Saturday, September 29, 2007


Then OPEN your mouth, please, about what matters MOST:

It is GUT- WRETCHING and enraging to read of how your "fans"

Desecrate Yahweh's holy name;

How atheists and other spiritistic persons

Work their manipulation, deception, and vain, boastful rebellion

To demonistically TRAMPLE the personal, holy name of God himself

And to try to convince others that it is no big deal if they do so;

That the most HOLY name of God, Yahweh [Jehovah] himself is really of no importance

In your song named "Yahweh",

That it is not too hard for an athiest, etc. to disregard it

As a distasteful element in an otherwise pleasant song.

Also, see how the "godless" ones then take advantage

Of shamefully spiritually inebriated-on-lies FALSE "Christians" and other FALSE religionists

Lacking soul-devotion to their own Maker, and being more concerned about pleasing other humans than pleasing God; rather than defending Jehovah-Yahweh whatsoever and teaching badly needed warning, life-saving scriptural truth; FALSE "Christians" can yet again be seen spiritually adulterating themselves to the "godless" ones, and aquiescing to at least common APATHETIC DENIAL along withthe godless ones as to the importance of God's own personal holy name, to APPEASE the "godless" ones in their INEXCUSABLE goal of VIOLATING the ultimately sacred name of God himself.

Since you, in your "leadership" have taught your throngs (millions)

Casual mass-blasphemy, apathy, disregard, etc. towards God himself,

Setting the example you have;

Do you suppose you could find space in your days

Of trying to "work" the political, commercial, and false religious elements of what is currently Satan's world system

(That Jehovah-Yahweh will soon crush and bring to an end to anyway - Daniel 2:44)

To reprimand/counsel/warn your "fans"

That soon, those Yahweh-Jehovah finds blaspheming him,

Approving of the blasphemy of Him,

Or disobeying, disregarding, or disrespecting Him in other ways

Will, by rightful, Divine justice, be killed by this God Jehovah-Yahweh

And will never be allowed to exist again?


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