Sunday, January 14, 2007

(A Work in Progress) Further Response to Bono's "National Prayer Breakfast" Speech and Hopefully NOT Upcoming Book Based on That ("On the Move")

Please see the previous posts and their comments too.

Here I'm just transferring (my own, slightly edited here) comment segments from another site where a video of Bono's "National Prayer Breakfast" speech is posted. (NOTE: THERE IS MUCH MORE TO SAY.)

Babble On

Pray, pray, pray, pray
But Jah's not listening
To you.

Feel you've got
All god-bases covered
But you're not worshiping
The One that's True.

The actual "year of jubilee" was part of a total system of Divine laws for the Israelites, when they were God's people. In that system, it worked. This world as a whole isn't currently operating under God-rule. Oppositely, Satan is now running the world system, and, as God says at 1John 5:19, most people are under his influence.

The principles of helping neighbors, especially spiritual brothers who have become poor remains, however. Individuals, including "kings", are commanded to do what they can to follow this and ALL of God's principles; and those that do obey him will have his favor - including for continued life. Until Armageddon removes wicked forces - both human and spirit - from this earth though, trouble will continue to divert trust and resources from where they should be going.

Both Isaiah 61 and Jesus' repetition of those words in Luke 4:16-19 referred to releasing the SPIRITUALLY POOR, the SPIRITUALLY CAPTIVE; and restoring SPIRITUAL vision. That was needed, because people were spiritually starved and spiritually (and even physically) oppressed by false religionists/ false religious leaders. The "good news" Jesus spoke of was news of Jehovah's own heaven-based kingdom, of which he, Jesus, would be the appointed King.

Jesus made it clear again and again that his FIRST PRIORITY was to PREACH GOD'S TRUTH to this world - and he passed that on for those that would be his true disciples to follow. (Matthew 28:19,20) Jesus could have easily ended all poverty and cured all sickness, etc., when he was alive on earth - if it was his Father's will, and if God had let him have the power to do so. But it wasn't TIME to bring that CHANGE, YET -

The ISSUES OF UNIVERSAL SOVEREIGNTY [do God's intelligent creatures need him to rule/ is God the rightful ruler of the universe], and of WHO WOULD BE LOYAL TO GOD were still being settled. It would take until "the time of the end" for man to run through every type of political experiment and "rule" he could think of - and see that none of them work. With "globalization", that should be clear to all...

Also, however, the preaching of THE "GOOD NEWS" (God through) Isaiah and Jesus spoke of is now being completed, "in all the inhabited earth." (Matthew 24:14)Everyone alive is getting to make THEIR CHOICE OF LOYALTY: Will they listen to God's "voice" through his Scriptures, learn more, OBEY God, and put their TRUST and HOPE in his plans/purposes - OR - ...

OR - will they instead continue to listen to, follow, and put their trust and hope in whatever God-alienated propaganda limited, God-disregarding mankind and/or deceptive demons decide to promote next as what will "save" the world? If any PLAN to "do good" or bring "peace", etc. asks or demands of people to break their loyalty to God - to DISREGARD his stated purposes or to DISOBEY his commands or principles - Satan's spirit is ultimately behind it, and it is a deadly spiritual trap.

...Just like in the Vertigo song where it alluded to Satan's offer to Jesus - to give him all the kingdoms of the world - even then under demonic manipulation - and the "glory" of them, if Jesus would just do ONE ACT of DISLOYALTY/DISOBEDIENCE to Jehovah his Father: "ALL OF THIS, ALL OF THIS CAN BE YOURS [repeat]/JUST GIVE ME >>>WHAT I WANT, AND NO ONE GETS HURT"...

...But it was a lie-trap for permanent death then; and it is now for people as well, in these "critical times hard to deal with" (2Timothy 3:1), right before Armageddon. Satan chose to come at Jesus with this offer when he was in a weaker state, fasting; and he is really coming after people now, in this short time left, when there is so much turmoil in this world - i.e., "the anguish of nations, not knowing the way out" (Revelation 12:12;Luke 21:25)...

