Saturday, June 22, 2019

UPDATED - What I Just Posted, as a Reply, Under Your "Love is Bigger than Anything in It's Way" (LIBTAIIW) "Fashion" Video

Jehovah the Creator is angry - rightly angry over the humanity-destroying Satanic godless and God-defiant, working and promoting their deadly demonism, which INCLUDES the HOMOSEXUAL and PEDOSEXUAL SEX being mass-media promoted in this video; this GOING AFTER FLESH FOR UNNATURAL PURPOSES, SO AS TO DEFILE IT. (2Peter 2:10; Jude 7) As one of His spiritually true daughters/ friends/worshipers, loyal to His own scriptural words and purposes; it RIGHTLY angers me, too. For understanding the TRUTH - right from God Himself - about these matters, my perspective on these matters is neither BLURRED, confused, malleable, gullible, ignorant, nor misled - and understanding righteous scriptural TRUTH from the Creator on these issues does NOT render one SCARED or IN DOUBT of one's resolved scriptural-moral-spirit of God stance on these issues, but, instead, FEARLESS; and ready to speak-out TRUTH, for the PREVENTION of more evil, harm, and death, that those who stubbornly follow Satan and refuse to listen to God work upon others and are bringing upon themselves. My heart's fine, thanks - the law of God is written upon it, because I let it be  - because I love and trust Him and His words, the truth of which I continually see proven 24/7. I am not a hater, but love Jah and my fellow man/ woman enough to stay STRONG for God's life-vital truth and standards; so that if they finally WANT to listen to the life-helping and life-saving truth of God's words; I can reach my hand (so to say) and pull them UP and OUT of the future-deadly PIT they're in. However, if myself (or other preachers of truth) JOIN those being wicked ones IN the PIT, in compromise of God's truth in any way (as FALSE religious leaders COMMONLY do), then I/ we CAN'T (or would have a very hard time) doing my/our part, as servants of the True God, to actually spiritually HELP our "NEIGHBOR." My soul's been "searched", thanks - tested by fire, so to say, for a long time. Do you really think this world is not HATEFUL/ HOSTILE towards the minority of persons in it who actually understand, live by, preach and teach (unwatered-down to inanity) scriptural truth, despite it being HATED - just like the scriptural prophets and Jesus Christ experienced, and just like both Christ and God warned would be the case, especially during these last of the pre-Armageddon days? The situation is EXACTLY like Jehovah and Jesus prophesied it would be, globally. I'm NOT "pushed over the edge", m'aam. Those of us who understand and preach the Creator's own scriptural truth and warnings to the world, exactly as God and Christ have commanded and purposed be done, with God's holy spirit, are NOT spiritually DECEIVED by Satan's popular LIE propaganda. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20; Ezekiel 3:17-21; 1John 5:19) We are doing the most important work there is - preaching God's life-helping, hope-giving and life-saving truth; and have the strongest force in the universe backing us, in carrying out God' s own known scriptural will. (Isaiah 54:17) Armageddon Day from Jah, followed by His Heaven-based Kingdom being brought down to this earth, as its only Rulership, is soon. (Psalm 37:10,11; Daniel 2:44) The time to get right with God, to learn and do His scriptural will, against the doomed flow of this world in general, is NOW. (John 17:3)


And here comes striking straight against God’s face, and working extreme violation of God-given human rights, en masse, by the Satanic godless/God-defiant - by those of the Romans 1:18-32 grouping of rebels against God (and also by whore-against-God FALSE religious leaders of “Babylon the Great” - Revelation chapters 17 and 18), here largely for the want of scripturally God-forbidden homosexual sex, EXACTLY AS PROPHESIED. (Romans 1:18-32; JUDE 7,10,14-19) Armageddon Day, from a rightly angry Jehovah God is SOON.


