Monday, February 05, 2007

"The Rule has been Disproved/ The Stone, it has been Moved" *

A (slightly edited) excerpt from some comments I wrote & posted elsewhere, as part of a response to an opposer. RE: U2's "Window in the Skies" * -

The JUDGMENT of God is that the RULE of Satan's world system/ Satan-and-human RULE/ has been DISPROVED as being ADEQUATE, RIGHTEOUS, or LIFE-SUSTAINING. The world is a dying ruin of injustice apart from the God-rule most people have rejected.

"THE STONE, IT HAS BEEN MOVED." What thought comes to mind - perhaps the stone being moved away from the tomb where Jesus once laid? Perhaps, but Jesus has been VERY active and has been doing much since then to carry out God's purposes.

There is ANOTHER "STONE" that needs to paid attention to. It is the large one "not cut by hands", cut from the mountain representing Jehovah's Sovereignty, and barrelling through the air at this time, getting closer and closer by the moment to IMPACT at that which represents all of the unjust rulerships that have been tried by men apart from God-rule.

When this stone soon "hits", the entire world system - ALL of the "kingdoms" of men, which have ALL proved to be deficient and injurious to humans in God's eyes - will be Divinely "crushed", and be brought to an "end." (See Daniel 2:34,35,44,45)

That will be Armageddon. (Also see Revelation 19:11-21.) It is soon. (Remember that God will destroy Satan's entire world empire of all FALSE religions even before that time, and that those found still spiritually supporting them will suffer punishment/ death from God along with them. (Revelation Chapters 17 and 18)

Many need to become "WIDE AWAKE" - for real - and FAST. (1Thessalonians 5:6; Luke 21:36; 1Corinthians 16:13; Revelation 16:15)


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