Saturday, October 08, 2005



The spirit of Yahweh does NOT come upon your performances, or upon your crowds there.

A charismatic (false) religious fervor does; and some individuals might feel heart-stirred to consider a better spiritual point of view, but that's it - especially since their interest is quickly repaid with common unscriptural, anti-scriptural, and life-lacking sayings in the name of God-Yahweh and goodwill.

Moreover, being as it is that as of the last concert I attended as an observer, 9-25-05, your operation was STILL showing symbols of paganism and spiritism - false religion and false gods during the singing of Yahweh; it is possible the spirit of another god, namely Satan, was "in the house"/ "walking through the room." He has been known to make situations seem wonderful - for a while.

Also - it is important that you know that Yahweh is NOT BLESSING ANY NATION/ KINGDOM OF MAN at this time. The kingdoms of this world are currently under the control of "the god of this system of things" - who is Satan the Devil. (2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 John 5:19) It is God's intention to dissolve all these man-made and faulty nations; and set up his own heaven-based, just, fully-capable global Kingdom government over the entire planet - soon. (Daniel 2:44) Therefore, whereas saying "God bless America" while showing a large display of the American icon-flag did and will invoke popular cheers from the many; but it is entirely inappropriate request/reference to Yahweh and Jesus Christ. It is an affront to them and their heaven-based Kingdom, which your production [and] has chosen both to ignore and to demote. (Yet, as with the rest of the ecumenalised pseudo-religions of the world, talk of anything religious - so long as IT IS NOT Yahweh-Jehovah and Jesus Christ's scriptural, disciplining TRUTH - is featured for the instant-gratification- feel-good factor of filling inborn human spiritual need with SOMETHING; even if its futureless lies that work against people drawing close to God through his truth like they need to.)

And for the "billionth" time, a cross is a pagan, phallic symbol. When you think about it though, it IS a fitting insignia for all those who claim to "believe in Jesus" and God; but who also conveniently choose to believe that the Bible's standards for sexuality must have been written-in by prudish humans or are otherwise mis-translations and so therefore are optional to obey. In other words, the cross is a fitting marker for sex-worshipers. It still makes God and Christ angry that people associate them with this idol symbol, however. Next time you look at it, think "t", as in ticks-God-and-Jesus Christ-off.

Given the above, it is disturbing to see the word "benediction" used (by your website and other fansites) to describe the end of these shows - with "Yahweh" and "40" (a paraphrase of a section of Psalm 40)....What is going on? Are people so slow??? "Vertigo", often repeated at the end of shows, emphasizes this: Satan's offer to Jesus to give him the glory of all the kingdoms of the world, if he would do just one act of betrayal/disobedience to Yahweh. What did JESUS do?

IF you want to ELEVATE people, you must teach spiritual things ONLY in accordance with God's own scriptural words - there is no other way of lasting benefit. To spiritually mislead people AGAINST God's scriptural messages and AWAY FROM his global congregational arrangement in these last days is working against - hurting the interests of - Christ's brothers yet on earth. Every person will be judged according to how they treat Christ's brothers. (Matthew 25:34-46) If someone works to muddle-up their God-and-Christ commissioned emergency global preaching work with contentious spiritual fallicies, they are in serious trouble with Yahweh and Jesus.
When Armageddon comes on through soon, God is going to remove all opposers to his Kingdom truth and rule, as well as all false prophets, from this earth....

As soon as the whole world gets their chance to hear Yahweh/Jehovah's blessing and warning messages about his incoming global, heaven-based Kingdom; he will have all vestiges of false religion on this earth destroyed. That will quickly be followed by Armageddon itself. THEN all sickness, poverty, war, pain, injustice - and finally even death - will be brought to a PERMANENT and TOTAL END on this earth. Paradise will be restored here, and people truly obedient to Yahweh will live forever here in peace. It will be just like things were meant to be. Finally life will be all good, every day; and this will happen for real, "with or without [whoever]" There is plenty of material for songs and performance within this - and its the only thing that is going to give people hope and help save their lives in the way they need the most. So sing what is true and needed more than anything else.

"Keep on, then, seeking FIRST the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these [OTHER] THINGS will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33)

Sing a new song - a piece of the REAL "new song" !



Anonymous Anonymous said...

r u a JW?
i agree wid u but since jah noe n christ noe, y r u gettin urself worked up over all this? hope u rmb sumtink abt righteous anger...jah does not like it cos it makes his ppl judgemental...i thou oni He has e rite to judge... no offense though..

5:59 AM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Jah's TRUE servants deliver his JUDGMENT and WARNING messages to others as called for, just as commanded in Ezekiel 33:8,9; and by MANY other scriptures by command and principle. TRUE servants of Yahweh/Jehovah do this boldly and fearlessly as God's spirit and angels move them. TRUE SERVANTS DO NOT SHRINK BACK. To any who try to get them to shrink back, they do well to repeat what Jesus Christ said to Peter at one point: "Get behind me, Satan!"