[7-9-19] -

K-12 school children in California are now undergoing pornographic, pedophile mental RAPE of their innocent young minds by those of the ANTI-PARENT/ ANTI-GOD, LGBTPedophile/ pro-abortion/ de-population agendist/ satanic godless/ God-defiant movement (Romans 1:18-32; JUDE 7,10,14-19), through demonically evil, moral-less, and depraved "sex education." Parents are not allowed to "opt out" of their children being indoctrinated to demonic, anti-God/ anti-scriptural Sodom and Gomorrhite values and practices. They are being subjected to pornographic and pedophilic mental rape - child abuse - in school, their innocent minds and childhoods being destroyed, the children being perversely sexualized/groomed towards sexual depravity - for the sake of what is basically WORSHIP of Sodom and Gomorrhite values and behaviors. So intensely and obviously evil, corrupt, and bullyish/ abusive is this movement of VIOLATION of the God-given human rights of others (including parental rights over one's own God-given children); extreme INJUSTICES towards parents; and COVETOUS, PREDITORY, and CONTROLLING behavior towards indoctrinating the God-given children of others; that some cities in CA have together even spent 10's of 1000's of taxpayer dollars to hire a firm to train their school personal how to deviously evade parental objection and permission issues. For instance, they coach school personal with verbiage on how to "cover" for students to their parents - and to the state, for the kids not actually being IN school -  so that the students can sneak off to get sex change drugs, abortions, etc. during school hours, without their parents' permission, and without their parents even knowing. Parents, especially religious ones, are painted, by the schools, to their children, as being OBSTACLES - stupid, ignorant, archaic, and non-"progressive." Armageddon Day, from a rightly very angry Creator God, is on its way. "Just a little while longer, and the wicked one will be no more." (Psalm 37:10)


[7-9-19; in answer to a person publicly claiming that this homosexual sex movement and promotion of it is "of God"/ Has God's "blessing", ETC.] -


You do not have ANY RIGHT to so FALSELY name-drop/ invoke "God" here whatsoever, as the expressly ANTI-God, ANTI-scriptural homosexuality/homosexual sex you are publicly promoting here IS IN DIAMETRIC OPPOSITION TO THE KNOWN SCRIPTURAL WILL OF GOD. So your even daring to attach "God" to these DEMONIC teachings, of practices which the Creator God WARNS THAT HE HATES, has destroyed people for in the past; and will be punishing many persons to eternal death for, in the near future is sheer, GROTESQUE BLASPHEMY. Bono and many of his FALSE "Christian" IDOLATER fans, etc. strongly FOUGHT GOD and STILL FIGHT GOD ON THESE ISSUES (or this video wouldn't still be up) - making themselves enemies of God; DISQUALIFIED to speak "for Him" AT ALL. Calling upon/ invoking/ name-dropping your Satan god or demon gods to promote the demonic, Sodom and Gomorrhite homosexual - so hated and condemned by Jehovah the Creator God as it is - would be far more HONEST. But DONT DRAG "God" through the demonism, feces and other FILTH of homosexual sex by PRETENDING/ "selling" that such is approved of by the True Creator God in any way, whatsoever; because, as He has been having TRUE worshipers of His SCRIPTURALLY WARN THE WORLD, God HATES IT, and will soon be bringing His warned-of punishment for it (eternal death, by Him, in His rage), come Armageddon Day, SOON. (JUDE 7; Romans 1:24-32) Do you really want to be BLOOD GUILTY before the True God, for falsifying to the public, that the Creator approves of homosexual sex, as many Jezebellian FALSE "Christian", etc., idolatrous "preachers" of God-doomed "Babylon the Great" (Revelation chapters 17 and 18) have done?????????????


