIT (treating the undeserved kindness of God "WITH CONTEMPT") - and warn that those who so intentionally sin serious, God-condemned sins TRAMPLE Jesus' sacrifice - they wickedly esteem it to be "of ordinary value" - and so God's rightful response to such evil is that THERE IS NO LONGER ANY SACRIFICE LEFT FOR THEM TO "COVER" FOR THEIR WILLFUL, GROSS SINS.  (Hebrews 10:26-31) Those who practice homosexual sex will NOT survive God's Armageddon Day. No one who practices homosexual sex will get to have God's approval or any part of His Kingdom (everlasting life) , either in heaven or on earth (like most faithful, God-OBEDIENT people). COUNTERFEIT, BLASPHEMOUS, actually ANTICHRIST, APOSTATE, and DEMONISM-TEACHING FALSE "CHRISTIANITY" IS MORE THAN NOTORIOUS FOR FALSIFYING GOD and CHRIST'S WORDS FOR THE SAKE OF CONVENIENCE, SALES, POPULARITY, CLOUT, ETC. It is one of the top two FALSE religious sectors of SATAN'S WORLD EMPIRE OF ALL *FALSE* RELIGIONS - "BABYLON THE GREAT"  - which God Himself compares to A SPIRITUAL WHORE CONGLOMERATION - for being spiritually UNTRUE to God, and SELLING-OUT / ADULTERIZING itself spiritually to serve the wicked/evil interests of OTHERS - MISLEADING MANKIND, and FILLING THE EARTH WITH DEMONISM, BLOODSHED, EVIL, and RUIN(Revelation 17 and 18) Jah Himself will SOON intervene to bring the FALSE religions of the world - and heavily DOUBLY-BLASPHEMOUS, God-DEFIANT, FALSE "Christianity" to its permanent end, SOON. I don't know WHO has sold you the BILL OF LIES that you are here publically mass-media spreading, but they are intensely demonic spiritual LIES. God DESTROYED the demonic homosexual sex, pedophilia-practicing, and violence-practicing  cities of Sodom and Gomorrah as a warning example down to this day. Read Jude 7, as another of God's warnings against those who GO AFTER FLESH FOR UNNATURAL USE. (See the context - like those of Sodom and Gomorrah.) NOW READ ROMANS 1:18-32 - a prophesied, now stunningly prevalent situation heavily fulfilled in our time, the last of the pre-Armageddon days. READ ROMANS 1:26-32 especially, as this describes the spiritually BULLYING, SHOCKINGLY GOD-DEFIANT/ INSOLENT, and EVIL-BREEDING EFFECTS THAT would come from persons INSISTING ON VIOLATING GOD'S LAWS - yet not wanting anyone (God, or anyone true to Him, speaking of His laws) - to say that it is EVIL FOR WOMEN TO GO AFTER WOMEN and MEN to GO AFTER MEN (for SEXUAL purposes). Note that verse 1:32 there speaks of these things as being "deserving of death" from God. And Armageddon Day IS coming. Additionally, surely you know God's warnings at 1Corinthians 6:9,10 -

"What! Do YOU not know that unrighteous persons will NOT inherit God's Kingdom? DO NOT BE MISLED. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men kept for unnatural purposes, NOR MEN WHO LIE WITH MEN, nor thieves, nor greedy persons, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit God's kingdom."

God's WARNINGS against the same homosexual sex are also in the Law covenant (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13) - WHOSE PRINCIPALS remain, as seen in the previously quoted and mentioned verses, and also 1Timothy 9,10 (which again classifies those who practice homosexual sex in the same grouping as murderers, in God's view). Homosexual sex is always God-condemned fornication, and can never be anything more than that - it can NEVER be acceptable to God under the guise of any so-called [FALSE} "marriage", even if performed by any FALSE religious leader of any FALSE-to-God, FALSE-to-Christ, LIE-teaching FALSE religion. It can only be a sham - NOT acceptable to God or Christ in any way. It IS pleasing to the very popular FALSE god Satan, however, who is pleased with all actions of God-rebellion based on belief in LIES. Rather than publicly put forth any more Satan-pleasing, God-hated, spiritually FALSE statements and FALSE claims regarding "Christianity", I would urge you to look up these Scriptures, dwell on them, and take the warnings of them seriously. Also, to spiritually mislead anyone else to their eternal death at Armageddon, due to instructing them with spiritual LIES - to their lasting spiritual harm, to their own rebellion against God - is to INCUR BLOOD GUILT before God, which can cost one their own eternal life also. Instead, begin LISTENING to the scriptural TRUTH about God, Christ, and God's actual scriptural standards - including that God does wholly CONDEMN homosexual sex. Then, with genuine changes - if one genuinely repents and turns around, from such serious violation against God's laws - then one can be "WASHED CLEAN". (1Corinthians 6:11) If you are attending any church teaching THE LIE that homosexual sex is okay or can be a part of homosexual "marriage", DESPITE ALL OF GOD'S OWN HEAVY SCRIPTURAL CONDEMNATIONS and WARNINGS AGAINST THAT, obey God and LEAVE THAT CHURCH IMMEDIATELY, as it is of "BABYLON THE GREAT" - a Satanic FALSE religion, which God is due to wipe-out at any time now, in His righteous hot anger and disgust. (Revelation 18:4,5,8,20-24) Over and out.


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