Monday, May 08, 2006


"There’s only one reason for U2 to put an album out right now - it has to be a monster, a dragon, and this is."

(Quote from Bono to the "Sun", October 7th, 2003 issue)

Think about it.


Blogger Theresa1 said...

This kind of poured out, as an "instant" response back then. (I posted it on's "Zootopia", where I wrote heavily - and much about the value of God's personal name - from November 7, 2001 until they banned me, soon after the new album with the tract called "Yahweh" came out.)

October 10, 2003 -


Wild beast stands
Upon the sands of the sea
Roaring its head off
At you and me.

Sometimes it speaks
So convincingly
That people accept
Even blasphemy.

Even slavery
Of all they are
Their lives, their futures
Their minds and hearts.

As the lies come
And two sides are formed
No one can say
That they were not warned.

The dragon breathes life
Into the beast
Pats it on the back
Gives it authority.

To fool blind minds
Mark and lead them like cattle
Present them as traitors
At Armageddon's battle.

How to escape
The majority's mistake
LISTEN, draw close to Jah
And stay.

Be faithful, be wise
Truth never compromise
Paradise is on its way now
Any day.

(See Revelation chapter 13.)

6:17 AM  

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