[7-10-19] -

ACHTUNG - I am aware that my reply was censored here again - as scriptural TRUTH DOESN'T  $ELL well - but neither do those who speak it shut-up for the sake of idolatry/ to please others (the many). Be warned: GOD HATES THIS VIDEO and THIS HOMOSEXUAL (pedophile, etc.) SEX AGENDA; and stubborn, GOD-DEFIANT/ DISOBEDIENT practicers/ promoters/ supporters of homosexual sex. To dare make public claims that God approves of or "blesses" homosexual sex/ gay "marriage", etc. in any way is *INEXCUSABLE DEMONIC BLASPHEMY AGAINST HIM*, which is another sin "deserving of death" from Him (Romans 1:32), on His soon-coming Armageddon Day. The homosexual sex agenda/ movement is OF SATAN; and is 100% CONDEMNED BY GOD, AS HE HAS LONG WARNED MANKIND; and is HAVING THE WHOLE WORLD SCRIPTURALLY WARNED NOW - just like He gave His Divine warnings to the wicked before His previous Divine cataclysms. Before the Flood, demons were having unnatural sex with human women. God hated it. These wicked actions also caused the world to be filled with violence and evil. So, He enacted the Great Flood. In Sodom and Gommorah, wicked people went with the same demonic influence to again go after flesh for unnatural use, so as to defile it. That land too became filled with demonic perversion/ homosexual sex/ pedosexual sex, rebellion against God, violence, and general rebellion against God. God gave his last warning to them through Lot. The wicked people fought it; so, early the next day; they existed NO MORE. Jehovah purposely preserved that WARNING LESSON, for down to this day. (JUDE 7) BUT AGAIN - AND AS PROPHESIED - the satanic BAIT has been put out all around, especially in these last of the pre-Armageddon days, for persons to FIGHT GOD, for the sake of SCRIPTURALLY GOD-CONDEMNED HOMOSEXUAL SEX. (ROMANS 1:18-32) The satanic godless/ God-DEFIANT HAVE [FOOLISHLY] AS-IF RE-ESTABLISHED the once God-destroyed SODOM and GOMORRAH, only on a MUCH, MUCH LARGER SCALE; and are INCREASINGLY WARRING AGAINST EVERYTHING SCRIPTURALLY TRUE, RIGHTEOUS, INNOCENT, and OF-GOD (and increasingly VIOLATING THE GOD-GIVEN HUMAN RIGHTS of ACTUALLY GODLY PEOPLE TO DO SO)  - BEGGING FOR THE CREATOR TO UNLEASH HIS ARMAGEDDON DAY AGAINST THE STUBBORNLY WICKED and GOD-INSOLENT UPON THIS EARTH; as HE HAS BEEN WARNING, HE ABSOLUTELY WILL DO, SOON. "Repent and turn around." (Acts 3:19)      THIS IS NOT A REHEARSAL


FALSOS "CRISTÃOS" DIZEM ESTAS PALAVRAS (CLICHES) FORA DO CONTEXTO, é enganoso; mas ao fazê-lo, eles servem a Satanás, não a Deus. Eles violam a Deus e violam JESUS CRISTO - eles violam os mandamentos de Deus e FALHAM para entregar SUA MENSAGEM DE JULGAMENTO E ADVERTÊNCIA JÁ FEITA À ESCRITURA. (Ezequiel 3: 17-21) Se você pertence a uma das falsas religiões de Satanás, de "Babilônia, a Grande", que apóia o mal de tais maneiras; você deve ouvir os avisos de Jeová e DEIXÁ-LO IMEDIATAMENTE. (Apocalipse 18: 4,5)