TRUE servants thus DO NOT YIELD TO FEAR OF MAN or to negative "peer" pressure from those who do not understand or appreciate the importance and urgency of preaching God's truth against all of the spiritual lies filling the air of this Satan-run and dying world.

Righteous anger is an attribute of righteousness-loving and injustice-hating TRUE servants of Jehovah. It is a feeling Jehovah also shares and approves of, yet helps his humans servants to handle. In no way does that include inaction or passive silence. It is an attitude that is opposite from that of the half-hearted, slack, cowardly, and spiritually lazy-asleep ones who CLAIM to serve God, but yet who fail to do his will and speak his judgment, warning, and other messages when a situation calls for it.

I do not know who you are, but it is unthinkable that anyone who knows the truth about the life-and-death importance of Jehovah/Yahweh's name being sanctified would criticize someone making this outcry: STOP BLASPHEMING YAHWEH/JEHOVAH'S NAME AND MISREPRESENTING HIM AND JESUS CHRIST TO MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IN THE NAME OF ART, MUSIC, ENTERTAINMENT, POLITICAL LEVERAGE, and $$$ to help with global crises.

When God soon intervenes to destroy every part of Satan's global empire of spiritistic and bloodguilty false religions ("Babylon the Great" - see all of Revelation 17 and 18); everyone still found unrighteously clinging to false religions for ANY reason instead of obeying Yahweh's globally provided messages and cutting ties with those false religions (getting out of them/ withdrawaling membership and spiritual support of them, etc.) will soon die, permanently - either during the "crash" of Babylon the Great or else at Armageddon, which will immediately follow. The mistaught who stay with religious lies and entities will die. Teachers of spiritual falsehoods will die. >>> More people will soon die of loving their own spiritual disease than all of AIDS, malaria, and TB combined. People's only escape is to quickly leave false religion behind (Revelation 18:4,5) and turn to worshiping Jehovah/Yahweh in spirit and truth (John 4:24) - learning about and following his way, doing his will, WITHOUT DELAY.

There is no other way to survive the storm that is rolling in. THIS is the greatest need - this is the most important one, not focusing mainly on the distractions Satan has arranged in his world system to draw attention away from people's greatest need and cutting down the way and purposes of Yahweh and Jesus Christ to the masses ,in order to service such distractions. That is Satan's trap. It detours the many into serving HIM and opposing, ridiculing, and ignoring God and his scriptural messages delivered by his human servants - which teach the ONLY way that will save people's lives and allow them to be part of Jehovah/Yahweh's new world system (his Kingdom), which will soon be set up here on the earth.

My suggestion to you is to learn what God requires of those he will let survive Armageddon, and then get as busy as you can telling others Jehovah/Yahweh's truth and to start obeying God before it is too late. If there's any you care about, hurry up. Have a good day.

3:42 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

Yes, of course I'm a Jehovah (aka Yahweh's) Witness. Who else but one of his own loyal servants would care so much about God's personal name - that it not be blasphemed, profaned, and dragged down into the common mud of false gods, false religions and pseudo-spirituality. No one in Christendom (false Christianity)!!!

They're too busy compromising standards that are rightly God's to set so that they can "get along" - have "peace" - with each other. WHAT A THING TO BUILD "COMMON GROUND" ON: DENIAL OF GOD AS HE IS, WITH HIS TRUTH AND PURPOSES - AS HE SAYS THEY ARE!!! Doesn't it stand to reason that any such "peace" based on falsehood and disregard for the instruction of the Creator himself is doomed to be nothing more than a disasterous sham - an short-lived illusion followed by a backfired failure - a most untrustworthy lie???

Such "peace" is NOT lasting either - since it leaves people's hearts essentially unchanged and untrained to do good and carry on as truly peaceful, unselfish, unharmful, loving individuals.

It is for this same such reason that terrorism continues to be a threat - the people considering it have not individually let their heart and mind be trained - by compelling reason - from Yahweh/Jehovah's own words; which include to "love [their] enemy" and "neighbor" and so be NON-VIOLENT.

On the other hand, MANY so-called "Christians", like the terrorists, ALSO ignore those same commands and principles from God's and Christ's words - choosing instead , in spiritual adultery to God and his will - to "go with the flow" of Satan's world system: The political, commercial, and spiritistic elements of it which are under the Devil's control at this time. So, by disregarding God's laws and doing things such as participating in the wars of the nations, false Christians bring great DISHONOR upon the God they CLAIM to serve. Their hypocrisy causes many thoughtful people to be repelled against the ideas of God, Jesus, and the Bible (at least for some time). False Christians thus have a share in doing the work of the Devil. They may serve the god of this world system - and other men, including themselves - well, but they are failing to do the tougher thing, which is to be rightfully loyal and obedient to the Maker.

So, no combination of false religions or false religionists and politicians is capable of bringing lasting peace and justice to this earth.

God's incoming, heaven-based Kingdom, soon to be set up on earth, WILL bring permanent peace here though. Its citizens will be those who let their hearts be trained to be godly, loving, and righteous. This REAL peace will last forever.

2:51 PM  

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