Saturday, January 13, 2007

Hey Bono - Your "National Prayer Breakfast" Speech was Too DEAD WRONG - and People Following that Counsel Will Soon be Killed by God

I thought it was a group of false Christians that was putting out the book, "On the Move", based on your "National Prayer Breakfast" speech (see previous post), but that book has YOUR name on it as author!


"The one thing, on which we can all agree, is that God is with the vulnerable and poor. God is in the slums and in the cardboard boxes where the poor play house. God is in the debris of wasted opportunity and lives, and God is with us if we are with them. 6,500 Africans are still dying every day of a preventable, treatable disease, for lack of drugs we can buy at any drug store. This is not about charity, this is about Justice and Equality." --Bono

1.) God is NOT "in the slums...debris", etc. Jehovah RESIDES IN THE HEAVENS. From there, he sees and hears everything, even reading people's hearts and minds.

2.) A HUGE, DEADLY-MISLEADING FALSEHOOD: Jehovah will NOT /"BE WITH"/ PEOPLE JUST BECAUSE THEY /"ARE WITH THE POOR"/. This (very Catholic - I WAS Catholic) ANTI-SCRIPTURAL TEACHING IS YOUR MASSIVE SHIP'S FATAL HOLE IN THE HULL. (I think it scraped across an iceberg with "lunch with the Devil" carved across it.)

God will >>> ONLY <<< "BE WITH" people who


>>> ALL <<< OF HIS PURPOSELY GIVEN BIBLICAL INSTRUCTIONS! People MUST OBEY God in order to have a viable relationship with him and Christ; and in order to survive Armageddon to be part of the REAL (heaven-based, global, Christ-overseen) Divine Kingdom coming to this earth.

You have a HUGE following.

There are those praising and craving YOUR SPIRITUAL LEADERSHIP because YOU (like many leaders of CHRISTENDOM - which is disobedient/apostate-to-God-and-Christ, nominal, FALSE "Christianity") do NOT condemn what GOD DOES. So, these people feel MORE COMFORTABLE - more satisfied/ "fulfilled"- listening to YOU than the desire-disciplining words of God Almighty and his Son. Jehovah and Jesus have already judged and condemned homosexuality, immorality, spiritism and idolatry - and any sort of FALSE religious affiliation - as harmful, unrighteous, and punishable by death at God's coming sudden crash of "Babylon the Great" (Satan's world empire of all FALSE religions) or God's Day of Wrath (Armageddon) itself.

In fact, not only have you NOT WARNED the millions you've preached to that God does indeed condemn these sins, and will be executing people for practicing or approving of such things soon; but your words and actions have actually promoted these spiritual crimes as inconsequential. You have instead put all focus on providing materially for the materially poor.

On at least two websites right now, there are burning (death row for Armageddon) examples of what has resulted, which scream to be pointed out:

On the FALSE"Christianity-based atu2 site (indeed, I was banned there some time ago), you can find a gay person speaking of HOW GLAD THEY ARE are that you "straightened out" all those "spiritual leaders" at the Willow Creek conference - teaching them, basically, that God doesn't have a problem with homosexuals; but is INSTEAD concerned/judgmental over whether or not people care for the materially poor, sick, and hungry.

(That speech was made to THOUSANDS of "ministers" of Christendom [FALSE "Christianity"which picks and chooses which commands of Christ they wish to follow according to the pressures and desires of the day]. These, in turn, are able to get a DVD copy of this speech to "instruct" their congregations. BTW, a requirement for belonging to the Willow Creek Association of religious leaders is that such persons must subscribe to upholding the pagan-spiritistic triune mystery godhead (the trinity) in their teachings/creeds. This alone disqualifies these "ministers" and their congregations from receiving the True God's spiritual blessings upon their worship to begin with. )

Another glaring example is on another very popular general site, whose name I won't mention. There speaks the most God-rebellious 20-ish year old I have ever non-personally had the anguish of dealing with (I simply do not address this person now). In between making foolish and extremely slanderous and profane (even demonic/ Hitler-Nazi style hate propaganda) remarks against Jehovah, Jesus Christ, God's biblical standards, and Jehovah's people; this person has boasted of their homosexual desires. (Compare the book of Jude; Romans 1:18-32) This person apparently has found a "home" in the church of Bono/U2 - Bono/U2 philosophy: Despite all of their spiritually criminal activity; this person displays a sizable ad for the "One" Campaign on their personal webspace; and, after being obscene and defaming God Almighty, encourages people to be sure to join that Campaign (which includes both false religious AND atheistic/agnostice/ "humanist" persons and organizations).