People need to COPY JESUS'RESPONSE: He told Satan with his "offer" to "GO AWAY." (See Matthew 4:8-10) All the fulfilled Biblical prophesies indicate that God's Day of justice, his Armageddon, is very soon. Immediately before that, he will bring his Divine retribution/vengeance upon the spiritistic and blood-guilty global empire of all FALSE religions; especially Christendom (false "Christianity"), for defaming not only him, but also the name of his Son.(Revelation 17 and 18)

That is why God is now having everyone so urgently warned to "Get out" of all false religions now - TO CUT ALL TIES WITH THEM (RATHER THAN FORM ALLIANCES WITH THEM)!!! (Revelation 18:4,5) After God, using Divine intervention, soon causes Satan's entire global empire of all false religions to suddenly crash; he will then enact Armageddon itself...

He will send Jesus as Commander-in-Chief with his heavenly spirit creature-ONLY army to "crush and put an end to ALL these kingdoms" (of human rule - see Daniel 2:44); and to remove all fairly forewarned persons choosing to oppose God-rule in their lives. (2Thessalonians 1:8; Revelation 19:11-21)...

After Armageddon, God will extend HIS REAL Kingdom down from heaven to this earth, to encompass it wholly. It will be a PERFECT global government, headed by his appointed King, his perfect, just, wise and loving Son. With God's power, he WILL carry out his Father's will for this earth: It WILL become a place of NO MORE SICKNESS, NO MORE POVERTY, NO MORE WAR, even no more tears, etc. (Revelation 21:3,4; Psalm 37:11; 72:7-16; Isaiah 25:6-8; 33:24; 65:17-25)...

"Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, ON EARTH as it is in heaven" - yes, THIS is what that means. (Compare Matthew 6:10) Earth will become a peaceful paradise, a global Eden, just like Jehovah purposed...

The 1000 years after Armageddon WILL BE THE TIME OF "JUBILEE" for those who will live on earth then, foreshadowed by the freeing 50th-year jubilees celebrated by the Israelites, and as the final fulfillment of Isaiah and Jesus' above-mentioned prophesies alluding to those jubilee-year celebrations...

During these 1000 years, Jesus will utilize the value of the Ransom he paid to undo the effects of sin upon faithful and grateful humankind: They will become fully healed spiritually and physically - they will lose their inherited sinful tendency as well as physical imperfections...

During this 1000 year Jubilee, humankind will be fully restored and SET FREE FROM SLAVERY TO SIN AND DEATH. This will come to be: The creation itself also WILL BE SET FREE FROM ENSLAVEMENT to corruption and have the GLORIOUS FREEDOM of the children of God." (Romans 8:21)

Being faithful and obedient to God does NOT preclude working to help the poor materially now - but it does put this in its order of priority, which is NOT top place: FIRST PLACE goes to spiritual needs - taking in AND SHARING the "bread" and "water" of life, God's words; and keeping integrity to Jehovah, obeying him. (John 17:3; Matthew 4:4; Revelation 22:17)

"Keep on, then, seeking FIRST the KINGDOM [of God] and his righteousness, and ALL THESE [OTHER] THINGS WILL BE ADDED TO YOU." (Matthew 6:33) IT IS RIGHTEOUS TO WORK TO HELP THE POOR AND TO FEEL FOR THEM (and to pray for God's Kingdom to come SOON to truly END poverty). (Psalm 41:1; 112:9; Proverbs 22:9; Galatians 2:10; 6:10; James 2:15,16; the examples of Jesus feeding people, and more)...

But BEWARE of Satan's baited lie-trap that the "glory" of the nations can be delivered - and poverty so "ended" - if even just an act of worship is done for him...