ITs SUCH A LIE TO THE WORLD THAT U2 "DEFENDS FREEDOM OF SPEECH" , when THEY EMPLOY/ UTILIZE PEOPLE TO CENSOR and BAN IT - when THE SCRIPTURAL WORDS and WARNINGS of JEHOVAH GOD ALMIGHTY HIMSELF DON'T SUIT THEIR ANTI-GOD/ ANTI-SCRIPTURAL/ WILL-of-SATAN-SERVING WORKS/ MASS-MEDIA-ED MESSAGES/ AGENDAS. DISGUSTING. LET GOD DEAL WITH YOU. HE HAS WARNED THAT THOSE WHO ARE GUILTY OF "SUPPRESSING THE TRUTH IN AN UNRIGHTEOUS WAY" ARE "DESERVING OF DEATH" FROM HIM (ROMANS 1:18, 32); and ITS COMING - HIS ARMAGEDDON DAY, ON WHICH HE WILL METE THAT OUT IS SOON. BOW TO YOUR BONO/U2 gODS; and your SATAN and BAAL gods, FOOLS. Jehovah considers those who suppress/ ban HIS own willed scriptural truth and warnings to be tantamount to being murderers. BECAUSE YOU MASS-MEDIA ANTI-GOD, ANTI-SCRIPTURAL, EVIL-SUPPORTING/ PROMOTING, DEADLY and [God-given] HUMAN RIGHT-VIOLATING, SATANIC LIE PROPAGANDA; BUT BAN and CENSOR SCRIPTURAL TRUTH and WARNINGS, YOU ARE BLOOD GUILTY BEFORE GOD. So, DON'T MAKE ANY MORE BLASPHEMOUS FALSE PUBLIC CLAIMS that this promotion of more SODOM and GOMORRAHITE, demonic, God-CONDEMNED HOMOSEXUAL SEX is in ANY WAY "BLESSED BY GOD" or has the 'approval" of HIM in ANY WAY, BECAUSE HE HAS WARNED YOU THAT HE HATES and CONDEMNS IT; and WILL BE BRINGING HIS DIVINE CATACLYSM OF ARMAGEDDON, BECAUSE OF THESE and other SCRIPTURALLY WARNED AGAINST CRIMES AGAINST GOD and HUMANITY, SOON. HOW DOES IT FEEL TO BE GOD-FORSAKEN. The many atheist celebrity "scientists" and their mobs LOOKING FOR LIES AGAINST GOD and HIS SCRIPTURES shout a hee-haw-ed "Hooray" at the thought of being alienated from God, because its Satan, with his false (and future-deadly) "permission" to engage in scripturally God-condemned evil (especially homosexual sex, EXACTLY AS PROPHESIED Romans 1:23-32) LIES THAT THEY WANT (2Timothy 4:3,4). ATHEISM/ godlessness/ God-defiance, the homosexual and pedosexual sex agendas, the sterilization agendas (including upon transsexuals), the abortion/ infanticide and other de-population of unwanted persons-agenda (a genocide of 90% of earths inhabitants is the goal of the Satanic-godless [and evilly-STUPID]; and working crimes against God and humanity, blaspheming and slandering the Creator and His life-vital scriptural words ALL GO HAND IN HAND IN HAND - JUST AS SEEN, EXACTLY AS PROPHESIED, (Romans 1:18-32; JUDE 7,10,14-19) ARMAGEDDON DAY, FROM A VERY RIGHTLY ANGRY GOD, IS VERY SOON. None of your songs really cut it, U2, to express any of these life-vital scriptural truths and urgent warnings. In fact, videos like this, and the censoring against scriptural truth, warnings, and corrective words you/ your "people" have worked, since at least late 2004, have FOUGHT GOD and have misled/ emboldened MANY others to do the same. Satan and his hordes dominate much of mass media; just like they work at least some mind-control - by way of those desired, anti-scriptural, sin and evil-"permissive" lies mentioned. Except for the relatively few (as prophesied) who actually HEED the scriptural words of the Creator, "The whole world is lying in [the power of] the wicked one." (1John 5:19) So, U2 and IDOLATORS/ CENSORERS - how many U2 fans do you want Jehovah the Creator and Universal Sovereign (and His Son, Jesus Christ) to find acceptable, for Armageddon survival, into God's [true] new world here, His heaven-based Kingdom coming down to this earth (as its only Rulership), soon?  (Daniel 2:44) Hint: A false-to-God, U2 concert "church" WON'T SUFFICE. "YES THERE ARE TWO PATHS YOU CAN GO BY".......THERE'S LITTLE TIME TO CHANGE THE ROAD YOUR ON - and where you're PIED-PIPER LEADING/ REINFORCING HOW MANY to go down - the "broad and spacious" road "leading off into destruction". Armageddon Day, from a very angry God, IS SOON.


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