Before the REAL (NOT the man-made, Satan-promoted counterfeit) Kingdom of God is set up over the planet to TRULY END poverty, sickness, hunger, war, and other injustices; God will FIRST be removing all opposers of HIS OWN scriptural, righteous standards from this earth (and from existence entirely). So the whole world is being warned now. (Matthew 24:14; Ezekiel 3:17-21) Will people do all that God says they need to, to live, according to these Divinely-willed messages - or will they turn instead to a trendier, sensually-musically advertised way, which may "tickle their ears" more and offer them a morally looser, less obligatory/less accountable-to-God lifestyle, a way to be "Buying the heaven."

[Note: Scripturally, even most faithful true servants of God will never go to heaven - out reward will be here in a paradise, Eden-like, new world system of peace as per God's promised arrangements.]

Please "stop the presses", Bono. You need to, and you can.

The book has a picture of a needy child on the cover. Who wouldn't want to help them. But this is not the way, to do so via spiritual corruption. Do not create/ share in creating conditions that would be worse than starving/thirsting to death or dying of tears or AIDS for these people and others empathizing with them/ seeking a way to help them. Do not do what is even more permanently destructive of your "neighbor" than dropping A-bombs. STOP spreading spiritual disease/ false religion/ anti-Word-of-Life philosophies for the sake of material quick-fixes; which will soon result in PERMANENT loss of life for people, rich or poor, sick or healthy - with no hope of existing anywhere, ever again. (Is that what you would wish for the child on the cover - to give them water, food, medicine - and a "millstone around their neck"?)

To go this route and recommend it to millions is a deadly Satanic spiritual trap for you; your millions of "fans" of all sorts; and for those poor persons now unfairly suffering SO much, should they put their faith and trust in false religions-come-to-"rescue"-them too. THERE ARE OTHER SCRIPTURALLY LEGITIMATE WAYS TO HELP THESE PEOPLE NOW, while waiting for Jehovah to set up his own global, heaven-based Kingdom government under his Son on this earth to TRULY END all of this tragedy and pain. There are ways to help OTHER than acting as one of the "kings of the earth" romancing - or "traveling merchants" recommending - "Babylon the Great", the spiritually adulterous, Satan-baited conglomeration of all of the world's false religions - which Jehovah is fully warning everyone to "Get out of" and away from NOW before he levels them with his rightfully angry vengeance.

Revelation 18, please
13, 16 too
Do not turn away this time
These things involve YOU (2).


Blogger Theresa1 said...

To Anonymous:

Christ's "brothers" referred to in Matthew 25:34-46 ARE NOT THE "POOR" OF THE WORLD in general. Instead, they are faithful human disciples of God's Son Jesus that have been adopted as spiritual sons by Jehovah. They are the spiritual children of God the Father and his wife-like heavenly organization of spirit beings called heavenly Zion/ Jerusalem.

As Christ's "brothers", they will be co-rulers with him in the kingdom of the heavens. They will die and be born again with spirit bodies (born again) so that they can live with him in the heavens. They will leave all things on earth behind so as to do so. They feel certain that this is their calling, and now their natural place/future. They will help Christ administer his 1000-year rule over the "great crowd" of other faithful worshipers of Jehovah and disciples of Jesus Christ who will "inherit the earth."

Christ's "brothers" are the "holy ones"/ "anointed" ones of God. They are the "little flock", the "144,000" of Revelation (in contrast to the "other sheep, who are not of this fold", the "great crowd, which no man was able to number"). [Together, the "little flock" and greater number of "other sheep" worship Jehovah together as one flock, with one Shepherd.]

Christ's brothers are all dedicated, water-baptized, and then spirit-anointed/baptized persons. There are only a remnant of them left on earth at the end of this world system now - only 8758 of them globally, as of last April, 2006. All of them are Jehovah's Witnesses.