...This could be anything such as joining or recommending to others to join forces with false religions to help the poor; or putting or teaching trust for the salvation of mankind in a global political system which is demon-manuveured; or making or upholding any institution of man as an idol in place of God Almighty with his given purposes; or doing anything to blaspheme his personal holy name with any sort of idolatry or spiritism (see Exodus 20:1-7)...

If anyone's done anything like that, they need to take it before God Almighty in prayer, beg his forgiveness, leave off doing any more wrong thing, and make what reparations they can towards God's interests.(See Acts 3:19)

Armageddon's nearly here. Unrighteous opposers of God will be removed from the earth. THEN, Jesus, as Jehovah's Prince of Peace, will use God's power TO END ALL POVERTY AND SICKNESS. etc. Please learn about and obey Jehovah's words, so as to be able to be here then to see this happen.

P.S. As for God "watching the back" of countries, NO. In Isaiah 58:8, God is speaking to his own nation of holy-covenanted people; telling them that if they would follow his admonition to treat poor ones well, to not crush or defraud them - to exercise justice in these ways - he would be their "rear guard", he would protect them. His former "people" did NOT do this, however; and they broke his covenant in other ways too - so he left off working with them as a whole...

He began working with a NEW SPIRITUAL NATION under the headship of his Son Jesus Christ instead. Those of this SPIRITUAL NATION DO OBEY God's commands and principles, including to take care of the poor as per Galatians 6:10 and more. So, Jehovah is with this global SPIRITUAL NATION - and has proven and promises to be its "rear guard"...

God invites individuals of all
sorts, be they poor men or "kings," to "draw close to him", learn his scriptural purposes and requirements, repent and turn around so as to get their sins blotted out, and serve/worship him "with spirit and truth" with his one global congregation of his own-named people. (1Timothy 2:1-4; Psalm 2:10-12; James 4:8; Acts 3:19; John 4:24; Ephesians 4:3-6; Isaiah 43:5-10)...

Then THEY can be part of his SPIRITUAL NATION, and he will be their "rear guard" - he will "watch [their] back" - too. He will do that spiritually now; he will protect them during Armageddon; and in his new world system here, he can grant them eternal life with TRUE peace and security - they won't need to be "guarded" from harm from anyone anymore. (Micah 4:4)

In contrast, however, God does NOT BACK ANY of the physical-political nations (countries/kingdoms) of this Satan-run world system today, nor will he. Oppositely, HE is planning to dissolve - with the Divine intervention of his Armageddon - ALL of the man-made countries and "kingdoms" that now exist; and to then establish his own perfect HEAVEN-BASED Kingdom of peace as the ONLY rulership for this earth. (Daniel 2:44; Isaiah 9:6,7)

(I wrote more responses to points made in this speech - you can find them under my "profile" comments, dated September 20, and numbered backwards from 14 down to 1.)

For Those with Respect for God's Words and Spirit, I've left more messages for you under my profile comments headed with that. (I'm not going to post responses to the person who has stepped in here to harrass, slander, deride, etc. - the "usual".) Thank you.

[Profile Comments]
September 20, 2006
Re: The Bono Speech(es)

1.)God is NOT "with the poor" ones of the earth in the way of dwelling with them "in the slums", or inside of them - or any other persons - his dwelling place is in the heavens. (Matthew 6:9) Even from that vantage point, however, he sees everything that is going on right down to reading the hearts and minds each human, at his will. There is nothing hidden. He also sends his power from there to carry out his purposes; to strengthen, comfort, and guide individuals seeking to know him and do his will, etc.

September 20, 2006
2.)The "poor" spoken of in Matthew 25:35,36 are NOT the poor ones of the earth in general. In the context of Matthew 25:31-46, these are specifically Christ's "BROTHERS" (see verse 25:40). Christ's "BROTHERS" are not even his disciples in general; but are his loyal followers who are ALSO fellow spirit-anointed co-heirs of God's kingdom in the heavens - Abraham's spiritual "seed", including humans adopted by God to be his spiritual sons and so also Christ's "brothers." (Luke 12:32; 22:28-30; Galatians 3:26,29; 4:6,7; Romans 8:15-17; Daniel 7:27; Exodus 19:6; Revelation 1:6; 5:9-10; 20:6) Those still on earth take the lead here in the God-and-Christ-commanded global preaching work of Matthew 24:14. It is NOT actual food or clothing, for the most part, that Christ's brothers need today: It is spiritual support for what they do.

