Thursday, January 11, 2007

Bono - Do You Really Want God to Kill You as Just Another False Preacher of Christendom (FALSE "Christianity", Which DISOBEYS Christ)?

Are you REALLY going to stand silently by while some [false] "Christian" people now publish your "National Prayer Breakfast" Speech in a book? That speech was FULL of serious HOLES and ERRORS as regards God's will, according to his Scriptures! (The "Willow Creek" one was WORSE!!!)

[If you wanted to preach; you should have been telling all of these people to LEAVE ALL FALSE RELIGIONS BEHIND, to "get out" of them entirely, immediately, on account of God's coming rage and vengeance towards them for misleading the nations with their spiritism and for bloodguilt for "all those who have been slaughtered on the earth." (Revelation 18:4,5,8,23,24) CERTAINLY the materially poor CAN BE HELPED without rallying and reinforcing-supporting the FALSE religions that Yahweh/ Jehovah has already condemned!!! Example: Nehemiah and Daniel both appealed to kings to provide what God and the people were owed; but neither of these men violated God's principles/ "sold out" to any spiritual falsehood to do so.]

You know, I will admit something. I got your Sydney Zoo TV concert CD in the mail for "free." Even though in January 2005, I snapped and tore and yes, even burned every U2 thing I could find - $2000 worth or more, I figure; I've been using this CD as "driving music" lately. Often, I run over your words with my own lyrics.

In "Mysterious Ways," you say "TEACH ME." (Elsewhere, in "Elevation", you say "tell me something true." Well, HOW COME YOU WON'T LISTEN, and HOW COME YOU WON'T BE TAUGHT??? It's been some time...

FOLLOW your own "The Fly" message screens - not the misgiven ones (such as "THE SECRET IS YOURSELF") , but these:




Blogger Theresa1 said...

And if you don't want to "see" and "hear", at least please quit taking other people down with you.

"That is why I speak to them in illustrations, because, LOOKING, they LOOK IN VAIN, and HEARING, they HEAR IN VAIN, neither do they get the sense of it; and toward them the prophecy of Isaiah is having fulfillment, which says, 'By HEARING , you will HEAR BUT BY NO MEANS GET THE SENSE OF IT; and, looking, you will LOOK BUT BY NO MEANS SEE. For the heart of this people has grown unreceptive, and with their ears they have heard without response, and they have shut their eyes; that they may never SEE with their eyes and HEAR with their ears and get the sense of it with their hearts and turn back, and I heal them.'" (Matthew 13:13-15)

3:52 AM  

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