However people treat these persons is how they are judged as treating Jesus Christ. What Christ's brothers want the most now is help in spreading Jehovah's TRUE scriptural warning and blessing messages of his heaven-based kingdom, soon to be set up as the only rulership for this earth. (Matthew 24:14; 28:19,20)

Those who are their paradise-on-earth-futured, faithful fellow worshipers of Jehovah - also their spiritual brothers and sisters - share with them in preaching the good news of God's kingdom to this world, and also help deliver God's scriptural warning messages of what he himself has already judged and condemned as unrighteous and punishable by death by Armageddon. (Ezekiel 33:8,9)

Thus, when other persons teach what is anti-scriptural, CONTRARY to the God-commissioned preaching work headed by Christ's brothers and shared in by their companions, they mistreat Christ's brothers. The more defiant they are in this, the more they mistreat Christ's brothers. The many who openly fight against the God-willed scriptural preaching work done by Jehovah's Witnesses are fighting against God, Jesus Christ, Christ's brothers and Christ's disciples; and those who carry this on, despite warning, and into persecuting Christ's brothers and their fellow worshiper of Jehovah companions range into those who sin against God's holy spirit. Those who mistreat/ make trouble for Jehovah God's loyal and obedient servants - Christ's "brothers" or their companions - bearing His scriptural messages will be judged worthy of destruction by God and Christ at Armageddon, which will be soon. (2Thessalonians 1:6-8)

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did you not post my earlier comments, which include a link to Bono's Remarks to the National Prayer Breakfast and a link to a U2 quiz?

I would assume anyone who hosts a blog would welcome a variety of viewpoints.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Theresa1 said...

You will find THIS blog to be different. It is in support of one perspective only, and that is the scriptural perspective taught by Almighty God.

Any contrary "viewpoints" are not viable alternatives to the Creator's truth; which people need to learn and obey - both to rightly honor God, on his own terms; and to meet God's requirements for survival past Armageddon, to be included in his peaceful new world system here.

There are countless other places that host meanderings and exchanges of opinions of men regarding spiritual issues. They are basically overridden by those who want "anything but the truth" from God's own words - all of them, that is.

I have been banned from "zootopia" at,,, and some other music-related sites where spiritual issues raised by u2 were brought up, but the protests of fervant Bono/u2-worshipers and various false religionists/ spiritists won out. (Oh well - I wrote songs about it, just got stronger, and kept on going.)

I was banned/blocked/deleted from all of these places for teaching and defending God's scriptural truth, in needed strength, against spiritual lies (including slander attacks, etc.), apathy, mockery, and haughty disdain favored by the spiritually dying majority.

I experienced Jehovah's words through the prophets and Jesus coming true: Ridiculers and slanderers - predicted for these "last days" - came out of the woodwork to show their hatred for God's words; and their behavior and written thoughts matched what God, in his words, said would be typical of such persons.

"The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one" (1John 5:19); "the ruler of the authority of the air, the spirit that now operates in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2) - Satan - "who has blinded the minds of the unbelievers." (2Corinthians 4:4)

"The world is fond of what is its own." (John 15:19)

If you want to, you can go discuss Bono's prayer breakfast speech with the millions who ate it up like scrambled eggs with Babylon sauce - or, more fittingly, green eggs and ham from Bono-Sam I AM (which is another important bone to pick). There, many will swoon and nod their heads at you over cups of wormwood tea.

But I know the lifesaving importance of using water from a different source. I've gotten to offer the water and bread of life
of Jehovah's words to those who urgently need to hear it; and in particular, those who appreciate ties between spirituality and songs: They need to learn the difference between what is good, wholesome, beneficial and true as compared to what is manipulative and misleading towards what is spiritually false, wicked, and death-futured.

So this is what I've done, this is what I do - and not just here or online (or about U2) either:

"Everywhere [I] go, I shout it/ [I] don't have to be shy about it." ("OOTS", U2)

I hope you come to learn the truth and feel similarly about upholding God's own words and standards above all - out of loyalty to your Maker and love and concern for even the everlasting well-being of your fellow man.

(P.S. I've written segments of rebuttal to Bono's prayer breakfast speech already - under a video of that speech, elsewhere. I might transfer those remarks to here, and eventually add a bit more.)

5:10 AM  

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