September 20, 2006
3.) All humans are being pre-separated for judgment now ACCORDING TO HOW THEY TREAT CHRIST'S BROTHERS. Those that treat them well are sheep-like - and they pursue meeting God's requirements to please him and to live past Armageddon. Those who are goat-like, however, oppose and/ or fight Jehovah and Jesus Christ's messages that are being delivered by Christ's brothers and their earth-futured, also faithful to God and Christ, spiritual companions. By opposing/ fighting against/working against these God-authorized messengers bearing his scriptural blessing/ warning messages, people MISTREAT Christ's brothers. They are, therefore, causing themselves to be pre-separated towards destruction. Come Armageddon, humans alive on earth found not "knowing God" and not OBEYING "the good news" - his scriptural requirements, as globally warned/implored to by Jehovah's messengers will die. (2Thessalonians 1:8)

September 20, 2006
4.) During Christ's 1000-year reign after Armageddon, people who died before Armageddon, both the "righteous and the unrighteous" will be resurrected back to life on earth. "New scrolls" of instructions for humankind will be provided by God then. (Revelation 20:12) Naturally, they would be consistent with God's words that we have now, since God doesn't change his principles. People, including those resurrected, will need to learn and obey what is written in those scrolls. At the end of the 1000 years, when mankind has been Divinely instructed and brought back to physical and mental perfection, there will be a final test: THIS IS, EXACTLY, THE JUDGING DONE BY CHRIST REFERRED TO IN MATTHEW 25.

September 20, 2006
5.) Satan and his demons will be loosed from the abyss where they will have been locked up since Armageddon, and they will be allowed to briefly test the integrity of all people then alive. Some, despite all that has occurred, will still, amazingly, choose to follow Satan's rebellion. At that point, these stubborn "goats" will be separated-off and done away with, along with Satan and his demons, FOREVER. The "sheep" however, persons who humbly, gratefully, and rightfully submit to the loving shepherd-persons of Jehovah and Christ, will have the joy of having been found loyal and true to God and his Son - and they will have the freedom of eternal life and blissful paradise-living conditions opened up before them.

September 20, 2006
6.) They will have perfect human minds and bodies, just like Adam and Eve had. They will have FOREVER to learn, explore, create and do wonderful, good things even beyond our imagination now. We will be thankful to Jehovah and Jesus Christ. We will be joyful to our God, and praise and serve him forever. This is the future. This is what God purposes, blesses, and will bless. Work along with and FOLLOW this - what God's own words teach as his will.

September 20, 2006
7.) Christ's judgment of the sheep and the goats, however, should not be CONFUSED with THE JUDGMENT/ CONDEMNATION and WARNING MESSAGES he, as God's primary spokesman, and also other prophets and servants of the True God have passed on to humankind - right from God's words/ Scriptures, as per God's will. (See Ezekiel 33:8,9) Christ, while on earth, let people know that they needed to pay attention to "every utterance coming forth from Jehovah's mouth" - that it would mean life to them. (Matthew 4:4) Jesus himself made a point of speaking directly on the subject of morality, etc., as well as referring to his Father's already penned-down inspired words regarding such things; even prefacing them with "it is written", "did you not read", etc.

September 20, 2006
8.) And Christ did not speak of his own originality either. As Jesus stated, the concepts he spoke of and taught originated with his Father. Jesus was "in union" with his Father in viewpoint and purpose; so Jesus and Jehovah would have been in total agreement on God's MORAL and other standards. (John 14:10) After Jesus left earth, his apostles continued to speak God's words - so Jesus would have, of course, also agreed with everything Paul and the others noted as Divinely-inspired instruction on the subjects of morality, etc.

September 20, 2006
9.) That would have included the statement that "MEN WHO LIE WITH MEN" will NOT inherit God's kingdom (1Corinthians 6:9-10); plus every other command and principle judging and condemning homosexuality and other ungodly behavior, as in Romans 1:26-32 (also see 1:18-25) and Jude 7-19. At the end of the verses in Romans, at 1:32, God's words read, " Although these know full well the righteous decree of God, that those practicing such things are DESERVING OF DEATH, they not only keep on doing them BUT ALSO CONSENT WITH THOSE PRACTICING THEM. (They get support for their badness from other people who disregard what God says.)

September 20, 2006
10.) Revelation 1:1,2 states directly that the words of this book were transmitted through Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:15 polishes off the subject of fornication - of which homosexuality is a type - and other anti-godliness with this: Happy are those that wash their robes , that authority to go to the trees of life may be theirs and that they may gain entrance into the city by its gates. Outside are the dogs and THOSE WHO PRACTICE SPIRITISM, AND THE FORNICATORS and the MURDERERS and the IDOLATERS and EVERYONE LIKING AND CARRYING ON A LIE."

Why, oh why not just take up and teach God's own viewpoint - which is right, beneficial, peaceful, hopeful, and the way to life - like he says?

September 20, 2006
11.) So, persons wanting to "help the poor" - to follow that principle of God - might "join together" under one banner to do this with various false religionists and those practicing what God condemns, such as idolatry, spiritism, and homosexuality; they might be "singing off the same hymn sheet", doing some big work together, even that brings some humanitarian relief, in "the name of God"; but still, how would him and Christ feel about it, overall? Would God "listen" to such a song? Let Christ answer this here: "Many will say to me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and PERFORM MANY POWERFUL WORKS IN YOUR NAME?' And yet I will confess to them: I never knew you! GET AWAY FROM ME, YOU WORKERS OF LAWLESSNESS." (Matthew 7:22,23)

September 20, 2006
12.) As for your quote, "All over the world, seeing the self-righteous roll down like a mighty stream from certain corners of the religious establishment", Bono, did not you yourself have an inkling about the ones of whom GOD SAID, "their righteousness is from me" (Isaiah 54:17) - the ones coming on like a streaming band of "locusts", and then also those joining them, like a spiritual "cavalry" in the time of a darkened "sun", in this time of "the end of the world"? (Compare Revelation Chapter 9.)

After all, you wrote this: "There's an insect in your ear/ If you scratch it won't disappear./ It's gonna itch and burn and sting/ You want to see what the scratching brings...I'm not the only one/ Staring at the sun..."

If you truly want something brighter and to help direct others in the way in which they should go, please FOLLOW what Jehovah/Yahweh has said.

September 25, 2006

Profile Comment #13 about Bono's "prayer breakfast" speech -

The face-offs between Pharoah and Moses were MORE than about "equality" between the Hebrew slaves and other humans. They were about SOVEREIGNTY.

The Pharaoh was regarded as a god, and apparently, he felt he was one himself too - a god on the same level or greater than Yahweh/Jehovah.

What Moses came to Pharoah with was a direct message from the Creator - to let his people go, for the purpose of worshiping him.

Pharoah's arrogant response was: "WHO IS JEHOVAH, so that I should OBEY HIS VOICE to send Israel away? I do not know Jehovah at all and, what is more, I am not going to send Israel away." (Exodus 5:2) ...

September 25, 2006
Profile Comment #14, re: Bono's "prayer breakfast" speech -

Further, Pharaoh and those with him intensified persecution upon the Israelites, whom they were already oppressing/ killing, on account of them crying out that they wanted to go away to worship Jehovah/Yahweh.

So this was a contest for the godship of these people.

Pharaoh lost.

That is a precedent/ lesson to remember now.


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